Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 108 Liu Chan Nanganbu Village

Bai Tianyang stared blankly at the place where Meng Tian disappeared, and sighed in his heart: Could it be that in this game, Meng Tian is set to be unable to escape from the underworld, and even if he does escape, he will automatically return?

"Duan Changling and the others came in?"

At this moment, Lu Zhihao's voice came from behind Bai Tianyang.

Bai Tianyang looked back and saw that the horse that carried him just now had disappeared. Lu Zhihao sat slumped on the ground, and a 3D holographic image of Yun Yaojin appeared above his head.

"No. They used explosives to blow up the door, but it didn't explode." Yun Yaojin said.

"These crazy people."

"They are really crazy. Fortunately, the 'Palace of Eternal Life' uses the materials with the highest fastness, otherwise even they themselves would not be able to survive."

"I know Duan Changling's personality best. He won't give up just like that. Listen to me, if they burst the door and come in, you execute the following code yourself: 3K+465D." "3K+465D. Okay, what is it? ?”

"The program script I preset in your system can save lives at critical moments."

"Okay. Shiro, he..."

Lu Zhihao waved his hand vigorously to end the conversation, and Yun Yaojin's 3D holographic image disappeared.

Bai Tianyang looked at him coldly from the side, and then said coldly: "Do you want to take a break?"

Lu Zhihao said: "There is no time to rest, let's go...go quickly..." As he said that, he forced himself to stand up and took two steps, almost shaky.

Bai Tianyang rushed up to support him: "Show off."

Lu Zhihao said: "It's not like you don't know my temper."

Tian Tianyang said calmly: "Well, in order to review for two more hours, so that I can get high marks in the exam, I can drug the security guard of the teaching building."

Lu Zhihao smiled and said: "You are not a good cake either. Who prepared the medicine?"

Bai Tianyang said: "I said he was matched with a girl who likes you, do you believe it or not?"

"Ou Ying?"


The two of them stumbled forward like this for a full 20 minutes. During the day, Yang Yang saw that Lu Zhihao was getting weaker and weaker, and his heart couldn't help but tighten.

Just at this moment, a farmhouse suddenly appeared in front of Bai Tianyang.

This farmhouse is located in a thick fog deep in the forest, looking peaceful and quiet under the bright sunshine.

Bai Tianyang supported Lu Zhihao and walked towards the farmhouse.

"What to do? What are you going there for?" Lu Zhihao said.

"Find a place to rest for a while and ask for some food. What do you think you are like?"

"I'm fine, no need to go there! Let's keep walking and climb up to Mount Bliss as quickly as possible, hurry!"

Bai Tianyang ignored it and continued to help Lu Zhihao towards the farmhouse. Lu Zhihao used force and suddenly got rid of Bai Tianyang, heading away from the farmhouse.

But after only taking two steps, his feet weakened and he fell to the ground.

Bai Tianyang hurriedly stepped forward and tried to help him up again.

"You two are very smart. Did you climb up from the underworld?"

A gentle, calm voice spoke. When Bai Tianyang looked back, he saw a farmer wearing linen clothes and a handkerchief. He had a white face and no beard, and was broad and fat.

Bai Tianyang nodded and said: "We are not evil spirits. My companion is injured. Please help me sir."

The farmer stepped forward, looked at Lu Zhihao carefully from beginning to end, felt his pulse, and said, "It's okay for your partner. He lost a little blood. Come to my house and take two doses of medicine."

Bai Tianyang was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

The farmer and Bai Tianyang helped Lu Zhihao up and walked towards the farmhouse.

Bai Tianyang was grateful and asked the farmer, "May I ask your name, sir? Where is this place?"

The farmer said: "My surname is Liu Mingchan, you can just call me father-in-law."

Bai Tianyang was stunned: "Liu Chan?"

The farmer smiled and said: "Haha, don't be afraid. Here I am no longer an emperor of the Han Dynasty, I am just an ordinary farmer. Oh, didn't you ask what the boundary is here? This is called Nanfanbu Village, and there are many people living there. nearby."

Bai Tianyang nodded and asked tentatively: "Who else lives in Nanfanbu Village? Are Emperor Hui of Han, Emperor Hui of Jin, and Emperor Tianqi here?"

Liu Chan shook his head: "There is no Emperor Hui of Han, Emperor Hui of Jin, or Emperor Tianqi, only Liu Ying, Sima Zhong, and Zhu Youxiao. Many of the furniture in my house were made and given to me by Zhu Youxiao."


The farmhouse where Liu Chan lived looked rather simple, but it had plenty of light and was kept very clean.

He put Lu Zhihao on a bed in the back room, and then boiled some Chinese medicine for him to take.

Less than two minutes after taking the medicine, Lu Zhihao opened his eyes and started clamoring to get off the ground.

Bai Tianyang secretly thought: This is how you can get better so quickly in the game.

Liu Chan stood aside, fanning himself with a straw hat, and said with a smile: "If you are not in a hurry, why don't you stay and finish your meal before leaving? The fruits and melons I planted myself and the pigs I fed are very delicious."

However, Lu Zhihao was anxious to continue on his way. Bai Yang couldn't resist him, so he could only prepare to leave.

Liu Chan sent the two of them to the door. Bai Tianyang wanted to say a few words, but suddenly he heard a scream of "ah".

The cry came from far away and was extremely clear.

Liu Chan's expression changed: "It seems to be Zizifu's side..." As he said that, he returned to the house, picked up a nail rake, and ran towards the direction where the screams came from.

As he ran, he turned around and asked, "Two good men, do you want to come and help? There are evil people coming to Nanfanbu Village to cause trouble again."

Bai Tianyang took a step forward, but was stopped by Lu Zhihao with his hand.

Lu Zhihao said: "Isn't Zizifu the Duke Xianggang of Song Dynasty? He's like a 'stupid pig's benevolence and righteousness'. If you are slaughtered, you will be slaughtered. What does it matter what he does? It's important for us to do our own thing."

Bai Tianyang pushed Lu Zhihao's hand away: "People are kind enough to save you, but you just stand by and watch when trouble comes? You can do it, but I can't."

He immediately took a step towards Liu Chan's whereabouts and ran towards him. UU read

Lu Zhihao shouted: "Where is Ou Ying? You don't care anymore?"

Bai Tianyang replied loudly: "After saving the person, go find her again!"

Lu Zhihao stamped his feet and could only follow behind Bai Tianyang.

The two of them followed Liu Chan through the locust forest for almost 5 minutes. Suddenly, thick smoke billowed in front of them, and a farmhouse that was set on fire could be seen.

The style of the farmhouse was similar to the one Liu Chan lived in, but slightly smaller. At this time, a soldier was in an open space in front of the farmhouse, laughing wildly and tying up an old man, shouting: "What are you running from? Where can you run? Come with me to see Mr. Ge, and we will have good food and drink." Isn’t it bad?”

When the old man saw Liu Chan and others arriving, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Help, help!"

Liu Chan yelled, "It's you again! Here to bully others!" He rushed forward with a rake.

The soldier glanced at Liu Chan, and Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao behind him, quickly put Zi Zifu on his horse, got on the horse simultaneously, pulled out his saber with force, and slashed at Liu Chan.

The head of the rake in Liu Chan's hand was immediately cut off and flew out, leaving only a wooden pole in his hand.

The soldier stopped as soon as he saw what was going on, quickly reined in his horse and headed off into the distance.

"Put him down! Put him down!" Liu Chan shouted.

Instead of stopping their horses and letting them go, the soldiers shouted: "I advise you to go to Xiniuhuo Country and join my family, Mr. Ge. Only with Mr. Ge's protection can you live a peaceful life. Otherwise, you will be robbed every two days. What's the matter? It’s easy to grow some grain to feed two pigs, but they are all taken away. What’s the point? Hahahaha!”

Amidst the wild laughter, the soldier walked away.

And Bai Tianyang, Lu Zhihao and Liu Chan couldn't catch up with him.

Liu Chan knelt down in annoyance and kept cursing.

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