Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 114 Duan Changling enters the third floor of the

Almost at the same time, Pei Min cut off the stem of the white "Jingdala" with the "Cunxin Sword" in his hand, and then he looked at Lu Zhihao and Bai Tianyang coldly, waiting for them to interact with the sky-blue "Jingdala" The result of the struggle.

Facts have proved that Lu Zhihao and Bai Tianyang are not capable of this.

After only a few minutes of fighting, Lu Zhihao stabbed the "Cun Xin Sword" into the petals of "Jing Duo Luo", but the wound area of ​​"Jing Duo Luo" quickly tightened, clamping the "Cun Xin Sword".

Lu Zhihao still wanted to pull out his sword, but the vines from the stem of "Jingdala" wrapped around his ankle. Lu Zhihao was so shocked that he let go of the "Cun Xin Sword" and his whole body was quickly dragged towards his mouth.

Lu Zhihao shouted: "Bian Tianyang, hurry! Hurry!"

Bai Tianyang reacted as quickly as possible, rushed over and grabbed the "Cun Xin Sword" and pulled it out with all his strength.

But just as he struggled to draw the sword, Lu Zhihao had been completely swallowed by the "Jingduluo".

The "Cun Xin Sword" was only pulled out less than 2 centimeters by Bai Tianyang.


During the day Yang looked up to the sky and howled wildly, concentrating all his strength on his hands.

But even though blood-red mucus flowed out from the wound of the sky-blue "Jingdala", the "Cun Xin Sword" still did not move at all.

"You can return the sword to me!" Seeing that the victory here was about to be decided, Pei Min shouted loudly and jumped over.

The bright light from above allowed Tian Yang to see his face clearly——

His face was filled with murderous intent!


With a strange cry, Pei Min's body suddenly disappeared.

To be more precise, he was taken away by a Suzaku whose whole body was on fire.

The speed of the red bird was astonishing. By the time Tian Yang reacted, Pei Min had already been caught in its mouth and rushed into the air.

At the same time, Bai Yang could feel a fierce burning heat and the trembling of the body of the sky blue "Jingdala".

Suzaku seems to be its nemesis.

That's right, next, Suzaku swooped towards Bai Tianyang. The wound of "Jingdala" suddenly loosened, and Bai Tianyang actually pulled out the "Cun Xin Sword".

Before Bai Yang could be happy, Suzaku was already standing on the "branch platform".

There was a strange "quacking" sound from below the "branch platform" and it began to tilt.

Zhuque shook his head and neck, threw Pei Min to the ground, and stepped on it with one paw.

Then, it stretched its neck and grabbed the sky blue "Jingdala".

The body of the sky-blue "Jingdala" quickly caught fire, and its petals opened weakly, spitting out Lu Zhihao, who was covered in mucus.

Bai Tianyang picked up the unruly Lu Zhihao and was about to jump to the next "branch platform" - at this time, as long as they jumped over two more "branch platforms", they could land safely.

But Suzaku didn't intend to let them go.

The sky-blue "Jingdala" quickly turned to ashes in its mouth.

Immediately, it grabbed Pei Min with one paw and flew over.

Tian Tianyang grabbed Lu Zhihao and was about to jump down when another Suzaku flew in front of them, blocking their way forward.

The third Suzaku flew behind them and cut off their retreat.

Three Suzakus trapped Bai and Lu on the "branch platform" in three directions: forward, backward, and upward.

Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao looked at each other, with only one thought in their minds: It's over!


After a shrill scream, Pei Min, who was caught on the claws of Suzaku, suddenly softened and even the "Cun Xin Sword" in his hand fell off.

Lu Zhihao reacted extremely quickly and jumped out, catching the "Cun Xin Sword" just as it was about to fall from the edge of the platform.

At the same time, Pei Min's body also burned and turned into ashes.

But Bai and Lu each had a "Cun Xin Sword", and finally gained some confidence.

The three Suzakus launched several tentative attacks, but were forced back by Bai and Lu.

Obviously, they are still somewhat afraid of the "Cun Xin Sword".

However, the bad news is that the two heard more "Qiangang" and "Qiangang" calls coming from all directions.

A little bit of fire is coming here.

This means that more Suzakus are approaching.

"Let's run separately."

"Well, that's all."

Bai and Lu completed the communication through brain waves.

Just as the two were about to take action, Bai Tianyang suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

The pain was so fast and intense that he couldn't help but scream.

Lu Zhihao also shouted almost at the same time.

Immediately, a virtual screen appeared above the two of them.

The scene inside shocked Bai and Lu.


Duan Changling and his men have entered the third floor of the "Eternal Life Palace".

They were even rummaging around where Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao were lying just now.

However, there were only 4 operating tables left out of the 6 originally there.

The two missing are Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao.

The pools of dazzling bright red on the ground made Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao shudder at the same time: Could it be that our bodies have been injured?

"I hid you." Yun Yaojin's 3D holographic portrait appeared, "You are safe for the time being. I just accidentally hurt you when I moved your bodies. I'm sorry."

"Do you want to go back?" Bai Tianyang asked.

Lu Zhihao gritted his teeth and said, "What a pity! I won't go back! Keep going!"

Bai Tianyang said angrily: "You are crazy! This is a bad gamble!"

Lu Zhihao sneered: "If you want to do big things, you can't do it without going crazy! You can't do it without gambling! If you go back now, all your previous efforts will be wasted! Besides, do you think Duan Changling will let us go? Yun Yaojin, hold them back! It only takes two hours! Just this one If you win the bet, the winner takes all! Duan Changling is no exception!"

Yun Yaojin was silent for a moment and said, "Okay, Sanlang."

After saying this, Yun Yaojin's holographic portrait disappeared.


Bai Tianyang was helpless: he was now tied to Lu Zhihao, a lunatic's chariot, and he was rushing forward.

While the two were talking just now, the number of Suzakus surrounding them had increased to seven.

Suddenly, these seven Suzakus hovered at the same time, and shouted several times in the sky.

Lu Zhihao's eyes suddenly widened.


He yelled, jumping down to the "branch platform".

The sun jumped down during the day.

The moment the sun left the "Tree Branch Platform" during the day, the seven flames spit out from the mouths of the seven Suzakus burned on the "Tree Branch Platform".

The entire "branch platform" was instantly wrapped in a sea of ​​fire.

Bai Tianyang and Lu Zhihao barely escaped one disaster, but UU Reading The second disaster is about to come.

The seven Suzakus immediately rushed towards them without missing a single hit.

Lu Zhihao waved his hand, and the "Cunxin Sword" drew a long arc in the air, piercing the eye of a Suzaku.

The Suzaku was immediately forced back. With the blessing of the "Cun Xin Sword", Lu Zhihao actually jumped out of the circle of seven Suzakus.

And Bai Tianyang was waving his hands around and muttering something like "Namo Amitabha" and "Mami Mami Coax", but the "Cun Xin Sword" was completely like a dead thing and had no effect.

Two Suzakus came over and almost caught him in their mouths.

"Strong your wrists and aim at the target!" Lu Zhihao shouted, "Don't chant the curse, it's useless! It's useless! Relax!"

The more Lu Zhihao yelled, the more nervous Tian Yang became, and he was about to fall to the ground.

At the same time, Suzaku's claws also stretched out, covering Bai Yang's body from above, and quickly approached.

Just now, Pei Min was caught by Suzaku with his claws and finally turned into ashes.

Bai Tianyang gritted his teeth: "One last try!"

Relax your whole body, focus on the target, and wave your wrist vigorously.

His eyes lit up.

The blade of the "Cun Xin Sword" suddenly glowed with a dazzling white light.

The white light was dazzling and violent, almost instantly causing Suzaku to close his eyes involuntarily.

At the same time, "Cun Xin Sword" took Bai Tianyang and jumped forward 4 meters, suddenly jumping out of the encirclement of seven Suzakus.

Immediately, a loud "bang" was heard.

The claws of the Suzaku just kicked firmly on the ground.

"Great!" Lu Zhihao shouted, "That's it! Imagine that you are a sword fairy, stepping on the sword is like riding a skateboard!"

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