Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 10 An Lushan’s Robot Corps

During the day, the sun rolled up and rushed into the bushes. He shouted loudly: "Wang Qingyue! Wang Qingyue! Wang..."

As soon as the third word "王" came out, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. He was thrown to the ground heavily, and his head hit a stone on the ground. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and almost lost consciousness.

When he regained his consciousness, he found that his whole body had been tied up with five flowers.

He only heard someone sneer behind him: "This gentleman, don't struggle, just come with us!"

During the day, Yang was so angry that his lungs were about to explode: his opponent was so cunning that he first grabbed Wang Qingyue, then lured himself into the bushes and captured them all.

Immediately, Bai Tianyang was pulled up and pushed out of the bushes.

Under the light of the fire, Bai Tianyang discovered that those who captured them were five Tang Army soldiers wearing Mingguang armor - robot NPCs.

"Who are you?" Wang Qingyue asked.

The five people didn't answer. Two of them grabbed Wang Qingyue and Bai Tianyang on their own horses, and then set off roaring.

Wang Qingyue kept trying to talk to them along the way, asking for a while: "Where are you taking us?" and then saying: "I have a stomachache, can you put me down?"

But the five Tang soldiers ignored them and just went on their way. They only exchanged a few words with each other in words that Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue couldn't understand from time to time.

Bai Tianyang didn't say a word. He concentrated on memorizing and calculating how far these Tang soldiers had traveled, in what direction, and where he was roughly now.

After running for about an hour, the five robots rode onto a wall-mounted road next to an abyss.

Bai Tianyang immediately calculated: this road was the first road opened by engineers when Datang Chang'an was built to allow heavy equipment to enter the construction site.

After running on the hanging wall road for about an hour, the sun rose. The bright sunshine shines brightly on the armors of these robot soldiers.

At the same time, Bai Yang heard a commotion.

It's like there are hundreds of people sitting in an auditorium waiting for a meeting.

After a while, the noise became louder and louder, a hundred or a thousand times louder than the noise in the auditorium.

Bai Tianyang was secretly alarmed: Could it be that there was an army ambushed near Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty?

After turning two corners, Bai Tianyang saw it!

He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air: What is the New Creation Group going to do?

Just next to the hanging wall road, there was a huge plain below, densely packed with people.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a dense pile of ants.

They are all soldiers!

Are they all robots? No way?

But in AR glasses, a bunch of densely packed robot icons appeared above these people’s heads.

There is not a visitor icon!

How much would New Genesis Group spend to build such an army of robots?

Is Zheng Qianji crazy?

Bai Yang tried to estimate the number of these robots, but he quickly gave up.

There were probably at least 500 in his field of vision. But the thing is, judging by the sound, there must be more beyond his field of vision.

Also, what is the identity of this army? Could it be...

"Zheng Qianji seemed to have said before that this issue of Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty will have a script for the Thirteen Years of Tianbao." Wang Qingyue said loudly.

Bai Tianyang looked at her with wide eyes, unable to say a word.

He turned back and said to the soldiers dragging him: "Are you from Anlushan?"

The robot soldier burst into laughter: "Hahahaha, yes, our family is all Yingzhou athletes!"

Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue looked at each other and said nothing.

It seems that the legend is true: Zheng Qianji created a tragic script for the Tang Dynasty Chang'an Theme Park - the fall of Chang'an during the Anshi Rebellion.

It’s really a big deal, and tourists are likely to like it very much - although human nature has a strong pursuit of beauty, there is sometimes an even stronger pursuit of violence and the destruction of beauty. Otherwise, how can we understand that the army relies on massacres to maintain morale, and how can we understand that the British and French allied forces are so excited to burn the Old Summer Palace?

How will tens of thousands of tourists react when they see the prosperous and magnificent city of Chang'an suddenly reduced to a sea of ​​fire, or even hell on earth?

It should be fear at first - but the fear will soon disappear, because all robots are programmed: robots can only kill robots, not people.

In other words, all tourists will soon know that their lives will not be in danger, and they can quietly appreciate the sudden change from prosperity to decline in Chang'an, see the scene of Tang Minghuang's hasty escape from Daming Palace, and even participate in During the plunder of Chang'an.

It’s really exciting!

But how much does Zheng Qianji invest in giving tourists this evil and exciting pleasure?

Bai Tianyang's mind began to calculate accounts frantically: the current cost of a humanoid robot is 25 million, UU Reading www. uukanス When An Lushan rebelled, he had as many as 150,000 troops under his command. Of course, there were not that many troops participating in the final battle to capture Chang'an. They were 20,000 troops led by Cui Youqian.

Then the total cost of optical robots will reach 250 billion! Including robot horses, at least 400 billion!

What is the concept of 400 billion? The market value of more than 98% of listed companies.

Where did Zheng Qianji get so much money? Bai Tianyang has studied the financial report of New Creation Group and found that the current annual profit of Datang Changan Project is only more than 50 billion.

Does Zheng Qianji want to use the eight-year profits from the Tang Dynasty Chang'an project to set off a big firework of "Anshi Rebellion and the fall of the imperial capital"?

The more Bai Tianyang thought about it, the more dizzy he felt: Zheng Qianji is a madman, an out-and-out madman!

The launch of the entire Datang Chang'an project was a crazy move.

But now, Zheng Qianji is going crazy again!

"Hi! Phew!"

Suddenly, in the plain at the foot of the mountain beside the hanging wall highway, those "Yingzhou athletes" burst out shouting almost simultaneously. During the day, the male eardrums were almost shattered, but there was a surge of excitement deep in his heart - any man would secrete hormones crazily when he saw this scene.

Over there, Wang Qingyue blushed and said, "When will you attack Chang'an?"

The robot soldier smiled and said: "Hahahaha, it's almost over! Li Silang is old and has a bad brain. He killed Gao Xianzhi and Feng Changqing and sent a paralytic to fight against us. Our Xiao Yanshuai is making arrangements and will destroy him sooner or later. With Brother Shuhan gone, Chang'an will soon be ours!"

Bai Tianyang secretly said: Thanks to the programmers, you are now convinced that you are the Anshi rebels who are about to annihilate the Geshuhan Corps and capture Chang'an in history.

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