Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 124 Mingfang Tower·Water Crested Ibis

Bai Tianyang's heart trembled, and he punched "Luo Feifei" on the second face.

Just as his fist touched the nose of "Luo Feifei"'s second face, his arm was suddenly dragged.

A middle-aged man didn't know when he had arrived beside Bai Tianyang, and he was very close. He reached out and hugged his arm.

At the same time, another middle-aged woman appeared next to Ou Ying and hugged Ou Ying's waist.

Bai Tianyang was in a hurry and hit the middle-aged man who was restraining him in the face with his still mobile left fist. But almost instantly, the middle-aged man disappeared from his original position and appeared between Bai Tianyang's arms, almost face to face with him.

Bai Tianyang wanted to hit him with his head again, but the middle-aged man ducked down, hugged Bai Baiyang's waist, then stood up and carried him up.

Immediately, the middle-aged man continued to bend down, continued to bend down, and pushed Bai Tianyang's head toward the ground behind him.

Tian Yang was shocked and struggled desperately, but to no avail.


After a loud noise, Bai Tianyang felt severe pain in his head, the world was spinning, and his whole body was lying on the ground without any control.

When he woke up a little, he found that he had been restrained by two "Lingsha Guards".

The same goes for Ou Ying and Fang Hao.

"Fang Hao!" Bai Tianyang shouted, "You created these ghosts, right? There's nothing you can do about them?"

Fang Hao smiled bitterly and said: "Although I didn't self-destruct just now, I have become a downgraded version - all my magical powers are gone. Otherwise, how could I deceive Lu Zhihao? Now the authority to control the 'Lingsha Guard' is completely In the hands of Lu Zhihao."

Bai Tianyang frowned: "According to what you said, Lu Zhihao has been controlling the 'Lingsha Guard'?"

Ou Ying said: "Yes, he has been manipulating the 'Lingsha Guard' to chase me. If it weren't for Fang Hao's help, I would have been caught by them long ago, and I would not have the chance to come here to see you."

Bai Tianyang's mind was suddenly filled with questions:

What does Lu Zhihao want to do?

He probably lured me here so that I could help him solve the algorithm puzzle left by Fang Hao.

But why did he control the ‘Lingsha Guard’ to hunt down Ou Ying? Are you still trying to bring me into "Mingfang Building"?

What is hidden in "Mingfang Tower"?

Ou Ying is definitely not inside.

Is there really a financial system encapsulated in it that can transfer money to his account?

However, this kind of system is really unheard of. Why do I always feel that the credibility of this statement is extremely low?

"The 'Crested Ibis System' encapsulated in 'Mingfang Building' is very critical." Ou Ying said, "As long as you gain control of this system, you can tamper with it..."

When Ou Ying said this, a "Lingsha Guard" next to her suddenly reached out and covered her mouth. Ou Ying reluctantly said "woo, woo" twice, but in the end she couldn't utter a single word.

"thank you!"

Almost at the same time, brainwave information from Lu Zhihao came into Bai Tianyang's mind.

"Now, what do you want?" Bai Tianyang responded.

"No matter how hard you work, there is only one last step left in my plan." Lu Zhihao said.

"What do you mean?" Bai Tianyang asked.

"Haha, you'll know right away."

After Lu Zhihao passed on this message, the two "Lingsha Guards" who captured Ou Ying suddenly began to make that extremely uncomfortable sound again.

When Bai Tianyang saw it, Ou Ying's eyes suddenly widened with fear in them.

The "Lingsha Guard" who grabbed her tightened his hands, and the fingers that covered her mouth and stuck her throat pressed deeper and deeper into her snow-white skin.

Then, these fingers even broke through her skin and embedded themselves in her flesh.

However, Ou Ying was not bleeding. Under her skin, there were a bunch of shiny things that looked like integrated circuits.

And Ou Ying's slender body began to twitch.

Even his eyes started to roll upward.

During the day Yang struggled violently.

"Let her go!" Bai Tianyang used brain waves to transmit signals to Lu Zhihao, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything. I think we work well together and have accomplished a lot. Continuing this cooperative relationship will be beneficial to everyone, right?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Ha, you agreed?"

"What do you want me to do!"

At this moment, Bai Tianyang really wished he could drag Lu Zhihao forward and slap him viciously until he died.

But at this moment, there was nothing he could do except surrender.

"Come to Mingfang Tower first." Lu Zhihao said.

"Okay!" Bai Tianyang gritted his teeth and replied.

"Hahahaha!" Lu Zhihao laughed wildly.


"Lingsha Guard" brought Bai Tianyang, Ou Ying and Fang Hao into "Mingfang Tower".

It is almost exactly the same as the "Mingfang Building" located on the campus of East China University of Science and Technology in reality. It is a three-story building with European marble columns and some marble statues everywhere.

Statue figures include Leonardo da Vinci, Brunelleschi, Leon Battista Alberti, Bramonte, etc.

At this time, Lu Zhihao was standing next to the fountain pool in the center of the ground floor, with a proud look on his face.

He waved to Bai Yang and motioned for him to walk over.

Almost at the same time, the "Lingsha Guard" who had restrained Bai Tianyang also let him go.

Bai Tianyang first looked back at Ou Ying, and then walked to Lu Zhihao.

Lu Zhihao smiled and said, "Do me one last favor. Then, together with Ou Ying, we can live a life without shame."

Bai Tianyang sneered: "Say it, bastard!"

Lu Zhihao said: "It's very simple. Uninstall the firewall of the Crested Ibis System for me!"

Before Bai Tianyang could answer, Fang Hao sneered from the side: "Old fox, your tail is finally exposed!"

At the same time, Bai Tianyang saw Ou Ying struggling more fiercely next to her.

Bai Tianyang said to Fang Hao: "What exactly is the 'Crested Ibis System'? What is its use?"

Just when Fang Hao was about to speak, UU Reading Lu Zhihao said first: "A financial system encapsulates a dynamic cryptographic algorithm. With it, I can get a large amount of money that originally belonged to me. I want to use this money Money, start my Mars colonization plan!”


After Lu Zhihao said this, Fang Hao looked up to the sky and let out a haha.

Lu Zhihao said coldly to Fang Hao: "Mouse, you have to think clearly, I can destroy the world you have carefully built at any time and at any time."

Fang Hao laughed and said: "It's whatever you say! I was forced by Zheng Qianji to jump from the top of the Creation Building. After that, I just wanted to stay here and stay here forever. What about Tang Dynasty Chang'an? New Creation Group has nothing to do with me!"

Lu Zhihao nodded with satisfaction, turned around, and looked at Bai Tianyang coldly.

Bai Tianyang observed the situation and concluded that what Lu Zhihao just said was complete nonsense.

But now, he has no choice at all.

"Okay. Where do I work?"

Lu Zhihao clapped his hands triumphantly, turned around and snapped his fingers.


There was a sound like electromagnetic agitation, and the twenty-seven water spray pipes in the originally dry fountain pool behind him suddenly began to emit water.

The water that emerged grew from small to large, and finally formed the shape of a bird.

A crystal clear, translucent crested ibis.

Stunningly beautiful.

Then, a total of 45 water pipes on three floors near the edge of the fountain pool also began to spray water.

They form three layers of "water mist", wrapping the "water ibis" in it, making the "water ibis" look hazy and blurry.

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