Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 132 The Beginning and Chaos

Qiongqi flew all the way, dodging other objects that were sucked towards the "Purple Gold and Red Gourd Mouth".

Gradually, Tian Yang felt that his body could float, and it seemed that he was no longer affected by the earth's gravity.

He knew that this was the result of chaos and collapse of the physics engine.

Moreover, this should be the final stage.

The time until this world is finally destroyed may be measured in minutes.

There was chaos all around, so chaotic that Bai Tianyang couldn't understand it.

It's like a bunch of strong oil paints have been mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish their previous appearances.

Maybe the so-called "beginning" and the so-called "chaos" are like this?

Looking back, I can still vaguely make out that Bliss Mountain and Amber Lake are just 200 meters away.

At this moment, only two neighing sounds of "Qiangang, Qiangang" were heard, and Qiongqi, who was flying rapidly in the air, suddenly stopped moving.

Before Bai Tianyang understood what was going on, Qiongqi let out two extremely shrill "Ouch~~Ouch~~" sounds, and Bai Tianyang lost all hearing in an instant.

He looked carefully and finally understood what was happening.

Five Suzakus headed by the "Ice Blue Suzaku" bit Qiongqi's body.

Especially the "Ice Blue Suzaku", biting one of Qiongqi's wings - Qiongqi bit off its wing just now, and now, it wants revenge!

Qiongqi struggled to get away, but the five Suzakus refused to let go. During the fierce struggle, Qiongqi's body began to tear apart.

Bai Tianyang saw that the situation was not good, grabbed Ou Ying's hand and shouted: "Jump!"

Then, he desperately jumped off Qiongqi in the direction of Fang Hao.

Then, he and Ou Ying glided towards Fang Hao.

At this time, in Bai Yang's view, Ou Ying was completely a monster composed of a bunch of lines with weird postures and exaggerated colors, just like a poor knockoff of Edvard Munch's famous painting - "The Scream".

But he could still feel the cold sweat on Ou Ying's hands and hear her violent breathing.

Bai Tianyang shouted: "Don't worry, I can't send you to a safe area, I will always be with you!"

He couldn't see Ou Ying's expression clearly because it was too distorted.

But during the day Yang could feel it, and Ou Ying exerted her strength to hold his hand in response.

Looking back, all the Qiongqi and Suzaku became weird lines, entangled and twisted together.

It seems that Suzaku cut Qiongqi into pieces.

It seems that Qiongqi bit the "Ice Blue Suzaku" to death.

And Fang Hao's thin, slovenly figure was getting closer and closer, becoming clearer and clearer.

Tian Tianyang gritted his teeth and wanted to deliver Ou Ying to him.

Fang Hao raised his thumb and said, "You little trash, you have the guts! From now on, I will call you 'the little trash with the guts'!"

Tian Tianyang couldn't help but laughed proudly, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head.

This severe pain came without any warning, and in an instant, Bai Tianyang's whole body twitched uncontrollably.

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong?" Ou Ying's concerned question came to her ears.

"I don't hurts!" Bai Tianyang said.

"He's leaving." Fang Hao stared at Bai Tianyang with bright eyes.

After Fang Hao said these words, Bai Yang's severe pain reached its peak - he felt as if his head had been torn open.


Yun Yaojin’s 3D holographic avatar appears again.

"It's time to go. I found a good place and am doing surgery to get you back."

Bai Tianyang said "hmm" and tried his best to move Ou Ying's hand towards Fang Hao.

"Mouse! What did you promise me, you...don't...forget..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his eyes suddenly went dark.

In an instant, Fang Hao, Ou Ying, "Suzaku", "Qiongqi", and "Yin Liao" all disappeared.

Even Ou Ying's hand can no longer be touched.

There was darkness before my eyes.

There was silence in my ears.

His body was in disarray, and he couldn't feel anything in every inch of his body.

Bai Tianyang even wondered if he had become a "brain in a vat". Everything he felt just now was stimulation input from the outside world.

And now, the device causing these stimulus inputs has temporarily failed?

But soon, a severe cold hit him, making him shiver violently.

Immediately, hearing and vision returned, as well as pain.

The severe headache made him almost want to shout out - but he suddenly felt a cold, delicate hand covering his mouth.

In my ears, I could hear the sound of urgent footsteps and the conversation of several men.

"right here!"

"If you can't catch Lu Zhihao, kill him first to relieve your anger!"

"And that female robot!"

"Tear it down!"

Immediately, a woman's voice sounded in his ear.

"Be quiet and bear with it. They're out there."

It is the cloud that shakes gold.

At this time, Bai Tianyang was completely awake.

He found himself in a dark space, which seemed to be a utility room or a spare operating room.

Surrounded by a large number of operating tables, scrapped servers, and medical equipment.

He himself was still lying on the operating table, located at the far end of the room.

There was no light in the entire room, and only the light coming from the crack in the door diagonally opposite allowed me to barely see what was going on here.

And the two guys who made the harsh words just now should be outside the door.

"Can you get up?" Yun Yaojin said in Bai Tianyang's ear.

Bai Tianyang said "hmm".

Then he struggled to get up from the operating table and touched his head with his hand.

The big iron shield was gone, but there were obviously several wounds on his forehead and top of his head, which were just casually bandaged with gauze.

"Ou Ying and Fang Hao, did you go to the backup space?"


"Ou Ying and Fang Hao, did you go to the backup space?"

"I don't know."

Bai Tianyang struggled to climb out of bed and stepped on a round object on the ground, almost slipping.

Yun Yaojin stepped forward to help, and Bai Tianyang saw clearly that there was a person on the ground - wearing a white coat, with a broken head, neck and arms showing a metal structure.

"He performed surgery on Bai Lang, but it was too noisy, so I turned him off."

Bai Tianyang said "Yeah": "The 'closure' is quite violent."

At this time, he felt weak all over and had difficulty walking. But he knew that the desperadoes of "No. 98" were outside, and he had to quickly regain his fighting strength and fight for his way out.

"Are there any weapons here?" Bai Tianyang said.

"Only a scalpel." Yun Yaojin said, handing Bai Tianyang a small, very sharp scalpel.

The luster of the scalpel reflected on Bai Tianyang's face, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Can this compete with their assault rifles and C4 explosives?"

Tian Yang cautiously came to the door of the room and looked out.

Everything you can see is the server, and the indicator lights on the server are on and off.

He thought about it and decided to test the situation outside first.

He pointed at the severed arm that he had stepped on before. Yun Yaojin understood, picked up the severed arm and handed it to Bai Tianyang.

Bai Tianyang took the metal severed arm in his hand, slowly handed it out through the door, and waved it around.

Nothing happens.

The "No. 98" members who just said they wanted to kill him seemed to have gone far away.

During the day, Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about whether to go out and what to do after going out.

"Give me your arm!"

At this moment, voices suddenly came from the darkness deep in the room.

Bai Tianyang almost fainted from fright. He quickly realized that the robot Yun Yaojin that performed the surgery on him was not completely destroyed.

Like a beast that had been shocked by electricity, he rushed towards the robot still lying on the ground like a madman.

The medical robot is still chattering: "The wound on the head needs to be cleaned, otherwise it will become infected! The brain feels..."

Before the word "ran" came out, Bai Tianyang rushed to the robot and covered his mouth.

"Woo, woo, woo..." The medical robot was still trying to speak.

At the same time, there was a burst of urgent footsteps outside the door.

There were at least 5 people, obviously coming this way.

And, this time, there was no sound of conversation.

Bai Tianyang shouted to Yun Yaojin: "Quick! Close the door!"

Yun Yaojin quickly closed the door hard.

Immediately, there was only a "dangtang" gunshot, and a "dinging" sound of bullets hitting the steel plate.

fine! It's a bulletproof door!

Bai Tianyang shouted: "Lock the door! Lock it!"

Yun Yaojin shouted: "It's locked! They shouldn't be able to push it open from the outside!"

At this time, the footsteps stopped.

In the darkness, Bai Tianyang let go of the medical robot, rushed to the door, and put his ear against the door - he wanted to hear clearly what the people outside were saying, so as to understand their plans.

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