Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 135 Tian Heihei’s Dangerous Moment

Tian Heihei said: "Duan Changling is still in the Palace of Eternal Life. I can contact him and help you determine his location or lead him to a suitable place. You can lay an ambush and catch him like you caught me. What’s the idea of ​​letting your daughter go with your lover?”

During the day Yang looked at Yun Yaojin.

"The little trash is really talented. He has a wife and a sweetheart."

"I can't trust him. The people in 'No. 98' are like jackals. Don't trust any of them."

"But Bai Lang, I'm afraid there's no other way to save your daughter. Why not give it a try?"

The three sentences represent the meanings of Fang Hao, Ou Ying and Yun Yaojin respectively.

Bai Tianyang gritted his teeth and thought for a moment, then continued to hold the dagger against Tian Heihei's eyes with his right hand, and handed the handheld terminal to Tian Heihei's eyes with his left hand.

"Lead Duan Changling to the place where you were caught just now. If you play tricks, you will be blind."

At this time, Bai Tianyang has made up his mind: in order to save Bai Huixin, he will not hesitate to become a devil.

Anyway, there are a few demons in the "Elysium Realm", and life seems to be quite comfortable, at least they won't be unable to protect their own children.

Tian Heihei instructed Tian Yang to adjust the frequency band of the handheld terminal and press the button to dial.

"Boss, I found Bai Tianyang... alive... those two guys? Escape quickly at the critical moment... Bai Tianyang said he wanted to talk to you about Lu Zhihao, saying that he knew where Lu Zhihao might be going... He was injured Now, I’m alone now and I can’t carry him, why don’t you come over?… Well, EN3 area, room 6.”

While Tian Yang was listening, he looked back at Yun Yaojin.

Yun Yaojin's expression remained as usual - she (they) didn't notice anything unusual in Tian Heihei's wording, expression and tone.

During the day Yang began to think about one thing:

Do you want to kill Tian Heihei?

This guy is treacherous, insidious, and cruel. Keeping him here will ultimately be a disaster.

After experiencing so many things in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty, Bai Tianyang realized that if he wanted to survive here, he must not restrain himself by the morality of the ordinary world.

Otherwise, you and the people you care about will die miserably.

Tian Heihei saw a strange expression on his face, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Lao Duan is very suspicious. He should still call to confirm the information."

But these words made Bai Tianyang feel that everything Tian Heihei said was just to survive and wait for change. As long as there was a chance, this "pockmarked monkey" would not hesitate to bite back.

Thinking of this, Bai Tianyang stretched out his left hand to cover Tian Heihei's mouth, raised the dagger with his right hand, and aimed at Tian Heihei's heart.

Tian Heihei's eyes widened, and when his mouth was about to be completely covered by Bai Tianyang and Bai Tianyang's dagger was about to be pierced, he screamed.

Bai Tianyang didn't hear clearly what he called, and he didn't want to understand either.

"He said he also has a daughter!" At this moment, Yun Yaojin shouted loudly behind him.

Bai Tianyang was stunned and looked at Tian Heihei.

Tian Heihei nodded desperately, and at the same time kept gesturing to Bai Yang to look at his handheld terminal.

Bai Tianyang picked up the terminal and took a look. The background picture was of a father holding a little girl at the beach.

His father, who has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, is extremely ugly. He is Tian Heihei.

The girl looks very much like her father.

Both father and daughter had big smiles on their faces.

"Hehe, she has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, a pockmarked face, and she looks so ugly. What did you do to give birth to her?" Yun Yaojin opened his mouth and said - obviously Fang Hao's tone.

But Bai Yang still relented.

If I kill him, can I save Huixin?

have no idea.

But this little girl definitely lost her father.

"Bian Tianyang! If you kill him to save Huixin, what will Huixin think if you find out?" Yun Yaojin shouted - this time, it was Ou Ying's tone.

Bai Tianyang let go of Tian Heihei and kicked him viciously: "I want to kill you anytime, anywhere!"

Tian Heihei circled around the gate of hell, gasping for air on the ground while casting a resentful glance at Bai Tianyang's lower body in his field of vision.

Then he quickly turned away and closed his eyes.


Three minutes later, Bai Tianyang lay down at the place where Tian Heihei had been hung up, quietly waiting for Duan Changling to appear.

Yun Yaojin is right opposite him.

Before they came over, they tied up Tian Heihei and stuffed rags into his mouth, and then tied a rope to the back of his head.

After confirming that there was no possibility for this guy to escape, they came here with peace of mind.

What the Pad shows is the situation in the room under the mineral wool board.

At this moment, there are only some debris lying quietly in the picture, and the light is dim.

About 15 minutes later, a thin figure wearing a black leather coat appeared on the screen.

That's right, it's Duan Changling!

Bai Tianyang's heart was beating wildly, and he winked at Yun Yaojin. Yun Yaojin nodded and immediately crawled away.

Bai Tianyang carefully moved away a mineral wool board next to it to reveal the space below.

Sure enough, Duan Changling was on the ground, looking around.

Bai Tianyang picked up the rope and started to draw signs - last time he caught Tian Heihei in one fell swoop, this time he was going to hit him with one hit.

"Tian Heihei! Tian Heihei!" Duan Changling shouted, "Where are the people!"

Just as Duan Changling shouted, a floor tile slowly lifted up at his feet, and a white hand stretched out.

Duan Changling was completely unaware and was still looking for someone until he grabbed his ankle with his bare hands.

Duan Changling was agitated and wanted to pump his legs, but it was impossible.

Yun Yaojin's hand strength is not a vegetarian.

The hydraulic muscles in his white hands bulged, the floor tiles were completely lifted, and half of Duan Changling's body was pulled into the tunnel.


Duan Changling let out half a scream in his throat, and then his entire torso entered the tunnel, leaving only a head.

Bai Tianyang almost laughed out loud: Is he so weak? The reaction is not as fast as Tian Heihei!

Also, the polished commander went to the meeting alone? Isn't this seeking death?

Duan Changling, do you really think you can cover the sky with one hand here?

At this moment, Duan Changling, who was about to be dragged into the tunnel, looked up at the ceiling.

He saw the bright sun.

During the day Yang also saw his face.

Eyes facing each other.

This is not Duan Changling!

It was an unfamiliar face with Chinese characters, looking at Bai Tianyang with a mocking and contemptuous expression.

Bai Tianyang took a breath of cold air.

The next second, "Duan Changling"'s entire body was dragged into the tunnel.

The floor tiles closed tightly, and it seemed like nothing happened.

Bai Tianyang's heart beat harder. He opened the instant messaging system on his Pad: "Take a look and see clearly. Is it Duan Changling you caught?"

But there was a burst of noise from the communication system, and then it displayed "No Network".

Next, all applications on the Pad were disconnected from the Internet, and the monitoring screen was stuck.

The sun immediately began to crawl back along the way it came - this is the top of the room, the ventilation layer above the mineral wool board, the height is no more than 1.2 meters.

He was anxious to know how Yun Yaojin was doing now, so he climbed faster and faster.

"Bang! Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, gunfire rang out.

The bullet penetrated the mineral wool board from below, punching out fifteen holes, forming a fan shape in front of Bai Tianyang's head, revealing the bright light below.

Bai Tianyang's heart sank, and he quickly changed direction and continued climbing.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

Amidst the intensive gunfire, Bai Tianyang found that his body was surrounded by bullet holes all around him.

"Bian Tianyang!" A loud voice came from below, "Don't run away! You can spy on me, but I can't spy on you? Come down!"

Bai Tianyang stretched out his hands and took out a pistol and another weapon from his armed belt.

Almost at the same time, Bai Tianyang suddenly felt the mineral wool board under his belly shaking - it seemed like someone was stabbing him viciously with something below.

The mineral wool board around him was already crumbling from the bullets, UU reading www. This makes it even more difficult to bear the weight of Bai Tianyang.


There was a loud noise, and the mineral wool board under Bai Tianyanghe collapsed.

During the day, the sun fell heavily to the ground below in a cloud of white ash.

Before the white dust in his field of vision receded, two people from "No. 98" rushed forward, one on the left and one on the right, and grabbed Bai Tianyang's left and right wrists with their riot-proof steel forks.

"Bang! Bang bang!" Bai Tianyang pulled the trigger of the pistol, but the movement of his wrist and arm was limited, which meant that three bullets were fired.

The man from "No. 98" quickly stepped forward and took the pistol away with force.

"Grenade! Grenade!"

Someone yelled again.

Another "No. 98" stepped forward and kicked the grenade away with Bai Tianyang's left hand.

Then almost everyone present fell down——

A grenade explosion can be fatal.

Bai Tianyang took the opportunity to break free, pulled out his dagger and rushed towards Duan Changling who was also lying on the ground.

As long as you subdue him, everything will be easy!

Just when he rode in front of Duan Changling and used the dagger to force the opponent's carotid artery, he suddenly felt a stinging pain in his lower back.

Accompanied by a burst of extremely fast "sizzling" sound, a tingling sensation quickly spread throughout the body.


When Bai Yang realized the source of the sting, his body also lost control under the strong electric shock.

He fell at Duan Changling's feet, and "No. 98" who fired the Taser stepped forward and stepped on Bai Yang's vest.

It took a minute for someone to have the courage to check the grenade.

"Damn, the bolt wasn't pulled at all!"

Upon hearing this, the three "No. 98" swarmed up and viciously kicked Bai Tianyang more than a dozen times as he lay unconscious on the ground.

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