Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 144 The Death of the Fat Horse

Bai Tianyang took a closer look and found that he was a fat man. He was dressed gorgeously, but the clothes were messy. He didn't even wear a bun. His messy hair spread all the way to Bai Baiyang's body.

"Boss Ma?" Bai Tianyang said in surprise, "What are you..."

It turned out that Bai Tianyang, the fat man in Jinyi, knew him.

This man's name is Ma Wei, nicknamed "Fat Horse", and he is one of the suppliers of Mo Company. When Bai Tianyang was fired by Moko Company, Ma Wei once wanted to recruit him as the technical director, but when Jin Xuehui found out about it, he threatened him with an order, so Ma Wei had no choice but to give up.

I never expected that we could meet here.

"Xiao Bai?" At this time, Ma Wei also recognized Bai Tianyang and immediately shouted, "Help me, help me!"

"You haven't recovered yet, go in and rest." At this moment, the white-bearded doctor on the side said calmly.

Ma Wei shouted: "I'm not going in! I'm here to prepare health medicine. I didn't expect you..." As he said that, Ma Wei suddenly got up from Bai Tianyang and rushed towards the door of the medical center.

The old man who helped Bai Tianyang stopped at the door and said calmly: "Listen to the doctor."

Ma Wei tried hard to push him away, but at this moment, the door curtain of the inner room was raised, and two big men jumped in.

During the day, Yang took a look at these two big men. They were wearing linen waistcoats and dressed very neatly to facilitate movement. The muscles on their arms were taut and the expressions on their faces were quite unkind.

As soon as they came, the one on the left grabbed Ma Wei, covered his mouth and dragged him into the inner room.

Ma Wei said "Uh uh", struggled with his limbs, and brought down the bookshelf next to Dr. Bai Xu. "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", "Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen", "Mai Jing" and "Jia Yi Jing" were scattered all over the floor. .

Bai Tianyang shouted: "What are you doing? Are you humans or animals?"

He stood up and wanted to stop him, but another big man pushed him back and sat back down.

Immediately, Ma Wei was dragged into the back room, and soon there was no movement.

At this time, there were four people left in the outer room:

Bai Tianyang, the white-bearded doctor, the old man and the big man.

Bai Tianyang looked at them nervously, and his heart sank quickly: he couldn't escape, he couldn't escape at all.

What do they want to do?

Why haven't you taken action yet?

Moreover, Bai Tianyang discovered that these three people surrounded him in the center from three directions, and three pairs of eyes stared at him from three directions, looking up and down.

It's like... doing a 3D scan of yourself?

"Okay!" Suddenly, the old man said eerily, "The data has been uploaded."

When Bai Tianyang heard this, he rushed towards the white-bearded doctor as if he had received an electric shock.

Among the three guys, this doctor seems to be the weakest, and now he has to win no matter what.

The white-bearded doctor suddenly jumped up from the ground and took a step back.

Bai Tianyang's attack suddenly failed.

At the same time, he felt someone pinching his head and neck from behind, and he didn't know what nerves or blood vessels were being restrained. Bai Yang's already extremely weak body seemed to be completely drained all of a sudden, and he couldn't move at all. No.

Bai Tianyang still wanted to call for help, but his mouth was tightly covered by the big man.

Immediately, Bai Tianyang was dragged into the back room.

There was only a small window and a bed.

At this time, the bed was opened, revealing an iron cover like a manhole cover underneath.

The big man opened the cover and dragged Bai Tianyang in.

Below is a secret passage. The steps and walls are all pitted and rough. It seems to have been newly dug not long ago.

There is a strong strange smell in the air——

It is a mixture of Chinese herbal medicine smell, stench and bloody smell.

The smell was so rich and intoxicating that it almost made Bai Tianyang vomit.

He wanted to scream, but his strength was too great compared to the big man, so he could only let him control him and walk through the underground passage.

Ten minutes later, Bai Tianyang felt his eyes light up - he was out of the tunnel.

The sight before him made him take a breath.

Seven corpses lay neatly on the ground.

They were all dressed in brocade clothes. No scars could be seen on the surface, but there were blood stains on the seven orifices.

Apparently he was either poisoned or strangled.

And Ma Wei was among them - staring straight at the sky with eyes wide open.

This is an open space surrounded by high rammed earth walls. There is a huge rammed earth structure in the left corner with two large openings, and a blazing fire inside - somewhat similar to the large earth where sacrifices are burned at the entrance of a cemetery. stove.

The big man who had dragged Ma Wei away just now was grabbing a body dressed in brocade clothes, peeling off the clothes, and then handing it over to the hands of the third big man.

The third man threw the body into the open mouth of the earthen furnace and kept stirring it with a very long iron rod.

A smell similar to barbecue soon spread out, and Tian Yang was horrified to the extreme:

That was actually a crematorium!

Moreover, these three big men (looking like robots) were actually operating an assembly line with clear division of labor - catching (killing) people, stripping clothes, and burning corpses.

"How is this melon still alive?"

Suddenly, the big man in charge of stripping asked.

The big man who caught Bai Tianyang said: "There is a problem with the information. The one scanned and uploaded just now did not check."

"The information the old man scanned just now was deleted?" said the big man in charge of burning the corpse.

"Well, I don't know what's going on. I've opened so many melons and this is the first time I've encountered them. I have to scan them again." said the big man who caught Bai Tianyang.

Bai Tianyang couldn't fully understand what they were talking about, but he had some rough guesses:

The purpose of this robot gang's killing may be for data.

But the data they just obtained about Bai Baiyang himself was lost for some reason.

So, they have to reacquire it.

Bai Tianyang's mind was running wildly: This might be the only and last chance to escape.

The big man who grabbed Bai Tianyang threw Baitian Yanghe to the ground and stepped on his vest.

The other two big men also stepped forward and surrounded Bai Tianyang from the other two directions.

Yang remained motionless during the day, and even his breathing was reduced to a minimum.

"Gua'er is dead?"


"It's good. It saves trouble."

"When you scan the front later, please step back so that your angle is clearer."


30 seconds later, the big man in charge of killing turned Tian Yang's body over and took two steps back.

In this way, it is equivalent to three big men surrounding the day sun in the center from three directions, like the three vertices of an equilateral triangle, just like the three people in the room just now.

This scanning method can indeed obtain the most comprehensive 3D scanning data.

But it also provided Bai Yang with an opportunity.

And it's the only chance.

Tian Yang suddenly jumped up and rushed between the two big men.

The two big men were caught off guard and were suddenly "encircled" by Bai Tianyang.

But they reacted quickly and rushed toward Bai Yang with strange screams.

Bai Tianyang had already thought of a countermeasure: he rushed to the iron rod and picked it up - it was the iron rod that had just been used to stir the corpse in the crematorium. It was nearly 2 meters long.

At that moment, Bai Tianyang saw the scene in the crematorium from the corner of his eye.

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