Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 149 Brainwave Monitor

What shocked Bai Tianyang even more was the change in this wall.

This should be the legendary brainwave display, which displays a person's thoughts on the screen through a brain-computer interface.

The technology is mature, but extremely expensive.

It was so expensive that Jin Xuehui wanted to buy it, but when he asked about the price, he immediately gave up the idea.

But here, all the walls are actually brainwave monitors.

This seemingly simple room is actually impossible to obtain without more than one billion.

Of course, Xiuyuan didn't know about these psychological activities of Bai Tianyang.

Xiu Yuan just looked at the donkey and said calmly: "I'm sorry."

"Xianglu" shouted: "What are you sorry for? Please tell me! Make it clear!"

Xiuyuan said: "In front of so many people, we were very angry. But after returning home, I suddenly remembered when I was sleeping: Yes, if I haven't read the manuscript you sent me before, I am I can’t write that paper.”

"Hahahahahaha!" "Xianglu" laughed wildly, "You finally admit it! You finally admit it! Shameless! Shameless bald donkey! You deserve it. You have no hair, no children, plus shamelessness, you are a 'three-no' product'!"

Xiu Yuan sighed: "When I first wanted to understand this, I immediately wanted to apologize to you in person. But when I ran to Shanghai to find you, they said that you were already dead..."

"Censer" sneered: "So?"

Xiuyuan said: "I realized then that this regret could not be made up for. So, I withdrew the paper, apologized on social media, and then retired here and never went out again."

"Xianglu" sneered and said: "Yes, you are sincere enough. Look, even if you become a monk, the place you look for is Pingkangfang. How good is it? If you want to find a woman, you can find the most beautiful and wealthy people in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty everywhere you go. A talented woman; she wants to eat good food, and she will never be able to finish all the delicacies of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty in her lifetime. What your family can do is incredible!"

When "Cense Burner" said the above words, Tianyang's eyes lit up, and there seemed to be a strong light shining down from the top of his head.

He looked up and saw that the ceiling of the room was on fire!

But Bai Tianyang quickly realized that it was not the ceiling that was really on fire, but the brainwave display that showed Xiu Yuan's mental state at this time.

The old guy may look calm on the outside, but he can actually be angry on the inside.

But the flames on the ceiling only spread for less than 2 seconds, immediately began to shrink, and finally shrank into a point and disappeared.

Replaced by blossoming white lotus and green lotus in the pond.

"Censer" sneered: "What's the matter? Did you want to kill me just now? But I am already dead. You destroyed the incense burner and unloaded the donkey, but I still exist. What can you do to me?"

Xiu Yuan sighed and said: "No, I can't do anything. I really can't help you. No matter how you ridicule me today, I will accept it willingly."

"Xiang Lu" said: "Old bald donkey, bastard..."

The "incense burner" was right there, and it kept cursing Xiu Yuan in conjunction with the donkey's cry of "oooo, oooo". The words were so vulgar and the voice was so loud that Bai Tianyang wanted to cover his ears.

But Xiuyuan just listened quietly, and from time to time he nodded and praised: "It's a good scolding, wonderful scolding, very creative." Sometimes, he would even ask Bai Tianyang: "What is 'Niang Xipi'?" What do you mean?" "'Trashy bastard' is a curse word in which place in your world?"

"Xianglu" cursed for half an hour before stopping.

"The inventory has been cleared. Let me search the Internet to see if there are any newer curse words."

"Well, don't limit yourself to Chinese."

"good idea!"

"Okay, the poor monk has apologized and been scolded. Now, is it your turn?"

Having said this, Xiuyuan looked at Bai Tianyang.

Bai Tianyang was stunned: "What?"

He found that although Xiu Yuan's face was calm at this time, there seemed to be a hint of ferocity deep in his eyes as he looked at him.

This made Bai Tianyang stop hiccupping and looked at Xiu Yuan blankly.

At the same time, Bai Tianyang saw that the algorithm symbols, Buddhist scriptures and beautiful women disappeared on the four walls of the room.

Evil spirits with hideous faces began to appear one after another, quickly covering all the walls in the room.

After watching Bai Yang, I felt like a big stone was pressing on my chest, making it difficult to breathe.

"What do you want to do?" "Censer" said, "Scare people?"

This time, Xiu Yuan didn't even look at the donkey and the "incense burner". He just stared at the white sun and said coldly: "Do you know that what you do will make Wu Daozi's "Hell Transformation"... Scenario becomes reality?”

Bai Tianyang looked confused: "This...this...I...what did I do?"

"Why did you tamper with the Crested Ibis and implant the bloodthirsty instinct into the underlying logic of all the robots here?"

Bai Tianyang was even more horrified: "I...I didn'! Hiccup! Hiccup!"

The huge shock made him hiccup again.

Xiu Yuan looked at Bai Tianyang coldly and stopped talking.

But at the same time, the picture on the wall behind him changed.

A man sits at a desk, typing furiously on the keyboard.

Right in front of him, there was a ball floating in the air, bright and dazzling, spinning constantly.

At first, the ball released a soft red light, like the rising sun.

But when the man was typing on the keyboard, his expression became more and more crazy, and he even made strange sounds from his mouth.

Soon, the ball began to change. UU Reading

It spun faster and faster, and the light gradually changed from soft red to blood red.

Things around the blood-red bead were also dyed blood-red by the blood-red light, and began to crack and collapse.

Bai Tianyang shouted: "I didn't! This is not me!"

He recognized that the man tapping the keyboard frantically was himself. And that bead is very similar to the "Crested Ibis".

And this scene is completely the encapsulated scene in the deepest part of the "Bliss World".

"Incense burner" said: "I prove that the 'Crested Ibis' was taken away by Lu Zhihao and has nothing to do with the little garbage! Is this scene imagined in your mind?"

Xiu Yuan said coldly: "This scene is indeed based on my imagination, but what about this? Live recording, what else can you say?"

Immediately, the style of painting on the wall behind Xiuyuan changed, and it was a completely realistic scene.

On the left is the scene of Bai Tianyang frantically typing on the keyboard on the bottom floor of the virtual East China University of Science and Technology library in the deepest part of the "Elysium".

On the right, there are lines of code.

Bai Tianyang almost immediately recognized that this was the code he wrote at that time to try to crack the three-layer firewall protecting the "Crested Ibis".

He was stunned for a moment.

This is perfect evidence against yourself.

In the face of this kind of evidence, no matter how hard he argued, it was in vain.

Xiu Yuan looked at him and sneered: "This video has now been spread throughout Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty!"

Bai Tianyang was shocked and angry: Only now did he understand why Lu Zhihao had to take them into the "Elysium", and why Lu Zhihao asked Bai Yang to crack the firewall even though he could get the "Crested Ibis" .

Lu Zhihao wanted to find a scapegoat to take the blame.

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