Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 162 The end of the little bully

"Little sister, little sister! Wang Qingyue!"

Just then, a cry came.

Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue heard the words and looked in the direction of the sound at the same time.

I saw a tall and thin boy about 15 years old standing on the wall of Pingkangfang, wearing a purple Sichuan brocade round collar robe.

Beside him, five other strong warriors with swords around their waists stood side by side on the wall of Pingkangfang.

It’s actually Lu Daochan! When Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue saw this little devil and villain, they were disgusted and had a headache.

The two ignored him and continued on their way.

However, they ignored him, but he insisted on provoking them.

Soon, Lu Daochan caught up.

He can't outrun a horse, but his mechanical bodyguard can.

A mechanical bodyguard carried him, ran wildly on the wall of the square, and quickly followed him, side by side with Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue.

"Stop! I want to apologize to the young lady." Lu Daochan shouted.

"I accept your apology and go home to find my mother." Wang Qingyue said loudly.

"Stop! I want to formally apologize."

"There's no need, we have something urgent!"


Bai Tianyang once had an idea: If this stalemate continues, why don't we stop and see what tricks this little bastard will play?

But when he turned around, Bai Tianyang immediately gave up this idea:

Six Yan Army cavalry were following closely. Stopping at this time would cost one's life.

The little bastard also has bad intentions and wants to let the robot soldiers catch us on purpose.

"Are you going to stop?" Lu Daochan's tone suddenly turned evil on the wall.

"Keep it going!" Bai Tianyang, Wang Qingyue and the sound-generating device in Bai Tianyang's arms shouted in unison.

At this time, less than 1 meter in front of Bai Yangfang was the end of the wall of Pingkangfang, and further ahead was the wall of Xuanyangfang.

"Depend on!"

Lu Daochan stood on the wall of the square and started swearing.

I ignored Yang Li during the day and got off my horse to reach the intersection of Pingkangfang, Xuanyangfang and Dongshi.

At this moment, a person rushed out from the right side of Bai Tianyang, on the road between Pingkangfang and Xuanyangfang.

A warrior with a strong physique and a sword on his waist.

Holding a ring-headed horizontal knife in his hand, he suddenly appeared and inserted the horizontal knife with incomparable precision into the gap between the horse's head, neck and body under Bai Tianyang's crotch.

Those are the splicing seams left during the production and assembly of the robot horse. They are the weakest and will cause a short circuit immediately after being inserted by a metal object.

Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue only felt the horse's body shook violently, and were jolted down at the same time.

Xiu Yuan's head also rolled aside.

At this time, Lu Daochan was carried by his mechanical bodyguards. He jumped off the wall with a leisurely time, picked up Xiu Yuan's head next to him, and said, "What is this, is it so fun?"

Bai Tianyang saw that the Yan army cavalry who were pursuing them suddenly stopped and looked at what was happening with surprised eyes.

The injured horse jumped like crazy for a full 10 seconds, then suddenly lay down and was completely disabled.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Wang Qingyue jumped up and shouted, "Give me back the things!"

Xiu Yuan also said: "Children, don't mess around. It's better to return the property to its original owner."

Lu Daochan was obviously startled by the sudden opening of the mechanical head's mouth to speak, and hurriedly threw it to Wang Qingyue.

"Miss Qingyue, the show in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty has reached its climax now. There are killings and arson everywhere. You and I will go up on the wall and we can watch the fun together?"

"We're not free, we have something to do."

"What's going on? I'm so bored by myself, and these machine dolls have no interest at all. Today, you just stay with me for the day, and I'll go back and ask my father to appoint you as the secretary of his group company, okay?"

"Not interested." Wang Qingyue said, walking towards Bai Tianyang and patting him hard on the shoulder.

Bai Tianyang was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Squat down and carry me to Yong'anfang quickly!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The sound-generating device in Bai Tianyang's arms made a sharp and weird laugh.

When Bai Tianyang dwarfed, Wang Qingyue whispered: "Mr. Ou, don't blame me, there is nothing you can do now." Then she jumped on Bai Baiyang's back.

Just when Bai Tianyang was about to turn into a scud and run wildly, Lu Daochan waved his hand suddenly and shouted: "Grab this woman to me! Beat the man to death, beat him to death!"

Suddenly, a total of 6 mechanical bodyguards surrounded Lu Daochan. In almost 2 seconds, they pressed Tian Tianyang to the ground and dragged her away regardless of Wang Qingyue's cries and curses.

Although Bai Tianyang was blessed with a metal exoskeleton, the six robot bodyguards on the other side were also the most powerful models, and they used wireless signals to coordinate their actions, leaving him no room to resist.

Tian Yang was dissatisfied and wanted to grab one of them and beat him up, but was hit twice more viciously on the head. In the end, he could only hold his head and use a metal exoskeleton to protect his vitals to avoid being beaten to death on the spot.

At the same time, Lu Daochan laughed "haha" from the side: "How is it? How is it? Are you stubborn with me?"

Wang Qingyue said sternly: "What exactly do you want?"

"Will you stay with me?"

"I'll go up the wall with you, right? Yes! Let him go!"

"If you let him go, it's not enough just to accompany me up the wall. You have to..."


Having said this, Wang Qingyue waved her hand and gave Lu Daochan a loud slap in the face.

Next, Bai Tianyang saw Lu Daochan being rude to Wang Qingyue. Wang Qingyue wanted to escape, but was held hostage by Lu Daochan's two mechanical bodyguards.

Bai Tianyang was extremely angry and gritted his teeth and said: "This little bastard is a disaster to the world!"


"Ha ha!"

At this moment, the soldiers of the Yan Army who had been "watching the excitement" just now were dispatched.

A total of 12 people and 12 riders (when Bai Tianyang, Wang Qingyue, and Lu Daochan were entangled just now, they had new reinforcements), they rushed over.

The first unlucky person was the mechanical bodyguard closest to Lu Daochan.

He was trampled directly to the ground by a horse and his head was crushed.

The second unlucky person was Lu Daochan. He was kicked out by another horse and fell to the ground, screaming "Wow!"

The soldiers of the Yan Army also wanted to capture Wang Qingyue. Wang Qingyue reacted very quickly and "Zi Liu" got under the belly of the horse of the Yan Army soldiers and got out from the other side.

At this time, Lu Daochan sat on the ground and watched in horror as a Yan Army soldier approached him on horseback with a sword. He yelled at the top of his lungs: "You dare? You dare? You dare not! You are a robot!"

But seeing that the sharp sword was raised, UU Reading Lu Daochan shouted: "Come and protect me quickly!"

The mechanical bodyguard suddenly rushed towards him. Three of them formed a circle around Lu Daochan, and two of them rushed forward. One grabbed the horse's leg, and the other pulled the rider's leg. They each yelled, and the Yan Army cavalry roared angrily and fell to the ground with both man and horse.

But as a result, the other 11 Yan Army cavalry also focused their attention on Lu Daochan. They shouted "ha, ha", rode up on their horses, and fought in a melee with Lu Daochan's five mechanical bodyguards.

Bai Tianyang took the opportunity to grab Wang Qingyue, take Xiu Yuan's head, and prepare to run away. Wang Qingyue didn't care much and lay on Bai Baiyang's back, letting Bai Baiyang run wildly on his back to speed up her escape.

During the day, Yang Neng could feel that while he was running, Wang Qingyue was looking back at Lu Daochan.

There were bursts of shouts and curses coming from behind, mixed with the sound of violent collisions of metal objects. It was obvious that the melee was extremely fierce.

But when Bai Tianyang ran about 100 meters away, the shouting and the sound of metal banging suddenly stopped behind him, followed closely by Lu Daochan's shouting at the top of his lungs.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Get out of here! Try touching me? I'm missing a hair on my head. My father's order for Datang Chang'an will be ruined soon. Believe it or not? Get out of here!"

At this time, Bai Tianyang wanted to look back, but couldn't.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Lu Daochan screamed.

"Ah!" At the same time, Wang Qingyue, who was lying on Bai Tianyang's back, also exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Bai Tianyang couldn't help but ask.

"They...they killed him."

Bai Tianyang felt a chill in his heart.

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