Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 169 Death of Ling Jinghui

At the same time, Wang Qingyue began to take off the mechanical exoskeleton from his waist and feet, and threw it towards Bai Tianyang.

"You can wear it, I really can't do it!"

Bai Tianyang said nothing and silently put the remaining mechanical exoskeleton on the corresponding parts of himself.

"Ah, ah!"

At this moment, two loud shouts suddenly came from the corner at the other end of the street.

Bai Tianyang felt a shiver in his heart: That direction was exactly where Ling Jinghui's figure disappeared just now.

Moreover, those two shouts just now were Ling Jinghui’s voice.

Accompanied by these two shouts, there was also the sound of horse hooves "De De De".

Bai Tianyang immediately understood what was going on.

He took out a "carrot ball" from the bag as quickly as possible, opened the latch and prepared to throw it.

At this moment, Ling Jinghui appeared.

There was blood flowing from his left shoulder and right arm, but he was still running desperately.

Following him were at least six mechanical Yan Army cavalry.

His face was ferocious, his body was stained with blood, and the saber in his hand shone with silver light.

"Hurry, use it quickly!" Ling Jinghui shouted.

Almost at the same time, the Yan Army cavalry behind him caught up with him, knocked him out, and landed hard on the ground.

Bai Tianyang threw the "carrot ball" viciously.

He used too much force on the first one, and the "carrot ball" drew a long arc in the air, landed behind the robot Yan Bing, and exploded.

For the second one, Bai Yang adjusted the intensity.

The "carrot ball" exploded right above the robot Yan Bing.

Under the sunlight, the bursting dust shimmered with strange light.

The seven robot soldiers of the Yan Army were still accelerating towards Bai Yang at first, but within 2 seconds, they and their mounts became abnormal.

Some of them hit the wall for no apparent reason, and hitting it once was not enough. They hit it several times in a row until the horse's head was knocked crooked. Some had crooked mouths and eyes, twitching and fell from their horses; others reined in their horses, raised their swords and kept slashing toward the void, and then tilted their bodies and fell from their horses.

Soon, all seven robots lost the ability to move normally.

Bai Tianyang was overjoyed when he saw this and rushed over immediately.

Wang Qingyue shouted: "What are you doing? Come back!"

Bai Tianyang shouted: "I'll get a horse!"

After a brief look, Bai Tianyang concluded that a horse was on the edge of the "carrot ball" explosion. The damage was not too severe and it should still be usable.

However, the damage to the robot warrior on its back was not too serious. Although its mouth and eyes were crooked, it still reacted quickly when it saw Bai Tianyang approaching: it slashed with a saber.

Tian Tianyang sneered: "You're the only one, you're so scared!" He lowered his body and quickly got under the horse's belly to the other side of the horse. Then with a kick, he jumped on the horse and sat on its back. Behind that guy.

The samurai also wanted to turn around and chop Bai Tianyang with his saber, but Bai Tianyang immediately gave him an elbow, which deformed his head and caused him to fall off the horse.

Then Bai Tianyang turned the horse's head, bypassed the "carrot ball" dust area, and ran towards Wang Qingyue.

"You grab your stuff and get on the horse. I have a mechanical metal exoskeleton. You can just walk!"

Wang Qingyue gave him a thumbs up: "Awesome!"

At that moment, the two of them planned to leave the place of right and wrong quickly.

"Help, help me!"

Suddenly, Ling Jinghui's shrill cry for help came.

Bai Tianyang looked back and saw Ling Jinghui covered in blood, sitting on the wall next to the street, watching the "crazy" robots "dancing like crazy" and asking for help from them.

Wang Qingyue said: "Brother Tianyang, he is so pitiful."

Bai Tianyang sneered: "That's okay, I'll help him!"

With that said, Bai Tianyang rushed to Ling Jinghui like an arrow from a string.

Ling Jinghui said: "Brother Bai, I was sorry for you just now..."

Bai Tianyang said, "That's why I'm here to ask for the debt!" As he said that, Bai Tianyang shone an elbow on Ling Jinghui's forehead.

With the strength and hardness of the mechanical exoskeleton, this blow was enough to shatter Ling Jinghui's forehead.

At this moment, Bai Tianyang suddenly felt someone pull hard on the collar on the back of his neck.

"don't want!"

Bai Tianyang's elbow failed to hit him.

He turned around in surprise and found that it was Wang Qingyue who stopped him.

Moreover, in order to prevent Wang Qingyue from beating Ling Jinghui, he was actually dragged off his horse. At this moment, he was half-kneeling on the ground, looking quite embarrassed.

Bai Tianyang's eyes widened: "What are you doing? Have you forgotten what this guy did to us just now?"

Wang Qingyue shouted: "I can't watch you kill him, no!"

Ling Jinghui also wailed: "It will be useful if you keep me! I also know some places where they hide their weapons. With these weapons, we have a greater chance of escaping."

Bai Tianyang didn't believe Ling Jinghui's nonsense at all, but just when he was thinking about how to get rid of Wang Qingyue's entanglement before taking action, he only heard a few sharp whistles, followed by the sound of horse hooves.

Reinforcements from the Robot Yan Army are coming!

Bai Tianyang looked at Wang Qingyue's trembling horse with crooked eyes, and immediately made up his mind: This horse is unreliable, and wasting time here is just a joke with his own life.

He grabbed Ling Jinghui by the collar, threw him roughly onto the horse, and shouted, "Take him with you, okay!"

Wang Qingyue said loudly: "Okay, okay!"

Then, Bai Tianyang put Wang Qingyue on the horse again, got on the horse and sat behind her, then reined in the horse and moved forward.

After quickly turning two intersections, the sound of horse hooves behind gradually became distant.

Bai Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he discovered that Ling Jinghui was hanging sideways in front of the saddle, and there seemed to be no movement.

Could it be that you used too much force when you threw him on the horse and killed him?

Wang Qingyue stretched out her hand to feel Ling Jinghui's breath and said, "He's not dead yet."

"Seriously, why did you save him?"

The sound-producing device in the bag finally spoke, and it was unclear whether it was Ou Ying or Fang Hao.

"No matter how you look at the optimal solution..." Xiu Yuan's head also spoke. After experiencing a severe trauma, he spoke like a patient who had suffered a stroke. His speech was unclear and had to be carefully distinguished to understand.

"Wang Qingyue," Bai Tianyang said, "listen to me, this guy is really not a good guy. His people even wanted to insult you just now, right? Why are you keeping this troublemaker? Find a place to kill him later. Now Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty is in chaos, and no one will care about people who are dying."

Wang Qingyue shouted: "No! I don't want it!"

Bai Tianyang took a deep breath and UU Reading said: "Then just leave him alone, okay? It's too dangerous for him to follow us."

Wang Qingyue said: "Think about it, everyone, Brother Tianyang and I were chased by robots just now. If it weren't for him and that 'Fat Dong', would we still be alive now?"

Bai Tianyang was stunned: That's true!

Wang Qingyue continued: "Also, at that time Brother Tianyang and I were exhausted and almost starved to death. If he hadn't taken us in and given us food, where would we have the strength now?"

"You little trash lover, what you say really makes sense." The sound-producing device said in the bag.

Wang Qingyue continued: "We can't only think about other people's bad things and not think about other people's good things, right? It's definitely not possible to harm people directly. Brother Tianyang, if you really kill him, then I will follow you immediately Fall out. What's the difference between leaving him here and killing him?"

"Hahahaha!" the sound-producing device said in the bag, "Ou Ying, Ou Ying, look, your love rival is so powerful, even I have nothing to say in just a few words, don't talk trash. That's all. That’s all, let them live in peace from now on, let’s hang out together in the Paradise, everything is the best arrangement.”



Bai Tianyang and Wang Qingyue shouted almost at the same time.

Immediately, the sound-producing device also said: "Don't be like this, don't be like this, I won't say it anymore, won't you say it? It's too late for me to cultivate to the Paradise Realm, so let me talk too much, okay? You and the little trash will definitely be reunited, they will definitely be reunited !”

Next, there was a period of silence, except for the extremely irregular, "dede" sound of horse hooves.

Bai Tianyang even got off the horse and relied on the power provided by the mechanical exoskeleton to walk side by side with Wang Qingyue on the robotic horse.

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