Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 179 Crash

Sure enough, next, the helicopter shook violently in the air, and in the cab, a man yelled crazily with a sharp voice.

The shouting had a strong northwest dialect accent, but the general meaning could still be heard clearly: "Da Liu! Da Liu! Damn it! You beat the driver to death!"

boom! boom!

"Lu Daochan" still tried to shoot at Lu Bin's wife, but under Bai Yang's desperate obstruction, his next two bullets still missed.

One of them penetrated the partition again.

This time, the sharp scream stopped.

Immediately, a sharp siren sounded - the helicopter circled and fell.

At this time, Lu Binqiang's wife finally understood: "Lu Daochan" was really going to kill her.

She roared "Ouch" and rushed towards "Lu Daochan".

"You want to kill me? Kill me! Kill me!"

At the same time, "Lu Daochan" hit Bai Tianyang with an elbow. The former finally got rid of the latter's entanglement, and the gun pointed at Rubin's wife's head.


Just before "Lu Daochan" pulled the trigger, a figure struggled and jumped between him and Lu Binqiang's wife.

It's Rubin Strong.

At the last moment, he took a shot for his wife.

Amid his wife's shrill wails, Rubin clutched his bleeding neck, stared at "Lu Daochan" with eyes as wide as dead fish, and fell to the ground.

Immediately, "Lu Daochan" aimed his gun at Lu Binqiang's wife again.

Rubin forced his wife to scream and pounced on her.


Bai Tianyang didn't see clearly whether the shot hit Lu Bin's wife, but the woman hugged "Lu Daochan" tightly around the waist, opened the side door of the cabin with her other hand, and then wanted to push "Lu Daochan" toward Cabin takeout.

It was obvious that she wanted to die together.

At this time, the helicopter was hitting the ground at high speed.

Bai Tianyang hugged Bai Huixin. At this time, he only had one thought: when he fell to the ground, try to give his daughter a "physical cushion" to increase the chance of Bai Huixin's survival.

Suddenly, the propeller above the helicopter, which was already rotating very slowly, suddenly sped up, and the helicopter's falling speed was greatly reduced.

Hope arose in Bai Tianyang's heart: Is the driver not dead yet?

"Sit tight in your seat and fasten your seat belt! The plane is about to hit the ground." At this time, the screen on the partition showed the scene in the cab.

A man in the passenger seat had his head blooming and was motionless. It was the driver who was speaking. His left chest was bleeding profusely and his face was extremely pale. He was obviously using his last breath of energy to teach the passengers how to escape.

Bai Tianyang quickly pushed Bai Huixin into the seat and fastened her seat belt. He also sat next to her and put on his seat belt.

At this time, Rubinqiang's wife and "Lu Daochan" were still entangled at the side door of the cabin, and Rubinqiang's body slowly slid towards the door as the helicopter floor tilted.

Bai Tianyang didn't care about this. He grabbed Bai Huixin's hand and said, "Don't worry about anything for a while. Rush out. The winding mountain road in the northwest is the only way to escape. Do you understand?"

Bai Huixin nodded tremblingly.

Bai Tianyang wanted to say something else. He wanted to say something like "Dad really wants to die for you."

But there was no time.

The helicopter's fuselage landed sideways first.

During the day, Yang saw a burst of violent sparks, and "Lu Daochan" and Lu Binqiang's family were all thrown away.

The helicopter propeller was still spinning, and after being broken on the ground, it flew around.

At least two of the fragments flew past Bai Tianyang's eyes.

The main part of the disintegrated helicopter was still sliding on the ground and continuing to disintegrate. Some debris flew around and hit Bai Tianyang's head, face and body, causing waves of severe pain.

Bai Huixin couldn't help shouting "Ahhh".

Bai Tianyang shouted: "What's wrong with you? Where are you injured? Where are you injured?"

But the huge sound caused by the disintegration of the helicopter completely covered up Bai Tianyang's screams, and Bai Huixin couldn't hear what her father was saying at all.


With a loud noise, the main part of the helicopter hit a cliff nearby.

Under the violent impact, Bai Tianyang only heard a "crack" sound, which seemed to be the sound of some bones breaking, and then he fell unconscious.

This time, Bai Tianyang woke up quickly.

Turning his head, he saw Bai Huixin still beside him. Regardless of the pain on his body, Bai Tianyang unbuckled his seat belt and put Bai Huixin down from his seat.

Then Bai Tianyang hugged her daughter and ran like crazy, limping away from the helicopter.

While running, Bai Tianyang looked back.

The entire helicopter had been completely disintegrated. Where he and Bai Huixin were just now was only about half of the remaining cabin of the helicopter, connected to part of the cab.

Moreover, sparks were shooting out of the cab, and the situation was not good.

boom! Bang bang!

Just when Tianyang ran about 10 meters away, there were several extremely ominous, crisp popping sounds from behind.

Bai Tianyang's heart trembled, and he threw Bai Huixin to the ground.


There was a loud noise and a violent heat wave coming from behind.

Bai Tianyang turned around and saw that the remaining helicopter had exploded into a fireball.

Looking at Bai Huixin again, she had already opened her eyes.

"How are you? How are you? Are you injured? Where does it hurt? Tell me, tell daddy?"

But no matter how anxiously Bai Tianyang called, Bai Huixin was stunned. She didn't cry, make trouble, laugh or make a sound, she just stared at the sky steadily.

At this time, Yanghun almost flew out of the sky during the day. He carefully looked at his daughter's body and found that except for the scrapes on her clothes and some small wounds on the exposed skin, there didn't seem to be any serious wounds.

Did he suffer a head injury?

It doesn’t look like it either.

Go to the hospital.

No hospital?

There must be a doctor among the tourists.

Yes, go where there are people, go where there are people.

Bai Tianyang picked up his daughter and limped toward the east.

About 50 meters away, people could be seen, sparsely and in twos and threes, heading in one direction.

Judging from their embarrassment, they must be tourists.

"Save people! Someone save my daughter!" Bai Tianyang shouted at the top of his voice, "I beg you, she is only 15 years old! 15 years old! Whoever can save her, I will be like a cow and a horse for him in this life. Give him all the money too!”

During the day Yang roared incoherently.

But at most those people just glanced at this place and then left silently without anyone stopping.

Bai Tianyang cursed a few times, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his feet. He finally fell to the ground, and Bai Huixin also fell out of his arms.

Bai Tianyang said to himself: "Huixin, Huixin, Huixin, I will take you to find your mother, don't leave me! Your mother has already left me, you can't, you can't! I still want to see you take the college entrance examination, I also want to see you work, see you get married and have children, and I also want to take care of your children..."

He was acting crazy at this moment, wanting to pick up his daughter again and move towards the crowd in the distance.

At this moment, Bai Huixin finally let out a "woo" and cried.

And he was crying loudly.

Tian Tianyang felt relieved. At first, he hugged her and gently patted her back to comfort her. Soon, he couldn't hold it in anymore, so he just hugged Bai Huixin and cried together.

In front of them, among the people passing by, only a few people cast a sympathetic glance at them, and then hurriedly walked away.

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