Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 183 The iron hand stretched out from the pile of corpses

Bai Tianyang wanted to run away quickly, but he gritted his teeth and held back: Ou Ying wanted to contact him, there must be something important, and it might be related to Bai Huixin's whereabouts.

He continued to search the corpses for working cell phones.

Finally, Bai Tianyang took out a mobile phone from a dead young man - the appearance was basically intact.

Just as he was about to click the "Connect" button, a hand made entirely of metal bones suddenly came out from under the body of the owner of the phone and grabbed Bai Tianyang's left wrist.

Tian Yang was startled, stretched out his foot and kicked hard. But the "metal hand" gripped tighter and tighter, and it was impossible to get rid of it.

During the day, Yang Qiang kept calm. With the faint light around him, he carefully observed this "metal hand": it has a classic three-wire structure. If the main jumper in the middle is pulled out, you will be out of business!

Thinking of this, Bai Tianyang stretched out his left hand, grabbed the red one in the middle of the three wires on the wrist of the "metal hand", and then pulled it out with force.

The "metal hand" seemed to have had its tendons severed. It trembled a few times and softened.

Bai Tianyang jumped down from the pile of corpses with his cell phone, and then answered the call.

"Go back quickly, you can't escape in that direction!" Ou Ying's voice said on the phone.

"Where's Huixin? Where's Huixin?" Bai Tianyang called.


Ou Ying's next words suddenly became extremely blurry, as if the signal had encountered interference.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Bai Tianyang ran wildly and shouted at the phone.

Waves of "click, click, click" sounds came from behind, and Bai Tianyang couldn't help but look back - two robots, or two "half robots" had crawled out of the pile of corpses.

Both robots were damaged. One had been burned, and its armor and even its skin had been worn away, exposing the metal and composite fiber structure inside, and a large area of ​​the robot was black and carbonized.

This guy should be the one who grabbed Bai Yang's wrist just now.

The other one is relatively complete, but the shoulders and head are also obviously deformed.

They only had their upper bodies left, but they crawled hard and came towards Tianyang.

Bai Tianyang was so frightened that he hung up the phone and ran even harder.

The sound of "click, click, click" could be heard from behind - the two robots were still chasing behind them at extremely fast speeds.

There are corpses everywhere on the ground, including tourists and robots. Tian Yang accidentally tripped and fell to the ground. When he got up, he found that in addition to the two "half robots" just now, there was also a "disabled" robot that climbed up the road from the fence next to him and limped towards him. Turning around.

During the day, Yang spread his legs and ran wildly. Soon, there were 6 robots chasing him. These robots are all severely mutilated, but they all pursue Bai Tianyang desperately.

Bai Tianyang only felt the phone in his hand vibrate again. He looked down and saw a message displayed on the screen of the phone: Keep moving forward! When I call this number again, stop!

Bai Tianyang did as he was told. He crossed three road "fracture zones" in succession. Some were just tilted, and some had half of the road collapsed, but the remaining half could still be passed.

But 10 minutes later, an insurmountable "fault zone" appeared in front of us - the entire road collapsed to the next level. Unless you could jump 3 meters at once, you would not be able to get across.

Looking back, the six robots were approaching step by step.

Under the light of the stars, the moon and the surrounding firelight, Bai Yang saw their expressions - to be precise, there was no expression at all, just staring at him.

Some of them raised their knives, and some trembled, but they still waved their copper hammers and came straight towards them.

Bai Tianyang sighed: "God, has Hui Xin escaped? Why don't you let me know?"

With that said, he planned to jump off the "cliff break zone".

This time, he will definitely not have the same luck as last time - he will definitely die.

At this time, Bai Tianyang felt the phone in his hand vibrate.

Well, there seems to be nothing else I can do except stop.

A "rumbling" sound came from above the head, and it quickly became louder and louder.

Bai Tianyang was still wondering when a stone the size of a writing desk rolled down the hillside next to the hanging wall road. It hit the two robots at the front, took them away, and rolled towards the abyss outside the fence. .


Before Tian Yang could close his mouth wide open in fear, a bigger stone rolled down, knocking the other four robots off the wall-mounted road.

During the day, Yang looked up the steep hillside. From here to the wall-mounted road on the upper level, there is a platform, which seems to be building a road safety observation station, with two excavators parked on it.

The two falling boulders were obviously the work of the excavator.

This kind of excavator generally has a low level of intelligence, and large artificial intelligence models such as "Crested Ibis" are ineffective against them. But Ou Ying and Fang Hao can still hack in and control some simple mechanical movements.

The phone in Bai Tianyang's hand trembled again. When he lowered his head, he saw on the screen: Stand back, the excavator is about to fall.

Bai Tianyang quickly retreated about 10 meters, and then, with a "crunching" sound, the two excavators on the platform continued to move forward, rolling and falling from the platform.

One fell 2 meters in front of Tianyang, and the other fell to the other side of the "fracture zone" and turned sideways.

The excavator that landed in front of Bai Tianyang slowly drove to the edge of the fault zone, stretched out its mechanical arm, and then made a "big swing" between the cockpit and the upper part, and the bucket arrived in front of Bai Tianyang.

Bai Tianyang immediately understood what Ou Ying meant.

He looked at the phone in his hand and said to himself: Are you serious?

A message was immediately displayed on the phone: Do you have any other options?

All right.

Bai Tianyang got into the bucket, and the upper part of the excavator made another 180-degree "big swing", and the bucket reached the other side of the "fault zone".

When Bai Tianyang got out of the bucket, two meters away, the excavator that had turned sideways returned to normal - it had been adjusting itself before, constantly using its robotic arm and bucket to lift the ground.

Bai Tianyang looked at his phone. The message displayed on it was: Sit on, Mr. Bai?

Bai Tianyang got into the cockpit of the excavator, and then followed the excavator slowly down the wall-mounted road.

On the way, Bai Tianyang's heart suddenly moved, and he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Ou Ying's number.

"Can't you use an excavator to send me directly out of Helongyuan?"

"I'll show you something and you'll understand."

Hanging up the phone, Bai Tianyang clicked on the video sent by Ou Ying, and immediately stopped wishful thinking.

On both sides of the "fault zone" separated from Bai Huixin, there seemed to have been several collapses later. Now, the entire "fault zone" is a full 15 meters long. In other words, that long section of road has been Cease to exist.

The excavator definitely couldn't handle it.

"Where is Huixin? Where is she now?" Bai Tianyang asked again.

Ou Ying's answer was still a video: Around evening, six police cars appeared at the other end of the "fault zone." Bai Huixin got off one of the police cars and led two people in police uniforms back to the other end of the "fault zone", saying something urgently.

The policemen around Bai Huixin were obviously stunned. While making phone calls, they began to pull up the isolation tape and seal off the scene.

Bai Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief: his daughter finally escaped. With the police, she should be very safe.

He calmed down and used the instant messaging software on his mobile phone to talk to Ou Ying.

"Where is the ghost market? You said you could be resurrected in the 'ghost market'. I'm here to help you."

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