Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 188 Infection with Tran

Fortunately, the journey went smoothly and the scenery door was open. The three of them carefully exited the imperial city through Jingfeng Gate and headed south along Yongxingfang and Chongrenfang.

But soon, Bai Tianyang saw a thick black smoke and fire rising into the sky ahead, which made him feel strongly uneasy.

After walking more than 100 meters, Bai Tianyang finally saw the source of the black smoke and fire.

The northwest corner of the Chongren Fangfang wall has collapsed, and a broken helicopter can be seen parked on the flat ground inside.

To be more precise, it was a helicopter turned upside down.

The pilot was struggling to open the cabin and drag out a person from inside - most of them were unconscious, and some even had their faces covered in blood.

Only then did Bai Tianyang recognize that this was the helicopter struggling to land in mid-air that he had just seen at Yanxi Gate.

While Bai Tianyang was still thinking about whether to go over and help others, little Zaza in his arms suddenly twisted her body crazily - she wanted to go to the ground.

Before Bai Tianyang understood what was going on, little Zaza had already fallen to the ground.

She didn't say a word, just got up and ran towards the helicopter.

Are her parents or close relatives on this helicopter?

Bai Tianyang hurriedly followed up: rescuing her parents and relatives, and then handing the child over to them was considered a complete meritorious deed.

At this moment, Yun Yaojin behind him suddenly grabbed Bai Yang's arm: "What are you doing? Don't go there!"

Bai Tianyang shook off Yun Yaojin with all his strength, and said with a look of disgust: "You don't have to worry about it. If you are willing to save people, come with me. If you are not willing to save people, just stay here with me!"

But as soon as he said this, Yun Yaojin actually made a hungry tiger's move to pounce on food, suddenly threw Bai Tianyang to the ground, and pinned him to the ground with the strength of his body.

Bai Tianyang was very anxious and shouted: "What are you doing! Let go! Child, child!"

Yun Yaojin said sternly: "What a ghost! Do you have eyes? Open your eyes and see clearly!"

Bai Tianyang couldn't listen to what Yun Yaojin said at all, and stared closely at Xiao Zaza's back.

At this time, little Zaza was less than half a meter away from the helicopter wreckage.

The helicopter pilot was pulling a man out of the helicopter.

This man's clothes are extremely strange - his legs are bare.

In an instant, Bai Tianyang recognized it: this was the guy who pulled little Zaza off the rope ladder of the helicopter in Chengtianmen Square and climbed up on his own.

Immediately, Bai Tianyang heard a slight but extremely clear sound.



It seems like something is charging.

At this time, little Zaza turned back and glanced at Bai Yang——

Both of her eyes were completely red!

Bai Tianyang took a breath of cold air: Infected with Tran!

Little Zaza just smiled at Bai Tianyang with red eyes. The smile was still very sweet, but Bai Tianyang was trembling all over.

Immediately, little Zaza rushed towards the helicopter.

"No! The others are innocent!"

Tian Yang shouted at the top of his lungs.

But little Zaza didn't pay attention at all. She rushed up and hugged the "bare-legged" body.

When "Bare Legs" saw her, his eyes widened in shock, and his body instinctively twitched twice, trying to get away.

But his injury was too serious and his escape attempts were ineffective.

"Little Zhaza, tie your hair in braids. After braiding, hug the bug; what should you do if the bug stings you? Hold the bug and die together!"

Little Zaza sang two lines of the song, and as soon as the words "die together" came out at the end, she turned into a ball of dazzling fire.


Amidst the loud noise, the fire engulfed everything around it.

The "bare-legged" man, the helicopter pilot, the helicopter wreckage, and other injured people were all wrapped in flames.

A huge, mushroom cloud-like thing rose upwards.

Bai Tianyang only felt an extremely hot wave of air coming towards him. Although most of the impact and heat were blocked by Yun Yaojin lying on his body, Bai Tianyang still felt as if his body had been thrown into a hot pool. It's the same as passing it through boiling water.

After a full three minutes, he finally recovered and shouted softly: "Shake gold, cloud shake gold! Cloud shake gold!"

Yun Yaojin said: "I'm fine, how is Bai Lang?"

Bai Tianyang said: "Not dead!"

Yun Yaojin jumped up and said, "Then let's go quickly."

Bai Tianyang saw that there were many holes in Yun Yaojin's clothes, some exposing flesh and even the metal composite structure inside, and some places were still burning, which she quickly put out with her hands.

During the day Yang stood up and moved around: except for the burning pain in some places on his face and shoulders, there was nothing serious.

Looking at the origin of the explosion, where the wreckage of the helicopter that had been blown to pieces was previously located, Bai Tianyang sighed: "Thank you."

Yun Yaojin said calmly: "You know that Tran is infected, how come you are so close to being infected?"

Bai Tianyang said: "When I was in Mozi, I heard some rumors when I was reunited with my college classmates. I didn't expect it to be such a thing just now. She is so cute, so..."

"So similar to your wisdom, right?"

Bai Tianyang shook his head desperately and sighed again.

Yun Yaojin said: "This should be the regular version."

Bai Tianyang was surprised and said: "Is there still..."

Yun Yaojin nodded and said: "Indeed, there is also a nuclear bomb version. I don't know if '98' has gotten it in. Now the entire Tang Dynasty Chang'an is completely out of control. The people of '98' followed Duan Changling's previous instructions. All the weapons in the arsenal were released, either to robots or to humans. The self-destruction soldiers were thrown directly on the street, allowing them to move around and find their own targets."

These words made Bai Tianyang's heart tighten: Today's Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty is a complete hell on earth.


About 40 minutes later, Bai and Yun entered the north gate of Wubenfang.

In the entire Wubenfang, there were originally the Imperial College, Guangwen Museum, Xiantian Temple (former residence of Fang Xuanling) and other attractions. UU Reading www.uukanshu. nnet turned out to be a popular place for tourists.

At this time it was deathly silent.

Moreover, after entering Wubenfang, Bai Tianyang began to be confused: the entire Wubenfang has 350,000 square meters, where can we find a "ghost market"?

Moreover, Yun Yaojin also stopped and looked at Bai Tianyang: It seemed that she didn't know either.

Bai Tianyang said: "You...can you contact Ou Ying? Ask her where the 'ghost market' is."

Yun Yaojin shook his head.

Bai Tianyang frowned and said: "How about going to Xiantian to see it? It was converted from Fang Xuanling's abandoned former residence. It sounds like it has something to do with 'ghosts'."

Yun Yaojin nodded.

Xiantian Temple is located in the northeast corner of Wubenfang. When you walk through the gate, you can see that this Taoist temple is quite large, with three courtyards inside and outside.

What surprised Bai Tianyang was that the entire Taoist temple, including all the statues, was spotless and extremely clean.

But there was no one to be found.

Bai Tianyang walked around the Taoist temple several times, but couldn't figure it out, so he planned to discuss with Yun Yaojin whether to go to the Imperial College west of Wubenfang to have a look.

However, Bai Tianyang suddenly discovered that no one could be found.

Yun Yaojin didn't know where he went.

He frowned and shouted several times: "Yun Yao Jin!" but got no response. While he was confused, he suddenly heard a strange sound of electronic music.

The phone rang again.

In the silent Taoist temple, hearing this sound suddenly made Bai Tianyang's heart tremble.

Following the sound, Bai Tianyang quickly came to a statue of a red pine nut.

He was very sure that the cell phone ringtone was coming from near this statue.

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