Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 2 “Datang Chang’an” Theme Park

The whole day after that, Bai Yang was out of his mind.

After separating from Ou Ying, he proposed to get back together several times, but was rejected. Now, he really wanted to rush to Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty and investigate Ou Ying's disappearance by himself.

But the problem is, he can't afford the tickets.

As the most successful theme park in the world today, the price of a ticket to visit Tang Dynasty Chang'an almost cost him more than half a year's living expenses.

The result of being "out of control" is that there is no progress on a very simple piece of code all day long - the project is on a very tight schedule and is about to be delayed.

At 2 o'clock in the night, Tian Yang, who couldn't sleep, was smoothing "Spinach"'s hair and kept sucking the knuckles of his thumb with his mouth - this was an involuntary action he made when he was anxious.

Suddenly, the phone screen lit up.

Someone sent a picture.

The sender is——

Ou Ying.

Bai Tianyang picked up the phone like an electric shock, opened the screen, clicked on the picture sent by Ou Ying, and looked at it carefully.

He straightened up immediately:

It was a laboratory test sheet, and the key information on it was: "β-HCG is higher than normal" and "4 weeks of pregnancy."

Bai Tianyang calculated based on the time on the test sheet, and immediately uttered a line of words with trembling hands.


"Remember a month ago?" Ou Ying quickly replied.

Of course Bai Tianyang remembered that when he had a bad interview, he went to Ou Ying to complain and chatted with Ou Ying after getting drunk, and even spent the night together. This happened several times during the 12 years of separation.

But then, Ou Ying sent another line of words that shocked him even more.

"Can you come and save me? I'm dying."

Bai Tianyang immediately dialed Ou Ying's phone number - to his slight surprise, even though there had been no phone contact for more than a year, he could still quickly recite Ou Ying's phone number: 13816600704.

After more than 20 seconds of dial tone, the other party finally got through.


A sharp whistling sound that could almost pierce Bai Tianyang's eardrums came from the receiver.

Bai Tianyang shouted into the mobile phone regardless, "Where are you? Where can I save you? Hello! Hello?"

The howling sound lasted for 5 seconds before Ou Ying's voice came from the phone:

"I don't know... it should be in the Tang Dynasty Chang'an Theme Park."

The confident, powerful mezzo-soprano of the past disappeared, replaced by a trembling, frightened female voice.

"What does 'should' mean? You don't even know where you are?" Bai Tianyang said.

"It's so dark all around, I can't see clearly." Ou Ying said with a cry.

"Take a photo of your surroundings with your mobile phone. Are there any road signs or terrain features? Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty is a 1:1 replica of ancient Chang'an. Or can you tell me, which square or city are you in? For example, Dong City, West City, Wubenfang, Huaiyuanfang?”

"I'm in...the ghost market..."

"What? Are you kidding me? You can find the 2D tour map of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty online. Where does the ghost market come from? Can you see clearly?"

"No, I can't do it. I...I don't seem to, why! Why is it like this!" Ou Ying said and suddenly screamed, as if she had discovered something extremely terrifying. The same thing happened, mixed with the whistling sound that had become "background sound" at this time, making Bai Tianyang's hairs stand up one by one in the middle of the night.

"Can you shout for help? See if there is anyone nearby who can help you. I will go there now and arrive in Datang Chang'an in two days!"

"It's dark all around, it's really dark... Come on, come on..."

After Ou Ying said the words "come quickly", the phone was suddenly hung up.

Next, no matter how Bai Tianyang sent text messages or dialed the other party's mobile phone number, he never got any reply.

The next day, Bai Tianyang boarded the flight to Xi'an alone.

He borrowed a sum of money from a friend and mortgaged a residence in his name to the other party in the IOU.

With the money, he bought tickets for the Tang Dynasty Chang'an Theme Park and entrusted "Spinach" to a pet care center near his home.

Bai Tianyang felt that if he didn't do something to find Ou Ying, he would live in the shadows for the rest of his life.

On the plane, Bai Tianyang threw aside the in-flight meal served by the stewardess and began to look up relevant information about Datang Chang'an.

When he was leading the Agni Fire project at Moxi Company, Bai Tianyang and the engineers in the project team studied the Datang Chang'an Theme Park in detail to understand the needs of tourists inside, the business model of New Creation Group, and the products developed by Moxi Company. What value can the hound robot bring to this theme park?

Therefore, Bai Tianyang's mobile phone and computer contain a large amount of detailed information about the Tang Dynasty Chang'an Theme Park, some of which cannot even be found online.

He printed out all these materials, filled an entire school bag, and flipped through them page by page on the plane.

The Tang Dynasty Chang'an Theme Park is located deep in the Qinling Mountains and completely recreates Chang'an during the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

In order to restore the historical imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty in the most authentic way, New Creation Group hired almost all Tang Dynasty history experts to conduct rigorous demonstrations on the architectural layout and historical features of this ancient city. There are more than 20 architectural drawings alone. Ten thousand copies.

Even what kind of tree is planted at the entrance of An Lushan's residence in Qinrenfang is clearly marked.

After the project was completed, a history professor walked around the theme park several times and was so excited that he burst into tears: "Xingqing Palace, Hanyuan Hall, Furong Garden, the Tang Dynasty has reappeared! The Tang Dynasty has reappeared!"

In addition, what amazed everyone was that there was no difference at all between the performance of robot NPCs in Datang Chang'an and real people.

Li Shimin's courage and bravery, and Wu Zetian's domineering queen are both vividly demonstrated.

Li Bai and Du Fu played by robots can even imitate the poetry styles of real poets in history and compose new poems of their own.

Even the robot NPCs who act as ordinary Chang'an citizens have their own personalities and are vivid.

Bai Tianyang quickly read the information on his hand from beginning to end.

He soon realized that it was almost an impossible task to find Ou Ying in this theme park.

Because Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty was too big.

It covers an area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers, equivalent to more than 80 Shanghai Disneyland. If a subway was built around the entire Datang Chang'an, at least 12 stations would have to be built.

In a place of this size, the total "population" is over 1 million. Excluding robot NPCs, there are still 400,000 to 500,000 tourists and human staff.

In a place like this, looking for a missing woman is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In order to narrow down the search scope, Bai Tianyang began to focus on looking for the answer to one question:

Where is the "ghost market" Ou Ying mentioned?

In many films and TV dramas about Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, the "ghost market" is depicted as a gloomy and magical existence, similar to an underground contraband trading market.

However, Datang Chang'an Theme Park did not adopt this argument.

Because Tang history experts have long published research results, the so-called "ghost market" was actually a place where residents of the Tang Dynasty conducted secret transactions after the curfew, and it was not a fixed place. It might be in Chang'an County, it might be in Wannian County, it might be in Yi'anfang, or it might be in Chonglifang.

Sometimes, there are even multiple "ghost markets" held at different locations in Chang'an City at the same time.

The items traded in the "ghost market" are mainly daily necessities for some residents, and there are very few contraband items. Otherwise, the security forces in Chang'an, including the bad guys and the Jinwu Guards, will never turn a blind eye to this phenomenon.

In short, there is no place called "Ghost Market" in Datang Chang'an Theme Park.

So, where is the "ghost market" Ou Ying mentioned?

Bai Tianyang thought hard but couldn't come up with a result, and the plane had already landed at Xianyang International Airport.

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