After Li Tai got the news, he immediately mobilized 5,000 soldiers and horses in Yongzhou City.

Immediately head to the south of the city.

It had been months since the Turkic barbarians had been encountered.

He came to Yongzhou City to accumulate military exploits.

However, all the people I encountered in a row were some Turkic squads of 100 people, and it was really not interesting to kill.

He naturally knew that his father was thinking about his safety, and deliberately arranged him in Yongzhou City, which was not dangerous.

But in this way, it also wiped out some of the combat exploits he was able to accumulate.

Now there are 10,000 Turkic soldiers and horses at the southern gate.

Although it is not yet known how this Turkic centaur appeared here, it is still 10,000 centaurs.

Compared with the previous petty fights, this time it was really a real accumulation of combat exploits

! With these combat exploits, he naturally won the first place among all the princes!

As soon as he thought of this, Li Tai's eyes couldn't stop being excited.

Thinking of making meritorious contributions, he rushed to the south of Yongzhou with his 5,000 soldiers and horses.

Sure enough, I saw a group of 10,000 soldiers and horses of the Turkic barbarian figures, holding flags and marching.

Although it is a little strange why these Turkic armies are here, and looking at the direction of their march, it seems that they are not coming towards Yongzhou City.

And the march was so fast that it looked like ...... passing through here

However, this Turkic army appeared here for no reason, and it must also be against the Tang Dynasty's plots

, and this time it was the time for him to make meritorious contributions, and a sneer appeared on the corner of Li Tai's mouth.

With a fierce light in his eyes, he stared at the Turkic man in the distance and ordered:

"Kill all these Turkic barbarians, and leave not one behind

!" "Yes!"

The soldiers under his command immediately claimed that they were!

After Li Tai gave the order, he took the lead and took the lead in riding his horse towards the Turkic soldiers and horses.


In the Turkic army

, Yetulu was riding a war horse and hurriedly marching forward.

"General, fifty miles ahead is Mangshan, and we can camp here tonight. The

Turkic soldiers on the side stepped forward to report.

Yetulu originally led 20,000 vanguard soldiers to Chang'an City to put pressure on Li Shimin.

But unexpectedly, the Turkic army behind was defeated and left.

The great Khan of the Turks, Ashina Jieli, was even more killed in Qingcheng Mountain, and even the corpse capital was difficult to preserve.

After receiving Ye Hu's notice, he immediately led his army to retreat.

I thought that this Tang Jun was so cunning.

No wonder this army went all the way to the outside of Jingyang City and came to the bank of the Weishui River, which could be so smooth.

It turned out that the Tang army had already designed an ambush.

When they attacked Jingyang City and were about to take Chang'an City proudly.

But he didn't expect that the rear would be broken by the Tang army, and their Turkic Great Khan would be killed.

If he hadn't run fast this time, he would have already been surrounded by those

Tang troops! Although he also withdrew quickly, he encountered a lot of Tang troops along the way, and after several battles, he even lost the 20,000 soldiers and horses he originally led to 10,000.

As soon as I thought that I had finally come here from the Turks, I thought that I wanted to make some military exploits, and I asked for two mothers-in-law, but I didn't expect that this military exploit was not obtained.

I almost broke my life into it.

This time, Jieli Khan also died on the Tang soil, and the other armies also scattered and retreated, and I don't know how to explain to Tuli Khan this time.

Thinking of this, I felt extremely depressed, and I couldn't help but sigh heavily.

Looking at the looming mountain in front of him, he nodded lightly and said loudly:

"Speed up the march! Be sure to rush to Mangshan before dark!"


With an order, the army behind him moved in unison and marched quickly in the direction of Mangshan.

And just as the team was speeding towards Mangshan, a scout suddenly came to report.

"General, five thousand Tang troops have been found on the side!" As

soon as he heard the Tang army, Yetulu's scalp could not stop tingling.

Along the way, they encountered several waves of Tang troops, and they had no intention of fighting, but they were surrounded and intercepted by the Tang army several times, and they had already lost more than half.

Moreover, the cold season is coming soon, and if they can't reach the Turks before the cold season comes, I'm afraid that it will be a problem for soldiers, horses, food, and grass at that time.

What's more, as soon as this cold season comes, the road is closed by heavy snow, and there is no way back.

They can only lose everything in this cold season.

Now they are just thinking about returning to the Turks as soon as possible, where is there still time to fight against the Tang army here

? Not to mention that this is still 5,000 men and horses, although they are now said to have 10,000 soldiers and horses, but they have already been exhausted from this day and night march, where do they still have the strength to compete with these 5,000 soldiers and horses?

Thinking of this, Na Yetulu hurriedly ordered:

"Don't fall in love with battle, go forward at full speed with light equipment!"

As he spoke, he led the vanguard soldiers and horses behind him to speed up.

The Turkic soldiers behind threw away their heavy objects and accelerated their running all the way.



Li Tai, who came all the way on a war horse, was stunned.

He looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, and couldn't help but be stunned:

"What's the situation?"

As far as the eye could see, there were 10,000 Turkic barbarians passing in front of them, but they were all running fast.

In the blink of an eye, they had already distanced themselves.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up at this time, Li Tai hurriedly waved his hand and signaled the soldiers behind him to stop.

Looking at those Turkic soldiers, in order to run faster, they even threw away all the heavy objects on their bodies.

It's just a panic.

The guard beside Li Tai looked at this and said with a smile:

"General! These Turkic barbarians are afraid that they will know that the general is coming, and they are scared!"

As soon as these remarks came out, the soldiers behind them laughed one after another.

"Look at these Turkic barbarians, all of them are running fast! Even throwing away things! Seeing our general's frightened souls flying

!" "Haha! But no! Our general is brave and strong in martial arts, naturally these Turkic thieves know that the general is coming, and they are afraid that they will be killed, you see that these running shoes have fallen off!" "

That is, our general is going to stop here, which of these Turkic thieves still dares to attack?!"


For this boast, Li Tai naturally didn't listen to it.

Since he was a child, this kind of flattery has been countless, and he has long been tired of hearing it.

Now watching these Turkic soldiers retreat in a panic, it must not be because of themselves.

Those soldiers and horses had 10,000 men and horses, so how could they see that the 5,000 men he led were so cowardly?

This is not the style of Turkic barbarians!

Thinking of this, Li Tai's brows couldn't help but furrow slightly.

With some confusion, he looked at the retreating position of the Turkic barbarian army in the distance. He muttered,

"What are they afraid of?"


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