Li Liqing, looking at Lin Chen with charming and soft eyes, holding a wine glass in her hand, got up and walked towards Lin Chen leisurely.

Such a delicate and moving, how can you not be tempted to yearn, Lin Chen pulled Li Lizhi into his arms, reached out and stroked Li Lizhen's cheek, and asked softly: "Is the lady drunk?"

Li Lizhi shook her head: "Husband, this fruit wine is very delicious

!" Lin Chen looked at Li Li's disgusting eyes, reached out and took the wine glass in her hand, and smiled lightly: "I'm afraid I will have a headache tomorrow!"

Li Lizhi saw that her wine glass was taken away by Lin Chen, she was very unwilling, and pouted dissatisfied: "No, let me drink two more sips!" Lin Chen

smiled loudly, looked at her cute appearance, and picked up Li Lizhi horizontally.

"This fruit wine is not the best, the lady should try something else!" Li

Lizhi leaned on Lin Chen's chest for a while, listening to the powerful heartbeat, the flush on her face became even more obvious.

There are countless stars in one night. The next morning, Lin Chen got up, looked at Li Lizhen, who was still asleep beside him, and recalled all the things last night.

Afraid that Li Lizhi would be tired, looking at the delicate little face and the tiredness that could not be concealed, Lin Chen shook his head and chuckled. If you have time, you still have to make up for your mother, but your body is still weaker.

After Lin Chen got dressed, he walked out of the room and went directly in the direction of the square.

The bows and arrows rewarded by the system yesterday have not yet been used, but today we are just here to see what kind of power they have!

Every morning, the mountain people will train in the square, even if it is windy and rainy.

As soon as Lin Chen walked into the square, he saw Li Laosi leading the mountain people to train.

As soon as he saw Lin Chen's figure, Li Laosi immediately turned around and saluted

: "The owner of the village is good!" The mountain people behind him also stopped the exercises in their hands, and immediately shouted in unison: "Good village master!" Although these mountain people

are not military generals, after Lin Chen came, he led them to train every day and study various sanda techniques, although they are not military generals, they are more fierce than military generals.

At this time, a shout resounded throughout the mountains and forests, Lin Chen looked at the mountain people who were standing neatly and with high morale, and said loudly:

"Today I will select two hundred people among you to form a crossbow team!"

Now that he heard Lin Chen say that he wanted to choose a crossbowman, he was even more eager to try.

After Lin Chen glanced around, he said quietly: "The criteria for the selection of this crossbowman are those who are good at hunting and have strong arm stamina. One step forward that meets any of the above criteria!"

As soon as the command was given, there were mountain people moving forward, and in an instant, nearly three hundred people had already signed up.

Lin Chen selected two hundred people from these three hundred people, and successfully received the bow and crossbow that Lin Chen had received from the system early in the morning, and everyone was still curious about where the owner of the village had found these objects. Someone immediately interpreted:

"This must be the divine power of the owner of the village, and the owner of the village must be the god of heaven!"

One by one, they received these bows and crossbows.

As soon as the bow and crossbow were in hand, everyone felt a surge of strength around them. It seems that the crossbow arrow in this hand has been used countless times, and it is unusually familiar.

Lin Chen looked at the state of everyone, and said loudly: "How about trying the bow and crossbow in your hand?!"

Everyone seemed to have practiced countless times, and after Lin Chen ordered, they immediately raised their bows and crossbows, put on the arrows, and aimed at the humanoid straw that they usually trained in the distance.


a sound broke through the air, and countless illusory shadows crossed in front of everyone's eyes.


" "Poof!" "Poof!"


The whistling rain of arrows shot at the straw man in an instant, but those arrows did not stop, but continued to move forward directly through the straw man, and finally shot on the wall. There was a roar.

Everyone watched this scene in shock.

"This thing shoots so far

, this straw man is fifty steps away!" "That is, you see that those straw men have been pierced through a big hole, and the wall is almost two hundred steps away from us, right!?" "

That's right

!" "It's amazing!"

Even Lin Chen was a little stunned, in ancient times, the range of this crossbow arrow was only a few tens of meters away, but now the power of this crossbow arrow has far exceeded a hundred meters away.

The power of the arrow was even more penetrating the straw man dozens of meters away and shooting directly on the wall.

Sure enough, the things that come out with the system bonus are different, and you can shoot such power just after you get started.

Lin Chen nodded with great satisfaction, and said loudly: "Very good! Continue training!" The

crossbowmen who had just been formed were also very excited, and immediately said in unison: "Yes!


Li Shimin led Wei Chi Jingde to lead 5,000 Praetorian Guards and set off from Chang'an City.

Xie Liang, the county magistrate of Lai'an County, had also received the news early in the morning, and he was waiting at the city gate early, ready to welcome Li Shimin.

This time, Li Shimin's personal expedition reached his jurisdiction, and he was really shocked when he heard the news.

As a county commander, he didn't have much chance to face the saint, let alone such a big battle.

Although there are some bandits in Lai'an County, they are all under control, so as not to cause any trouble, but this time it actually alarmed Li Shimin.

And when did he have a bandit in this Qingcheng Mountain, why didn't he know?

On the one hand, he was still a little nervous to meet Shengyan, and on the other hand, he was a little worried about whether he would be blamed on him.

After waiting anxiously for a few hours, there was no one to see, and Xie Liang couldn't help but be a little anxious.

"What's going on? Why hasn't Your Majesty's royal drive arrived yet?"

Master Wang was also a little puzzled: "The news received that Your Majesty has indeed come to Anxian County to suppress bandits!

Xie Liang looked up, and the sun was almost overhead. Lai'an County is not far from Chang'an City, and it will definitely be able to arrive at this hour

, but there is no one to see now, is it not to suppress the bandits?" "By the way, is there any news about the bandits in Qingcheng Mountain that you inquired about?"

Master Wang hurriedly wiped the sweat beads on his face, and replied with considerable doubts:

"Lord Hui, my subordinates have sent someone to inquire, but there is still no news coming, the villain has been in Lai'an County since he was a child, and he has never heard of a bandit in Qingcheng Mountain!" Could this be that His Majesty has other plans in Qingcheng Mountain?

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