"Ahem, cough, ahem......"

Li Lizhi was woken up by a loud roaring sound, and when she woke up, she coughed again and again, looking at the dilapidated house in front of her.

I was stunned for a moment.

What kind of place is this?

Lin Chen turned his head to look at Li Liqing, who had already woken up, and smiled slightly:

"You're awake."

Li Lizhi looked at the handsome man in front of him, isn't this person the thief who kidnapped him.

Thinking of all the things before, his face suddenly sank

: "Where is this, let me go back!"

Lin Chen originally wanted to say that it was his room, but looking at the dilapidated room, he said helplessly:

"This was originally my room, but as soon as I threw a punch, I accidentally collapsed." Looking

at the dust around him, he continued with a headache:

"Alas, it seems that I will be moved to the east courtyard to sleep tonight.

When Li Lizhen heard this, she looked at everything in front of her with great horror.

This house belongs to Lin Chen? The beams

of this house are as thick as one person embracing them.

This...... With just one punch? This is collapsing? Who

is this? Or is this not a human being at all

? How can he have such divine power? Even the generals under his father and emperor may not have such great strength!

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a chill, this Lin Chen's strength is too strong, what kind of demolition is this, this is obviously killing chickens and monkeys, specially for her to see!

Look. The

more I thought about it, the more terrible I felt, and now I didn't dare to say more, and I shrank my neck into the quilt.

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhi silently, thinking that she had just woken up and didn't have much strength.

Then he smiled and said:

"I don't know the girl's name yet?" Li Li's

heart trembled, her identity as the princess of the Tang Dynasty must not be revealed, otherwise the news will leak and she will be found by the Praetorian Guards, and she will still go back to get married.

Thinking about it, it's better to hide your identity for the time being.

Besides, this Lin Chen's ability is so strong, if she really knows that she is a princess of the royal family, she is afraid of causing trouble, will she kill people and kill her?

The more Li Lizhen thinks about it, the more terrifying she feels, so let's find a random name first.

"Little girl Li Le.

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhi with some surprise, this character of teeth and claws, he didn't expect to report his name so smoothly.

Could it be that women are like this when they don't have the strength?"

"Owner of the village!Owner!Are you okay!?"

There was an anxious shout from the courtyard, which made Lin Chen slightly stunned, and then understood.

I'm afraid that when I see the house collapse, I think something has happened to me.

Lin Chen said loudly: "I'm fine!" In

an instant, a group of people ran over, and through the smoke and dust that gradually dispersed, they saw that Lin Chen was really fine, so they relieved themselves.

"Village master, what's going on?"

Lin Chen said disapprerovingly:

"Oh, it's okay, I just loosened my muscles and bones, who knows that my strength is a little stronger."

Hearing Lin Chen say this, they all opened their mouths wide and looked at all this in surprise.

I only know that their village master can excel, but I didn't expect that this force is also very amazing.

This great force can directly collapse the entire house, and when the house was built, the supporting pillars were the strongest wood in the mountain.

Ordinary people don't want to break this wood, even if it is a piece of wood, it is very difficult.

This...... As soon as Lin Chen made a move, he directly collapsed the roof.

"The master of the village is brave!" Everyone

cheered, but Lin Chen waved his hand disapprovingly, and instructed Xu San, who was in the lead

, "Today I will move to the east courtyard to live, and this will be repaired first." "

Xu San is the manager of this cottage, and he sorts out all kinds of affairs in the cottage on weekdays, and tells Lin Chen one by one.

is also one of Lin Chen's right-hand men.

Xu San hurriedly claimed that it was.

"Please rest assured, the subordinates will definitely let people restore this place to its original state!"

Lin Chen nodded, stretched out his hand and hugged Li Lizhi on the bed, glanced at this mess, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, next time the system will have any rewards or find an open place.

Li Lizhi was very calmly held in Lin Chen's arms, not daring to move.

This guy just collapsed the house, and he couldn't be surprised that people were angry, if he lost face in front of so many people, and poured a handful of oil on the fire, I'm afraid his life would be gone.

In this way, the two walked to the east courtyard without saying a word, and after arranging Li Lizhen, they looked at the very well-behaved Li Lizhen.

Said in a deep voice:

"Since you are all right, then you will get married tonight!"

Li Lizhi raised her head sharply when she heard this, although this Lin Chen didn't say anything, but these two people had just met, how could they get married

? Not to mention that she was still the royal princess of the Tang Dynasty, how could she marry a bandit?

"No! I don't agree!".

I didn't know Lin Chen's ability before, but now this guy has collapsed the house with her bare hands, and the two taels of meat on her body are not enough to hammer.

This is naturally less to say and less wrong, but I didn't expect that this Lin Chen would actually have to make inches, and he really wanted to be the lady of the village by himself

! If he wanted to endure it, he couldn't bear it!

Lin Chen looked at Li Liqing, who raised his eyebrows and was extremely tough, and chuckled.

I thought that this girl was really soft, and she didn't talk much since she woke up, but now she is tough.

However, he Lin Chen has always made up his mind, and it is naturally impossible to change it!

"I thought you were dumb, and the matter of getting married was not negotiable, since you threw yourself into your arms, I have agreed, and this matter is so decided!"

Li Lizhi was extremely angry:

"You ...... I ......"

Lin Chen smiled and turned his head and walked towards the door, without making any more excuses with her.

Looking at Lin Chen's back, Li Lizhi got up suddenly, picked up the pillow next to the bed and threw it over, but this strength was not even two feet away from the corner of Lin Chen's clothes.


Lin Chen!" Seeing that Lin Chen had already stepped out of the door, he clenched his fists even more angrily, his chest rising and falling.

This person is simply arrogant! Why is he so rude

! He was just forced by the green snake to have no way out, and he didn't deliberately bump into his arms

! This Lin Chen is so angry, how can there be such a person!

In an instant, he thought that this Lin Chen was a thief, so he naturally acted arrogantly.

I only blame myself for how I ran into this thief's den, and now I am being held hostage, and I am powerless, how should this be?

But this Lin Chen is soft and hard, what else can he do

? Or sneak away?

Yes, that's it. The more I think about it, the more I think this is the most reliable.

When the wedding feast begins, it's time to leave while the guards are lax.

I was naturally very excited to think of a feasible solution, so I felt a lot more at ease.

Looking up at the bright sky outside the window, I was looking forward to the start of the wedding, and it was getting dark.

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