"The owner of the village, Xu San has something to report!" Lin Chen, who was dealing with the affairs of the village, said without raising his head

: "Come in!"

Xu San walked in with an account book, and saw Lin Chen report directly:

"The owner

of the village, now the second batch of refined salt from the refined salt factory in the village has been produced, but there is no place to store it. Come and ask the owner of the village if he wants to build a warehouse to store

refined salt?" Lin Chen raised his head and pondered, now that the refined salt factory was on the right track, the daily salt production was also quite large.

The first batch of refined salt is enough for the entire cottage to eat, and now the second batch is out, so we have to think carefully about how to place it.

The storage requirements of refined salt are high, and it should be placed in a dry and cool place to avoid sun exposure and air moisture absorption.

Lin Chen thought for a while and said:

"Now that summer is coming, in the rainy season, ordinary warehouses can't meet the standard of moisture-proof refined salt. "

So, you can go and inquire about the salt vendors in the nearby city, and see if you can get in touch with them and sell the fine salt produced by the refined salt factory!"

Fortunately, in Datang, the government does not have so much control over salt, and ordinary people can produce coarse salt, so the sales are much smoother.

That Xu San hurriedly took the order and left.

After a while, he turned back and said excitedly:

"The owner of the village, I really found someone who can be sold."

Lin Chen originally ordered to go down, this inquire, it would take a few days to find the way to sales, and he didn't expect it to be so fast.

was still a little surprised: "Who?"

only listened to Xu Sanmei's explanation:

"The owner of the village doesn't know, Wang Mazi on this Zhuangzi has a cousin who is in the salt shop business in Chang'an City, who is generous and straightforward, and quite credible. And the two have a good relationship, and they still have contacts from time to time. "

As soon as his subordinates mentioned the sale of refined salt, Wang Mazi immediately promised that he would be able to sell it! At this time, he had already gone to talk to his cousin, and it shouldn't be a problem to sell

refined salt!" Lin Chen nodded suddenly and said, "Okay, then you can look at this matter!"

Although this Datang doesn't know the benefits of eating refined salt now, the taste of this refined salt is much better than coarse salt.

Unprocessed coarse salt has a strong saline-alkali flavor and a bitter taste, but this soft fine salt is different.

He was confident that once this refined salt was sold on the market, it would definitely be able to sell well!

Xu San hurriedly gave

up his order: "Please rest assured, the subordinates will definitely handle this matter well!"

As if thinking of something in an instant, he asked with some hesitation:

"It's just ...... My subordinates don't know how to price this refined salt?"

Lin Chen thought for a while, and then said

, "The price of coarse salt in the market today is about one hundred and fifty wen per bucket, so our coarse salt is very different from it, so let's sell it for three hundred wen per bucket."

Xu San knew the benefits of this fine salt and the way it was made, so he thought that such a price was not too expensive.

Hurriedly nodded yes, and went to prepare for the sale of refined salt.

Wang Mazi also did a good job, and in just half a day, he had already negotiated with his cousin Shen Xingyi about the sale of refined salt.

Early the next morning, Wang Mazi and Li Laosi pulled the second batch of refined salt into Chang'an City.

This Wang Mazi's cousin, Shen Xingyi, has also been doing business in Chang'an City for many years, and there are shops in the east and west cities.

There are also quite a few connections, and as soon as the refined salt is listed, some people are curious to inquire.

"Xiao Er, what is this?" The

shopkeeper ran over with a smile on his face and introduced:

"This is a new product launched by our store, fine salt, which is much better than coarse salt, you only need to eat a small spoonful every day, and it is good for your body!"

Hearing the fine salt, the guests all gathered around, and the letter will be suspicious: "Really fake?!"

"Of course it's true! The small shop is honest and business, and Tong Su is not bullied." Three hundred wen and one bucket, even if you buy it back and eat it, if you are not satisfied, you will take it back and return it to you!"

300 wen is not cheap, but the daily amount of fine salt used to buy this fine salt is much less than that of coarse salt, and the price of coarse salt is about the same as that of coarse salt every month.

With this shop here, buy some and go back to taste it, if it doesn't work, you will take it and return it, and you won't lose anything anyway?

After some consideration, everyone finally felt relieved and rushed to start buying.

"I'll buy some!"

"Give me some too!"


" ......

Li Shimin of Huaqing Palace

is dealing with the twists and turns before the case.

He had only been out for two days, and the folds were almost piled up.

Li Shimin came back from Qingcheng Mountain and dealt with the folds in the Huaqing Palace, which has been two days, and there are still many folds on the table that have not been handled.

"Your Majesty, the queen mother asks to see you!" reported the inner servant outside the door.

"Come in!" Li Shimin rubbed his eyebrows, a little tired.

In the blink of an eye, he saw the eldest grandson Wujian holding a tray in his hand and walked in slowly.

"Guanyin is here, come and sit. Li Shimin hurriedly greeted.

The eldest grandson Wujian came to Li Shimin's front and whispered comfortingly: "No matter how busy Your Majesty is with official business, you must pay more attention to the dragon body

!" Li Shimin looked at the few remaining twists and turns, and nodded: "Okay!"

Seeing Guanyin's preoccupied appearance, he asked: "What is the matter with Guanyin?"

"Your Majesty, there are two things about the concubine's visit today, one thing is that Zhao Guogong has been sending a message to inquire about the marriage between Chong'er and Lizhen in the past two days, but the concubine has found a reason to shirk it, but it is not a way to push it like this. "

The concubine wants to ask Your Majesty, is there any news about this beauty?"

As soon as Li Shimin heard it, he remembered the scenes that happened in the cottage, and his face suddenly became a little unpleasant.

Empress Changsun observed her words and hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty knows the news of Lizhi?!"

Li Shimin snorted coldly, and no longer hid it in front of the eldest grandson Wujian, so he told the eldest grandson Wujian about the cottage 1510.

After hearing all this, the eldest grandson Wujian was stunned, anxious and angry, and eagerly asked

: "What?!Could it be that Your Majesty sold Lizhi for a few corns and the so-called hot pot

?!" Li Shimin hurriedly retorted:

"Of course not! This is just an expedient measure! Lizhi is my favorite princess, how could I sell her?!"

"Under that situation, where was there any other choice?

!" Let's not say that the cottage can't be attacked, just say that this Li Lizhen herself is still unwilling to come back, and it is even more difficult to do

! Alas! Headache!

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