The bonfire in the cottage lasted until almost midnight.

That night, the little son spent time in the cottage, in order to avoid her being afraid.

Li Lizhen deliberately arranged her room next to her and Lin Chen's residence.

After this little boy ate candy for the first time in the cottage, he liked it out of control. I wanted to eat a few more, but my imperial sister didn't want to give any more.

So he pouted and said angrily: "Sister doesn't hurt the little son anymore!"

Li Lizhi rubbed the little child's little head helplessly, and said with a smile: "When does Sister stop hurting the little child, don't you see that every time you get into trouble, isn't it Sister A who settles it for you?"

The little child blinked her big cute eyes, seemed to think about it, and thought that what Li Lizhen said was very reasonable, so she turned her head again and said with an aggrieved face:

" But Sister doesn't give the

little son candy to eat...... Li Lizhi said with a smile: "Children who eat too much sugar every day will lose their teeth, this is what your brother-in-law said!"

When the little son heard this, he seemed to think of Lin Chen, and pondered for a long time, then nodded and said: "Okay then, then I'll eat it tomorrow, okay

?" Li Lizhi was a little headache from the little child, so she reluctantly agreed: "Okay, I'll eat it tomorrow."

When the little son heard that Li Lizhi agreed, he immediately jumped up excitedly and cheered: "Great, great! There will be candy to eat tomorrow!" Thinking that there is candy to eat, the little son is very happy.

Li Lizhi hurriedly pulled the little son who was bouncing on the bed, and said angrily: "Why are you so naughty, go to bed quickly!" The little

son stuck out his tongue and lay down, but the bulging eyes were the boss, and he didn't want to sleep at all.

Li Lizhi had a headache and said: "Hurry up and sleep, I'll take you to the village to play tomorrow!" Hearing Li Lizhen's

promise, the little son who was still a little girl was a little girl, as soon as he heard that he could play, his eyes lit up instantly, and he asked really: "Really?!" Seeing Li Lizhen nodding, the little son

closed his eyes with satisfaction.

I also fell asleep obediently with peace of mind.

And Li Lizhi also thought that after the little son fell asleep, she also thought that she should write a letter to the father and queen mother in the palace to inform her. Then he came to Lin Chen to discuss: "Husband, now that the little son is here, the queen mother is not in good health, I am afraid that I will have to worry for a long time, Li Zhen wants to send

a letter to the queen mother to inform the little son of the situation......" Lin Chen nodded lightly, the eldest grandson Wuji's body has always been bad in this history, and now the two daughters are not around, and they are indeed a little anxious, so he nodded and said: "Since it is a family letter, it doesn't hurt for you to write it, you don't need to inform me."

Li Lizhi smiled indifferently and said softly: "Thank you for your understanding!"

Lin Chen looked at Li Liqian's very well-behaved appearance, and said with a smile: "You and I are husband and wife, how can we talk about gratitude."

Li Lizhi smiled softly, picked up the pen and began to write. That night, he sent someone to bring the letter back to Chang'an City.


Although this little son is a little unaccustomed to coming to a strange place, with Li Lizhen's sister by his side, he is much more stable.

Li Lizhi had promised the little son before, and he would take her out to play on the second day.

I was already excited, and I came to find Lin Chen and them early in the morning.

A pair of small hands grabbed the door of the room where Lin Chen and Li Lizhen were sleeping, and shouted one after another: "Sister, Sister!" Lin Chen and Li Lizhen

were still asleep, and they were woken up by the sound of the little son's door.

Lin Chen glanced at the direction outside the door, and said with a smile: "Lady, today you take her around the village to deal with the affairs of the village for your husband."

Li Lizhi also knew that this little boy loved to play, thinking that there were also many fun places in the cottage, so he said it casually last night.

I didn't expect this little girl to be so attentive and come here early in the morning.

He rubbed his eyes and said softly: "The husband just needs to deal with the affairs, and I will take care of the little son!"

There was a urging villain outside the door, and the two of them naturally got up quickly.

I couldn't see the little boy inside, and I couldn't help but be a little anxious, jumping up and down to look up, but my height was limited. I couldn't help muttering, "Why haven't you gotten up yet?"

The little boy jumped and couldn't see it, so he wanted to see the situation inside through the crack in the door, but he didn't expect that as soon as he leaned over, Lin Chen opened the door from the inside.


The little head crashed into Lin Chen's arms who had just opened the door.

Lin Chen looked down at the soft and glutinous little son who threw himself into his arms, and hurriedly stabilized her figure. With a hint of laziness that he had just woken up, he whispered

, "You little naughty, you won't let your sister sleep a little longer!"

said and kneaded the fleshy face, although it was a blame, but there was a smile in his eyes.

After yesterday's understanding, the little son already knew that his brother-in-law was not a harsh person, and naturally he didn't really blame her.

After giving a blessing, he made a grimace at Lin Chen and ran into the room to find Li Li.

Lin Chen looked at the cheerful back of the little son, shook his head and smiled: "You little girl!" Li

Lizhen naturally saw the little son's grimace at Lin Chen in the room, and looked at the sister who pounced.

His face was cold: "Don't be rude to your

brother-in-law!" The little brother stuck out his tongue and said playfully: "Brother-in-law won't blame me!" Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, but nodded very approvingly

, looked at the little brother-in-law's small expression and smiled: "Don't blame! Don't blame!" When the little brother-in-law heard this, he hurriedly turned his head, looked at Li Lizhen quite proudly and said: "Sister, look, brother-in-law himself said it, he won't blame me!".

Li Lizhi shook her head with a smile, stretched out her slender jade finger, tapped the little son's forehead, and said helplessly: "You...... It's really spoiled by my father and queen mother in the palace!It's just lawless to be pampered by your brother-in-law when you come here!"

The little son smiled playfully when he heard this, turned his head and winked at Lin Chen, quite proud.

Lin Chen saw the little loli man's little ghost's big expression, and said with a smile: "You two sisters will have a good time in the village today, I am in the study next to me, come to me for something."

Li Lizhen nodded lightly and said softly: "Husband, just go and get busy!"

Lin Chen immediately stepped up and stepped out of the door

, and Li Lizhen immediately took the hand of the little son, got up and prepared to eat something simple, and then went to the village to go around.

As soon as he heard that he was going out, the little son immediately jumped up for joy and shouted loudly:

"Great, let's go play!"


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