When the eldest grandson Wujian heard this, he remembered all the things before he entered the cottage, he was kidnapped and went up the mountain, and he listened to a lot of meat words, and his heart was a little uncomfortable.

Although he was embarrassed on his face, as the queen of the Tang Dynasty, he had never seen any battles?

Then he replied indifferently: "Your Majesty, the concubine did not bring the little son and Changle

back to ......" Hearing this, the anger in Li Shimin's heart couldn't stop rising, and he slapped his palm on the table, and said angrily: "I know that Lin Chen's kid is unwilling to let them come back!"

The eldest grandson Wujian on the side saw that Li Shimin was so angry, and hurriedly pulled Li Shimin to persuade him: "Your Majesty, don't be impatient, it is Changle and the little son who are very comfortable in the cottage, so they don't want to come back, Lin Chen did not stop him.

The eldest grandson Wujian observed his words and looks, and instantly understood that Li Shimin must have misunderstood, and hurriedly explained:

"Your Majesty, do you still remember the matter of fine salt? It can indeed improve the ailments caused by coarse salt, and it can also increase people's energy. And this thing ...... Your Majesty said, is he a strange person?!"

"Is it made by him in secret?" Li Shimin's eyebrows were surprised. This fine salt circulates in Chang'an City, although it is already known that the origin is from Qingcheng Mountain, but I never thought that it came from Lin Chen's hand.

After all, he has not been idle these days, and he has made a lot of comparisons between fine salt and coarse salt. How did he not know the benefits of this fine salt compared with coarse salt?

If it is popularized in Datang, it will definitely benefit the people.

But such an important fine salt should be controlled by the royal family, how can it be controlled by Lin Chen.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help but bow his head and think deeply.

At this time, the eldest grandson Wujian said again: "Your Majesty, the concubine went this time and found another magical thing in the cottage. It is called sweet potato and is born in the soil. This sweet potato can make one person full, and the concubine has also tasted it herself, and the taste is sweet.

Hearing this, Li Shimin was slightly stunned, raised his head and asked, "Then do you know what the yield of

this sweet potato is?" Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wujian shook his head and said: "This sweet potato has not yet reached maturity, and I have never seen it with my own eyes." However, the concubine saw that the unripe sweet potato had more than a dozen fruits under one, and thought that the yield should not be low.

Li Shimin was shocked, there was such a magical thing, if this was said by someone else, he would not believe it at all, how could this sweet potato that can make people eat enough?

But this matter came from the mouth of the eldest grandson Wujian who had followed him since he was a teenager, and the two of them had gone through ups and downs all the way, and naturally they were convinced of the words of this eldest grandson Wujian.

Although Li Shimin believed it, he said awkwardly on his face: "How is it possible, there will be no such divine objects in this world!"

The eldest grandson Wujian could naturally see that although Li Shimin believed it in his heart, he was reluctant to admit Lin Chen's ability on this face.

He shook his head with a smile and didn't say anything.

This is Li Shimin said: "As soon as this sweet potato is put down in advance, let's talk about this fine salt first."

Although he said that he didn't care, he had already thought about sweet potatoes in his heart, and he also wanted to know what the yield of sweet potatoes was.

Li Shimin pondered slightly: "This fine salt matter is very important, and it should be taken over by the imperial court, since this fine salt is caused by Lin Chen, then I naturally can't treat it lightly."

"In this way, let Lin Chen cooperate with the imperial court and give him thirty percent of the profits. With

that, he picked up the brush on the table and began to write, and in a short time he finished writing in the way of dividing a fine salt.

He immediately sent someone to send the letter to the cottage.

In the cottage,

Lin Chen received a letter from Li Shimin.

Looking at the way Li Shimin wrote the letter, Lin Chen sneered and threw the letter out.

couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and said coldly:

"Do you think that fine salt is banned, and I have no choice?!"


Five days passed in a flash, and Li Shimin couldn't wait for Lin Chen's reply in the palace, so he couldn't help but take steps to the palace where the eldest grandson Wujian lived.

As soon as he entered the door, he hurriedly asked, "Has Guanyin received a reply from the cottage?"

When he looked up and saw Li Shimin coming, he hurriedly saluted and replied: "Back to Your Majesty, the concubine has not received a reply...... Li Shimin

was a little surprised at this time, and couldn't help muttering: "Why didn't you reply to the letter?" At this time, the

Salt Supervision Department suddenly came to report.

"Your Majesty, now the fine salt in Chang'an City is circulating privately, and most of the people buy it, and now it also affects the coarse salt ......

" "What?

!" Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but exclaim, and his heart sank: No wonder this Lin Chen didn't reply for a long time, it turned out that this kid actually dared to come here!

He waved his hand with a sense of weakness and said, "Go down!"

When the officials of the Salt Supervision Department retreated, Li Shimin hurriedly paced back and forth in the hall.

This fine salt is now very popular among the people, and the ban on sales is obviously not feasible.

But Lin Chen didn't reply to the division plan he proposed, what should I do?

Li Shimin, who was in a hurry, suddenly saw that the eldest grandson Wujian on the side had a calm face, so he hurriedly asked: "Guanyin, but there is already a way?" The eldest grandson Wujian

smiled faintly and said: "Since Your Majesty asked, the concubine will also trespass."

"Since there is an obstacle to the division of fine salt, Your Majesty might as well find a way to compromise.

When Li Shimin heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked rhetorically: "What is the compromise method?"

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wujian smiled slightly and said,

"This fine salt can be changed to fifty-fifty points."

When Li Shimin heard this, he sighed and said: "I'm afraid that if it's fifty-fifty, then Lin Chen won't agree......

" Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wujian smiled faintly and said:

"You can set up a royal treasury with the remaining fifty percent, and the right to manage the jurisdiction will be handed over to the Changle Princess Mansion for management."

Li Shimin fell into deep thought when he heard this, this fine salt matter is now the trend of the times, and it cannot be stopped.

It's just that this is taken care of by Changle...... Thinking about it, now Changle refuses to come back on top of that cottage, it's not that kid who took advantage!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel cold: "I'm afraid it's cheaper that kid!"

At this time, the eldest grandson Wujian blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't forget the sweet potato ......"


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