Li Shimin lowered his head and thought about it carefully, but he still couldn't remember where he had seen it.

I couldn't help but look up and look up twice.

Xue Rengui, who was beside Lin Chen, finally knew Lin Chen's identities after a few days of understanding

, although he was shocked and unacceptable at first, but now he is no longer surprised, and he also knows that this Lin Chen is the son-in-law of His Majesty today, and the person in front of him is His Majesty today.

Seeing that Li Shimin kept staring at himself, he was still a little puzzled.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly bowed and said

, "Your Majesty!"

But Li Shimin didn't have any reaction when he heard this person salute, and his eyes did not retract, but he still stared at Xue Rengui.

Lin Chen looked at Li Shimin, who was frowning and contemplative, and then looked at Xue Rengui who was looking puzzled on the side.

Then he turned to Li Shimin and asked with a smile:

"Uncle Yue, but are you dreaming?"

Li Shimin was slightly stunned, as if remembering the dream last night, and the person in the dream was the person next to Lin Chen.

So he nodded and said

, "I did have a rather strange dream last night....... Lin

Chen raised his eyebrows, and then said

: "My father-in-law was surrounded by the enemy's army, and a god was born in my dream and saved my father-in-law?"

Li Shimin: "......" couldn't help but wonder in his heart:


How did this kid know what was in his dream? Since he woke up, he hasn't mentioned the things in this dream to anyone, could it be that this Lin Chen will not be able to tell fortunes?!"

Thinking of this, Li Shimin's brows furrowed even tighter, as if he couldn't figure it out.

Lin Chen looked at Li Shimin's puzzled look, and finally couldn't help laughing.


" Li Shimin: ".......

" "Isn't this kid hysterical?"

Xue Rengui looked at Lin Chen and guessed what His Majesty had in his dream, but he was very puzzled.

Looking at Lin Chen's laughter, he scratched his head even more puzzled, and said with a puzzled expression

: "What are you laughing at?"

Lin Chen looked at Xue Rengui with a smile, and couldn't help but think in his heart:

"You are the god general in Li Shimin's dream, but now you have been cut off by me!"

Thinking that he actually cut off Li Shimin's beard, the smile on his face was even worse.

Li Shimin looked at Lin Chen's performance like this, and always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what it was. So he opened his mouth and asked

, "How do you know?"

Lin Chen heard Li Shimin's question, but shook his head with a smile and did not answer.

Li Shimin saw that he couldn't ask anything from Lin Chen, and looked at the subordinates beside him who were even more confused than himself.

He also gave up the inquiry.

Remembering the purpose of coming to the restaurant today, he hurriedly asked:

"Look at it today, this restaurant is very good, and now this façade has been open for some days, and the other nearby ones are still empty." You have to hurry up and start it!"

Thinking about it, he hasn't done anything these days, and the dividends are even softer, so it's not too cool. This is only one, if several stores open at the same time, the income must be against the sky!

When he thinks about this, he is extremely excited.

At this time, Li Lizhi on the side smiled and said first:

"My father came at the right time, and I was about to tell you about this matter, and my son and husband also had this plan, and now that my father is here, we will discuss it together."

Hearing this, Li Shimin was overjoyed, and said with a smile

: "That's good!"

only to hear Li Lizhen continue to speak:

"Now that the business of Xiaozui Xianju is booming, husband, we plan to expand this Zui Xianju again, and take advantage of the heat to open a few more branches."

As soon as he heard this Li Shimin, he was very happy, and hurriedly said:

"Okay, good, Lin Chen, you can rest assured to open boldly, open more." "

After all, this is my own God of Wealth, how can I disagree with this to open a store and expand? This is to raise my hands and agree to it

! This must be supported!

Lin Chen heard Li Shimin's promise, and nodded with a smile:

"Then thank you father-in-law!" "

Now the son-in-law has plans to open a glass shop!"

Li Shimin looked at Lin Chen in amazement, and said suspiciously:

"What is the glass shop?What is the glass?"

Lin Chen smiled mysteriously and said

, "When the time comes to sell, my father-in-law will naturally know."

Although Li Shimin was puzzled in his heart, looking at the mysterious look on Lin Chen's face, he thought that he would see it with his own eyes soon, so he didn't ask more.

Now that the purpose of the day has been accomplished, I am ready to go back.

Li Lizhen and Lin Chen sent Li Shimin outside the door.

At this time, Li Shimin had just stepped out of the threshold, and when he turned around, he didn't forget to look at Xue Rengui twice.

"I always feel like I'm missing something in my life, but I can't say it......"

frowned slightly, and walked out with doubts.


After Li Shimin left, Li Lizhi turned his head sideways and looked at Lin Chen beside him, and asked in the same confusion: "Husband, what is this glass?" Lin Chen

blinked, and said with a hint of laughter in his expression:

"Let's go, I'll tell you when I go to

the house!" The word "in the house" was bitten very hard, and it was another meaning when he heard Li Lizhi's ears.

Remembering what he was curious about before, her husband would always ask to go to the house to explain to her.

However, every time the explanation is done in bed......

Thinking of this, Li Lizhi couldn't help but look up at the sky, it was noon now, this ...... The blue sky and the white day .......

Thinking of this, his face turned red in an instant.

Seeing that Lin Chen had already taken the lead in walking in, Li Lizhi couldn't help but stomp her feet in annoyance, and finally her curiosity made her follow.

When she came to the room, Li Lizhi lowered her head, came to Lin Chen's side, and whispered with a red face:

"Husband...... It's still daylight, I'm afraid it's not good......"

Lin Chen looked at Li Liqian's shyness and laughed.

"Lady, what's wrong with the day? Isn't it ...... When you look at the glass?

" Hearing this, Li Lizhi was stunned for a moment, looked up at Lin Chen, only to see him looking at himself with a playful face, and immediately reacted, he was tricked again, and immediately turned his head and said angrily:

"Husband, if you make fun of the slave family again, people will ignore you!"

Looking at Li Lizhen's puffed face, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing again, seeing that Li Lizhi was about to go out angrily, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull the person back, and coaxed:

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, do you want to see what the glass looks like?"

Hearing this, Li Liqin's eyes lit up, and he immediately turned his head and looked at Lin Chen with a look of surprise.

At this time, Lin Chen beckoned, and a person came in from outside the door.

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