Chapter 100 True and False Academician, Gu Zhen is in danger!!

[A recent fight incident in Didu University has attracted everyone’s attention, and the Didu Police Department has brought the involved Gu and Gao back to the police station today for questioning according to law. ] 】

“Groove! Day by day, I really captured Academician Gu back. ”

“Catch a ghost. The announcement says it’s an inquiry! ”

“Gu, hehe! Who knows what the name really means…”

“Honestly, I think something is wrong with this! Why do you have to go to the police station to ask how valuable the time of academicians is! ”

“Who dares to say that academicians have privileges? Have the privilege of being taken to the police station?

Joke! ”

“Now the question, I want to know how this matter should be characterized? Brawl or hitting? ”

“Yes! There are also the causes and consequences of things, this horse is too enjoyable, much better than watching TV series. ”

“If I mean if, if it is characterized as beating, what will happen to Academician Gu Zhen?”

“According to the laws of the Great Xia Dynasty, anyone who intentionally harms the body of another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention, or surveillance.”

“Don’t scare me, it’s so serious.”

“It depends on the specific analysis of Professor Gao’s injury examination.”

“However, based on the facts shown in the video, it is difficult to characterize it as a fight.”

“That’s not the end, Academician Gu is really going to jail.”

“Finished with what? Who can’t turn the world away? Isn’t it just an academician? ”

“It is true that the world can turn away from anyone, but an academician, I don’t know how good you are to say this.”

“If Academician Gu is really in prison, what will happen to the scientific research projects he is in charge of?”

“I still hope that this matter is valued by peace…”

“Nope! Although I also sympathize with Academician Gu, after all, the state has national laws and family rules. You can’t give a privilege to an individual because of his special status! ”

“If Academician Gu is really in prison, I will sympathize with him! But at the same time, I will be more obedient to the law of sentencing academicians to prison. ”

When Gu Nianqing knew about this, she couldn’t cry.

“Mom, how so? Why did Dad do this? ”

“Your dad feels sorry for you, silly child!”

Li Xiuqing is helpless, with her daughter on one side and her husband on the other.

“Then will Dad go to jail, I read what is said on the Internet…”

“Your dad said it’s okay, it’s okay.”

Li Xiuqing said this as if she was just comforting herself.


Gu Nianqing’s cold face had a resolute expression.

At this moment, the simple and arrogant Gu Nianqing changed.

“Dad, I said it was something I could solve myself? Why…”

“Uncle Ning, I’m Gu Nianqing!”

Back in the room, she dialed a number.

“Cheap them, plan ahead!”

“Just wait for your words, Uncle Ning can do things with you rest assured.”

“He Xuan, plan ahead! Inform the big guy to act, and when I’m done, I’ll ask Grandpa Nie to make a table of state banquet dishes for everyone. ”

“Sister Qing, what did you say! A trifle, everyone has held the bird gas in the past few days, and it has long been a fire in the stomach. ”

The dark moonlight loomed, and Gu Nianqing was hidden in the darkness, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, she was only fifteen years old and had a cold and fierce temperament that killed decisively, and the Imperial Capital Police Department was stationed.

Traditionally, candidates under investigation are taken to a mediation room in the backyard of a police station.

However, the police chief, who had been waiting at the gate for a long time, bowed his head and personally led Gu Zhen into his office.

“Academician Gu, there is really no way! The pressure of public opinion on the Internet is too great, and we have to pretend! You, just sit here in peace! ”

Gu Zhen was crying and laughing, he pushed and sat on the leather sofa, and he had already soaked a pot of red a long time ago.

The enthusiastic chief was still afraid that he would be bored, and the computers on the desk had already been turned on.

Compared to Gu Zhen, Gao Delong is not treated so well.

The wooden chairs in the mediation room are old, and they creak when they sit up.

Gao Delong did not dare to use force at all, and could only pull half of his ass.

That’s called an uncomfortable.

Since the superintendent who brought him here, he has not had a good face since he entered the police station, as if he has changed people.

Of course, this is not to blame.

Mainly after the lead superintendents of the two teams met, they asked about some relevant processes.

People Gu Zhentang is an academician, polite, there is no shelf at all.

On the other hand, Gao Delong scolded all the way, his mouth smelled to death, and he said that he would sue the one who sued this, this horse fool is still a professor, and he deserves to be beaten.

The police chief’s office was tastefully decorated, and the leather sofa was soft and comfortable.

Shortly after lying on it, he actually fell asleep.

However, there was a lot of turmoil outside.

There is always no shortage of people in this world who are clever and grandstanding.

I always like to contradict the public to gain attention.

When Gu Zhen was invited into the police station, these people wantonly ridiculed on the Internet to express their dissatisfaction with life.

But even so, they are not satisfied.

What they want is to embody their power, power, over the network.

Sending an academician to prison is exactly a lifelong deed for them to brag about.

There is also a group of ill-intentioned people, although they look like the people of Daxia on the outside, their essence has changed.

They yearn for the breath of foreign “freedom”, and they seek complete “independence”.

What they are planning is to reduce the national strength of Daxia and increase the internal friction of Daxia.

In order to stir up work in front of their masters.

They don’t like to be a decent person.

They prefer to lie on the ground and be a dog.

And the incident of Gu Zhen beating people made them feel an excellent opportunity.

At any time, the promotion of a country’s scientific research actually depends on that team, the leader of that team.

As an academician, Gu Zhen is undoubtedly the leader of a certain scientific research in Daxia.

As long as he can get him to jail, the loss of Daxia is self-evident.

A nation without heroes is unfortunate,… A nation that has heroes but does not know to respect and cherish is incorrigible.

Even those yellow-skinned and white-hearted banana people know that Gu Zhen’s role in Daxia is lamentable, and those keyboard warriors on the Internet stubbornly think that academicians are not enough.

When these two forces combined, they trumpeted civil rights and freedoms on the Internet, and constantly reduced Gu Zhen’s role in Daxia.

“You may not know! Gu Zhen is actually the only son of Academician Gu Xiangzai. ”

“The Gu family is a double academician, and it is really a cow.”

“Huh! It turned out that Gu Zhen was able to become an academician, all thanks to his father Gu Xiangzai. ”

“Actually, everyone understands a lot of things. This is the case in the country of Daxia. ”

Gu Zhen is the son of Academician Gu Xiangzai, which is no secret.

However, at this time, it was exposed in large numbers.

Constantly guiding everyone, giving people a sense that Gu Zhen can become an academician by relying on his father Gu Xiangzai’s relationship.

It’s funny.

In fact, the evaluation standards of academicians of the Daxia Academy of Scientific Research are quite strict, and they have even reached the point of being unkind.

First of all, they must be researchers or professors of the nationality of the Great Xia Empire, who have made systematic creative achievements and major contributions in the field of science.

To be eligible for the recommendation of academician candidates, more than three academicians must be recommended at the same time.

More importantly, the selection of academicians is a secret ballot by all academicians of the Scientific Research Academy of the Great Xia Empire.

And the number of academicians participating in the vote should exceed more than half of the total number of academicians.

More than two-thirds of the votes cast must be in favour.

And Gu Zhen was a special case back then, and he was too young to get the recommended place that year.

In order to prevent others from gossiping, Academician Gu Xiangzai withdrew from the current selection.

In that selection, all the academicians of the Great Xia Empire were present.

As a result, Gu Zhen was elected as an academician of the empire with a unanimous vote.

He also became the youngest academician in the history of the Great Xia Empire.

Now the seemingly shady revelations guided on the Internet are all nonsense, as long as you understand the evaluation process of academicians a little, they will not take this matter seriously.

People on the Internet are sometimes idle.

For an inexplicable dispute, being able to drop everything and spray people for half a day.

But it’s also this group of people, who are sometimes busy…

Some truths that only need Baidu to understand, but do not want to move the mouse.

The evaluation process of academicians of the Great Xia Empire is public, and the information is on the official website.

However, no one chooses to find the answer on their own.

Blindly began to doubt the authenticity of Gu Zhen’s election as an academician, and then began to doubt his role in the Great Xia Empire.

“The chief designer of Jingu No. 1 is actually someone else.”

“My friend is the staff of the Beijiang Satellite Launch Base, and he said that Gu Zhen was posing that day, and the designer was actually a first-class professor.”

For a while, the Internet became an extralegal place, and Gu Zhen’s dazzling majesty gradually became faint in everyone’s denigration.

“In fact, whether it is a real academician or a fake academician. I think you should be punished if you hit someone! ”

“Gu is really in trouble! He is no longer a matter of beating people, which is equivalent to buying and selling officials, academic fraud! To the scientific research of Daxia! ”

“I hope everything is fake! Otherwise, this is too scary, and the academicians of the Daxia Scientific Research Institute can also pass through the back door? ”

“I actually always felt that Gu Zhen was fake! Such a young academician, who is Meng! ”

“Finally, someone can see the true face of Academician Gu Zhen. I’m so happy! ”

These rhythmic speeches made Gu Zhen’s supporters confused for a while.

They themselves have seen too many reversals on the web.

But never before has it been so serious.

One is the backbone of scientific research in the Great Xia Dynasty, and the academician of the empire is now actually suspected of being elected through the back door?

So, is there any salvation for this society?

Does the country have a future?

Can such a person be worthy of the spiritual idol of the people?

Once the seeds of doubt begin to spread, they will gradually germinate and grow.

Countless unwarranted things can be associated with this.

“No wonder Gu Zhen is so low-key? In fact, he is afraid of being debunked by others! ”

“Except for Divine Palace One, it seems that I really haven’t heard of Gu Zhen’s other scientific research contributions? I’ve never heard of any scientific awards he has won! ”

“Gu Zhen harms others and harms himself, and he is still serving in the Imperial University to harm the next generation of the country!”

“Actually, I feel that the Imperial University and Gu Zhen are also the same, in fact, they have long known that Gu Zhen is a fake academician.”

At this moment, hiding behind the scenes in the darkness, watching the people of Daxia spare no effort to attack and slander their national heroes, they couldn’t help but show a smug smile.

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