Chapter 105 Gu Zhen, the waist of the Great Xia Empire!!!

“As you may know, the Great Xia Empire once had a particularly dark history. It took the efforts of countless ancestors to drive all the invaders out of this territory. ”

“After the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty, some countries have not yet died of their hearts, and their hearts for the Great Xia Dynasty have never been broken.”

“They united and blocked all kinds of important materials in order to weaken the national strength of Daxia, hoping to control Daxia in the economic and scientific and technological fields.”

“It is precisely this blockade that makes the people of Daxia understand that it is better to beg others than to ask for themselves.”

“Since then, the Great Xia Empire has gritted its teeth, developed education, and trained groups of scientific research workers.”

“However, technology can’t happen overnight.”

“There are many technologies in the world, and they are not alone. Daxia needs the world, and the world also needs Daxia. ”

“If we say that the foundation of the founding of the country in Daxia can develop the economy steadily for decades, it depends on nuclear peace.”

“Then breaking the blockade and allowing the world to recognize the great power status of the Great Xia Empire relies on the Youlong 14 strategic nuclear missile in the Youlong series of missiles.”

“The truth is only within range. With You Long 14, Daxia has a strong enough right to speak. ”

“Therefore, it is of great strategic significance to the national defense construction of Daxia.”

“You Long 14, Thousands of Miles, five years ago: it appeared at the military parade.”

“This thing, old domineering!”

“Military illiteracy, if you don’t understand, just ask! What is the difference between You Dragon 14, You Long 7, You Long 5. ”

“Upstairs, to put it simply. You Long 7 is the fist I made when I fight with others, and You Long 5 is Lao Tzu’s quick sneak slap before the opening.

As for Youlong 14, I’m sorry it’s used to calm down and prevent opponents from turning over the table. ”

“So to speak, clear image. Under normal circumstances, use Youlong 5 and Youlong 7. If it’s really time to use Youlong 14. It is estimated that the world will be destroyed. ”

“Youlong missile, the heavy weapon of the country.”


It can’t be…

Perhaps guessing that many people in front of the screen will be confused, Yang Lao did not delay too much time.

“You should have guessed well. The chief designer of You Long 14 is the familiar Academician Gu Zhen. ”

Only to see on the screen, Yang Lao opened a file bag marked as a secret on it.

Gu Zhen is an academician of the Daxia Academy of Scientific Research. The chief designer of the missile independently developed by the Youlong 14 of the Great Xia Empire.

The first chief designer appointed by the system of chief designer of the missile space industry of the Great Xia Empire.

One of the main pioneers of the missile space industry of the Great Xia Empire.

One of the main founders of the research of launch vehicle technology in the Great Xia Empire.

One of the main founders of the solid ballistic missile and solid missile engine business of the Great Xia Empire.

A dense resume, the content recorded on it, but everyone was shocked.

“This… All I can say is awesome! ”

“This resume, pioneer, founder, small businessman, lying groove! Numb, numb! ”

“This should appear in the text, you need to memorize it.”

“I feel sorry for my son, this string of luxurious resumes will appear in my son’s textbooks later, and if you still need to memorize them, how torturous it is” Ling!

“Brothers! Pay attention to the time above, this treadmill is a secret document from 7 years ago! What does this say, you don’t understand! ”

“I understand, I understand! When ordinary people graduated from normal colleges and just stepped into society to marry their wives, Academician Rengu had secretly developed the big killer of You Long 14. ”

“Call of Duty, Dragon World! This is the important weapon of the country, and this is the strength of a big country. ”

“I would like to call Academician Gu Zhen the waist of the empire.”

“Yes! The existence of You Long 14 has given the Great Xia Empire the power to directly threaten the base camps of other countries! This perfectly achieves the purpose of mutual containment. ”

“The Youlong 14 strategic missile means that the Great Xia Empire has successfully evolved from a weak sick man to an old gangster in the world political arena, and can recklessly start playing tricks and disobeying it! Summon the Dragon…”

“Groove! It is rare that so many people have begun to pay attention to the military, and I will take the opportunity to popularize science for everyone. There are 3 and a half strategic missiles on the Blue Star.

In addition to our Great Xia Empire, there are only the remaining Blue Star poles, and there are those who are half-bought and half-independently developed, so they can play this, and there are only two or three in the circle, quite.

High cold.

Over the years, the entire strategic missiles deployed by Blue Star have basically been occupied by these three countries. ”

Elder Yang then poured out a stack of photos from the secret file bag.

One by one, they were neatly listed and placed on the table.

Gu Zhen in the first photo, with a solemn expression, looked at the screen in front of him intently, and the cigarette that was about to be lit in his hand was about to burn his fingers, as if he was also aware of it.

“Groove! This photo Academician Gu is so handsome! ”

“This invincible side face, what a fragrance!”

“Upstairs, please wipe your saliva, okay?” You can imagine from your comments what you look like now. ”

“I’ve had this state too! It’s the same when you’re concentrating! Ashamed, ashamed! Academician Gu is studying missiles, and I’m playing games! ”

“Does Academician Gu also smoke? What brand of cigarette does he smoke, ask for the same model! ”

“Made! Later, my wife was objecting to us smoking, and this photo was thrown out and slashed her face. ”

“I’ve heard people say that Academician Gu seems to be not stained with tobacco and alcohol! This…”

Elder Yang pointed to the first photo, thoughtful memories.

“All these years have passed. As we all know, there was a period of technical blockade of our country by the world, although there was Youlong 5, Youlong 7 as a reference, but Youlong 14 is a completely different difficulty.

It can be said that Youlong 14 is completely the product of China’s independent research and development from scratch!

In order to develop it as soon as possible, Gu Zhen worked hard, and he often used two packs of cigarettes a day during his period of time.

He also laughed and said that he had contributed to the empire’s tobacco tax.

However, later he was diagnosed with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis, and everyone forced him to quit smoking. ”

This stack of photos was taken during the development of the Youlong 14.

It can be clearly seen that Gu Zhen was still very young at that time, but he had never seen a smile, and he pursed his mouth and thought.

However, in the last photo, a group of people surrounded Gu Zhen, all looking excited, and their movements were exaggerated.

Gu Zhen, who was surrounded in the middle, smiled brightly and was innocent like a teenager.

“Heartache! Tears! Academician Gu, please take care of your health? ”

“I cried when I saw it at the end! It’s not easy, for the revival of the Great Xia Empire, Academician Gu silently contributed! ”

“This smile is so bright! I hope that such a bright smile will always appear on Academician Gu’s face. ”

“Stepping on a horse! As soon as I think of Academician Gu’s silent sacrifice for the country, now some people have bad intentions and maliciously slander him on the Internet! What kind of vicious mind is this? ”

“Made! What’s wrong with beating someone! What’s wrong with Academician Gu beating someone? Gao Delong’s eight eggs can make Academician Gu hit twice, and really step on the glory of the eighteenth generation of the ancestors. ”

“Gao Delong, this waste, is still a little useful! At the very least, it can also allow Academician Gu to move his body. I wish Academician Gu Zhen a long life. ”

“Bah! You guys keep your eyes open and take a good look. Who the hell is this horse beating whom?

It is clear that Gao Delong is beating Academician Gu! ”

“I can testify if I need to! It is Gao Delong, the bastard, who is beating Academician Gu. ”

“I can testify too!”

“Academician Gu, if I say if! If you want to hit someone in the future, please find me! I have thick skin and can afford to be beaten…”

“Fuck off! Is Academician Gu such a violent person? Of course, if Academician Gu really wants to exercise, you can come to me! I was honed by my parents’ mixed doubles since I was a child, and I have this strength. ”

“Made, this painting style is wrong! Academician Gu Zhen is not a violent maniac, why is he beating people when he has nothing to do? This time, it is not Gao Delong’s crime, Academician Gu Zhen is purely uneven. ”

“I think it’s really happy to be a student of Academician Gu! If…”

“Do you have to add a long-lasting teacher-student relationship, right? Give it up! Isn’t it that I look down on you, with the intelligence of your group, can understand Academician Gu’s lectures? ”

“Handsome and talented, I think the customer’s wife is really happy.”

Happy ghost.

Li Xiuqing looked at the remarks of netizen Hu Qia, scolded indignantly, and suddenly smiled again.

Li Jun sat on the sofa and subconsciously twisted his butt.

He had never had such an embarrassing, humiliating moment.

As a gnawing old man in his thirties, he always thought that his skin had been exercised thick enough.

Even if the people around him point out, even if others scold him behind his back, it can’t cause him to fluctuate a little in his heart.

However, at this moment, there was no one around, but he felt that his face was hot.

The deeds of Academician Gu Zhen touched his heart.

Such a person, for the early rise of the Great Xia Empire, did not care about his body and was exhausted.

On the other hand, I seem to have lived in a dog for all my age.

Lying dead is completely like a wasted person.

I am sorry for the cultivation of the country, and I am sorry for the grace of my parents for many years of nurturing.

I’m old, and I still leave early and return late.

Just because of this waste son of himself, he has to be ridiculed by others pointing at his back.

At this moment, Li Jun suddenly felt that he had opened up!

He constantly reflected on what he had done, and he was ashamed of it.

Making up his mind, he suddenly ran to the face of his parents, looked at their sad old faces, and suddenly knelt down.

“Dad, mom, son is not filial! Let you suffer. Tomorrow I will go to find a job, no matter how hard or tired I am, I can persevere. ”

Looking at their son who ran into the room, Li Jun’s parents suddenly left tears of joy.

His own son, finally sensible.

“I’m an old gnawing clan! In reality, I am a waste, about the same age as Academician Gu, and I have always been nestled at home and relying on my parents.

I was despised, everyone was pointing fingers behind my back, and I could only vent all my grievances on the Internet.

Especially Academician Gu, at the same age, he has already made such a great contribution to the country! And I…

Today, I finally realized! I can’t go on in such decadence, I have to start fighting! I’m going to start working on it.

Academician Gu Zhen, although he is my peer, he is also my spiritual teacher!

Here, I apologize to him for what I said before. ”

After Li Jun solemnly released a new news, he exhaled heavily, as if a stone had fallen in his heart.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, no matter when you work hard, it’s actually time!”

Li Jun’s sincerity was not ridiculed by netizens.

As long as there is a heart to rehabilitate, it will never be too late to faint at any time.

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