Chapter 129 On genius, everyone here is rubbish!!

What is genius?

Those who possess skills or achievements that ordinary people cannot achieve are often hailed as ‘geniuses’.

In foreign languages, gifted: is often used to describe these little prodigies, like a gift.

Literate at the age of three, able to recite 300 Tang poems at the age of five, and have an amazing memory, this is genius.

Excellent grades, college entrance examination champion This should be regarded as a genius.

Participating in the national Olympiad and winning a place in the competition should be considered a genius.

It can be said that the students who can be admitted to the imperial capital university are all geniuses in a certain range, but this is still within the understanding that ordinary people can accept.

Because compared to this, these geniuses can still make people see the gap between each other.

Not too outrageous.

For these geniuses, more people should be envious and appreciated.

However, when the imperial capital university put the mysterious information on the official website, let the cub open it.

The entire network unexpectedly fell into a strange silence.

After clicking on the document, they suddenly began to doubt life, and even began to doubt the reality of this world.

“Husband, is that information finally going to be exposed?”

It’s just that?

Li Xiuqing was a little worried, after all, it was too shocking.

The wind will blow in the forest.

Back then, it was also because of the protection of Gu Nianqing that Gu Zhen also specially contacted Elder Wu, and only agreed not to disclose it after repeated requests.

“It’s okay.”

Gu Zhen grabbed his wife’s jade hand and comforted it forcefully and firmly.

“People in the scientific community are still very receptive in this regard.”

“Actually, I’ve been hesitating whether to make that information public.”

“If my daughter had chosen to follow your path and become a singer in the entertainment industry, then I would definitely contact Elder Wu to keep that document completely confidential.”

“Do you know why?”

Li Xiuqing shook her head in shame, she often felt that her IQ was not enough when facing her husband, “That’s because I don’t want my daughter to bear too much pressure!” ”

“It may be an honor to be a double academician, but only the closest people in the family will know that it is a responsibility. Over the years, I owe you and your daughter so much. ”

Gu Zhen sighed, his expression a little stunned.

“Actually, I really hope that my daughter will stop following the same path as me and my father, step into the entertainment industry, sing and sing, and always be happy.” Researchers are too bitter. ”

“And once this document is known and the details are understood, everyone will feel that Gu Nianqing should not waste talent, and the most suitable thing should be to become a scientific research worker, and then inherit the mantle of our old Gu family.”

“But since my daughter has chosen to follow the path of my father and me, this information must be made public.”

Scientific research circles, without any bells and whistles. It is completely based on strength to determine the status in the circle.

20-year-old PhDs and 30-year-old professors are also rare. ”

“And a 35-year-old academician.”

Li Xiuqing glanced at Gu Zhen lightly, this man was her eternal pride.

“Will anyone be jealous, or will it?”

Gu Zhen understood his wife’s concern and shook his head.

“The scientific research world is not like the entertainment industry, and the only truth in the scientific community is to produce results.

And this achievement cannot be duplicated and cannot be falsified.

Ok is ok, and no is no. ”


Gu Zhen paused, and said uncharacteristically domineeringly: “I don’t think anyone dares to bully my Gu Zhen’s daughter in the scientific research circle of Daxia.” ”

The old daughter was enslaved.

The official information of the imperial capital university is actually a confidential document of the Imperial Archives Bureau.

At the end of the information, there is also the official seal of the Imperial Secret Bureau, which can be determined that what is recorded on it should be true and valid and recognized by the empire.

So, this made everyone feel even more shocked.

Gu Nianqing, actually such a bull.

What is a real genius, everyone after reading this piece of information.

Suddenly, he felt that those so-called geniuses were weak in front of Gu Nianqing.

This is the legendary life.

At the age of ten, Gu Nianqing first came into contact with chemistry.

Then he asked for a periodic table to stick in his bedroom.

In just one week, not only did I memorize all the names of each element in the periodic table, but also figured out the elemental properties such as the number of atoms and melting points of each element.

The first paragraph of the data has already made everyone feel the huge IQ crushing.

What are normal people doing when they are ten years old?

Play mud, fish for lobsters, and more often watch TV and play games.

Normal people are exposed to the periodic table in junior high school, and the average age is fourteen or five years old.

Maybe everyone thought that this was just Gu Nianqing’s interest, at most, it was an amazing memory.

The following record has completely broken through everyone’s imagination.

The next year, Gu Nianqing mysteriously brought her family to the backyard.

He took out a mysterious bottle and put it upside down on the ground, then lit a wire, and then the bottle exploded loudly.

A small mushroom cloud rose in the backyard of Gu Nianqing’s house, and since then, Gu Nianqing’s name has completely spread in the town, and he is only ten years old at this time.

“I remember that time, but it scared the big guys!”

The soldiers at the sentry post nervously sounded the alarm. They all thought that there were hostile forces attacking the scientific research institute, and this incident finally even alarmed the elders of the elder academy. ”

“I was shocked to the point of not being able to do it. We people have never seen what kind of experimental scenes, the main thing is that everyone is not prepared at all. ”

Gu Zhen recalled the scene at that time and couldn’t help laughing.

“In fact, this is nothing, the main thing is that the materials in the scientific research institute are complete, and no one will particularly notice that a little girl will collect these things.”

“I remember, I can spoil Academician Zhao at that time! Striveling, holding his daughter desperately does not let go. Bluntly say that there are people who follow you. ”

“You! Not to mention, some time ago, Academician Zhao Lao scolded me. ”

Li Xiuqing was very curious, Academician Zhao Lao is a well-known good-tempered in the scientific research institute, and he never blushed, why did he suddenly scold Gu Zhen?

“It’s not because his daughter went to the draft because he knew.

Arresting me is a scolding, what wastes my daughter’s talent, what does not know how to cherish talent, Balala’s bunch of words. ”

“You deserve it. Who let you indulge your girlfriend so much? ”

on the web.

Many people feel a little inexplicable when they see this.

“Is it necessary to record the explosion in secret? What little kid didn’t pour out the gunpowder in a firecracker when he was a child, what’s so strange about this? ”

“Upstairs, please look closely at the last paragraph, there is a very graphic description of a mushroom cloud. Do you know what a mushroom cloud is? ”

“Groove. nuclear…”

“Yes. This horror of stepping on a horse, there will be no radiation? ”

“Everyone actually misunderstood, it is not the nucleus that can appear in the mushroom cloud, and any high-energy explosion can actually produce a similar scene.”

“The mushroom cloud creates conditions where the explosion impacts create an extremely hot, high-pressure air mass.

This air mass expands rapidly and rises rapidly, dragging the surrounding material up like dust and water vapor, forming mushroom stems.

When the air mass rises high enough, its temperature gradually cools, and the density begins to level with the surrounding air, so it stops rising.

These gases, together with encased debris and steam, spilled around, forming the top of the mushroom.

At this point, everyone will see the legendary mushroom cloud. ”

“That means that Gu Nianqing has already turned into a bomb maniac when he was eleven years old.”

“He meowed, I really can’t see that a little girl who looks so beautiful is so violent.”

“Huh. I see who dares to hack us Gu Nianqing in the future, and directly reward you with a bomb. ”

“Excuse me, what were you doing when you were eleven?”

“This is the gap? Lao Tzu watched the scenes of war and bombing in cartoons, and his blood boiled.

However, some people have already begun to practice.

Monster bar. ”

“Misdescribed. Monsters are irrational and purely physically gifted. Gu Nianqing has already fallen out of this category, if he really wants to compare it, it should be a true genius born to know. ”

“You guys are still here to compare and nag, this is a hair! Don’t look at the back yet, there are you guys who suffer. ”

When she was twelve years old, Gu Nianqing occasionally saw a news that a leakage accident occurred at a nuclear power plant in a certain place, which caused pollution of the surrounding area.

She became interested in nuclear reactors.

“Seeing this, I have a bad idea.”

“To have deep sympathy for the neighbors of the mad science, this is terrible. Before there was a high-heat explosion, and then there was a nuclear reactor? ”

“This Nima is going to be every day. Gu Nianqing, this little girl, what is in her head? ”

Seeing this, many people’s hearts actually agreed that Gu Nianqing was the best freshman in Didu University.

In any case, twelve-year-olds have such thinking and abilities, which are indeed beyond adults.

According to the data, Gu Nianqing did not start building nuclear reactors, mainly because of insufficient knowledge reserves.

“Huh. You see, the lack of knowledge reserves, which means that she does not have the ability to make a nuclear reactor. ”

“That’s it, that’s it, I think how capable I am, isn’t it also a waste.”

For the ridicule of some black fans, many netizens said that they were also offended.

“This brain-dead thing that came out of nowhere. You scold a two-year-old girl for not being able to make a nuclear reactor out of waste, then how old are you yourself, can you make it? ”

“Is the involution so serious now? If you can’t make a nuclear reactor at the age of twelve, is it considered waste? So what are our group of adults? Waste inferior? ”

“In fact, everyone should look at the essence through the phenomenon, maybe what you see is Gu Nianqing’s genius-like hands-on ability and knowledge reserve beyond age.

However, I found that she has had a heart to search for the truth since she was a child.

In the face of anything, I want to obtain the essential truth of things through my own practice.

This is what makes her most admirable, and this quality is necessary for a true researcher.

However, I am curious about what kind of family Gu Nianqing was born into?

I can cultivate such excellent qualities.

I think her parents should be especially good nephews. ”

“Another point that everyone should pay special attention to is that the materials required for high-energy explosions will not circulate in the market under normal circumstances.”

“Gu Nianqing’s mother is Li Xiuqing, the queen of songs, and she once said that her father was an ordinary scientific research worker.”

“Ordinary researchers, is this possible?”

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