“Supergirl” and “Fast Man” make Huang Yajin a domestic first-line program producer.

The first taste of fame and fortune fueled her ambitions.

When she was thinking about showing her strength, she was kicked out because of the power of capital.

However, I also have to admire this woman.

After retiring for a few years, he relied on the power of capital to remake this star night show.

Straight to the peak of variety talent shows.


The ratings after the broadcast were unsatisfactory.

However, now it is on the hot search because of Gu Nianqing’s blue lotus song.

Astute and alert, she quickly seized the opportunity.

Abandoning a second-tier star, in exchange for a star night show continues to become the focus of discussion.

This deal, no loss.

Just when Hu Feier was looking for a relationship everywhere, and even begged the gold owner behind it, hoping to use some means to block this video.

But she unexpectedly found a news that broke her.

Star Night’s official Weibo issued a statement.

“For some hot discussions on the Internet recently, the program team found that the situation was true after careful research and research. Therefore, the star night column is not in and hires Miss Hu Feier as the mentor of the program group. For the follow-up mentor candidates, the program group is urgently contacted. ”

“In addition, this show has caused a tutor to fail to pass the qualification due to its own review, which has caused a lot of inconvenience to everyone, and I give the most solemn apology.”

This statement was issued, and the night of stars really stepped on Hu Feier to forcibly rub the heat.

All of a sudden, Hu Feier was directly nailed to the pillar of shame.

Overnight, she was only a second-tier star, and she was sued by many endorsement products because of her own image problems.

The huge liquidated damages that need to be paid have reached a staggering figure.

The cooperation columns that were originally negotiated all unilaterally terminated the contract.

It can be said that overnight, this female star who dropped out of junior high school and became popular with some unknown relationships was finished.

And it’s the kind that has been smelling for 10,000 years.

All fruits begin with causes.

In order to hold Chen Yuting’s smelly feet, he ignored the principle of right and wrong and reversed black and white.

So, all this has long been doomed.

You are the light, you are the electricity, you are the selfless torch that burns yourself and illuminates the Star Night show.

With Hu Feier’s withdrawal from the entertainment industry, people suddenly became very interested in exposing what the music teacher said in the video.

Gu Nianqing’s singing skills were actually recognized by a professional music teacher.

And the music teacher sneered at her opponent Chen Yuting, and her words were full of disdain.

However, it was Chen Yuting who won the show.

This unexpected contrast also made everyone feel the shady scenes of the game.

A classic song paired with a singer with excellent singing skills is not as good as another person under the water.


Among them is catty.

“Chen Yuting, her mother is Chen Lin, the queen of heaven. As I said for a long time, she only relied on her mother’s connections to make her way to the top sixteen. ”

“But Gu Nianqing is because she was born into an ordinary family. There was no queen mother, so she was eliminated. ”

“Actually, all talent shows are the same. You think it’s about strength, but it’s not all background. ”

“The shady curtain is thick, and the water is really deep.”

This year’s netizens are too difficult to bring.

Huang Ya originally just wanted to sacrifice a Hu Feier to let the star night attract more attention.

The statement released afterwards made the show occupy the peak of morality.

Finally, it can also rely on the gimmick of the substitute mentor to continue to gain popularity.

What a triple win.

Thinking is not deep.

However, she underestimated the IQ of netizens.

Domino effect.

The spit on Chen Yuting’s strength in the video made everyone point the finger at the rationality of the program group’s draft judging mechanism.

Right now.

Not only the program group, but even the diva Chen Lin has also been criticized a lot.

In order to hold his daughter’s debut, he didn’t want his face.

Little Red is close, Big Red is fateful.

Although Chen Yuting has a red life, she does not have the strength of red.

It doesn’t matter if it’s red or not, it’s mainly to show off your mother as a queen.

Murderous heart.

Netizens were full of witty words, and Chen Yuting finally broke her defense.

“My singing skills are not as good as Gu Nianqing’s silly girl!”


Break the things that can be thrown at home.

When Chen Yuting thought of that dazzling girl, she didn’t know where to hide at this moment and secretly mocked herself.

Furious and furious.

“Mom, what now?”

“Huang Ya, this waste, no wonder Xiangtan TV Station wanted to cancel the contract with her. Don’t worry, good daughter. I’ve got the company’s PR department out of action. ”

“Now the situation is too clear, as long as we muddy whom, this group of people on the Internet are stupid goods, and then we can’t tell the real from the fake.”

“In the end, it’s not up to us to decide! Anyway, as long as you can win the championship this time, you will be able to make your debut naturally. ”

The consequences of heaven are the queens of heaven, the means are vicious, and the actions are fast.

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