Daxia North Xinjiang Satellite Launch Center.

The wide and bright main control room is orderly.

Jingu-1 has entered a specific orbit and successfully lifted off.

As the chief designer, Gu Zhen’s tight strings in his mind finally loosened.

Feeling dizzy for a while, I immediately found a place to sit.

“Xiao Gu, come on! Show you something! ”

Elder Wu came over with a smile and mysteriously took out his mobile phone.

“Our girl is amazing! Soldiers who surrender without a fight, obediently! ”

The night of stars is being broadcast live on the mobile phone screen.

Gu Zhen looked dazed.

“Elder Wu, look at this too…”

“How? Only you young people are allowed to see it? We have worked hard for half a lifetime, and we can’t enjoy it? ”

“Look at our girl’s aura, it’s much more powerful than you.”

Elder Wu seemed to have a feeling that a woman had grown up, and Gu Nianqing on the screen looked indifferent and generous.

“Elder Wu, look back. Don’t show your mouth in front of my daughter-in-law! ”

“Stinky boy, you are so afraid of your daughter-in-law!”

Looking at Gu Zhen’s resentful eyes, Wu Lao shook his head repeatedly.

“I don’t understand what your wife thinks, is it normal for children to have their own ideas when they are older!” Why force your child to do something he doesn’t like! ”

For Elder Wu’s complaint, Gu Zhen could only laugh it off.

Look down at the phone screen and relish.

“Xiao Gu, the people of the imperial capital will arrive tonight! Mr. You has come over in person, so don’t be punish, follow back and rest for a few months, relax and accompany the children. ”

“How does this work! The research of the Jiaolong has reached the most critical time, and I am not at ease! ”

Good wow, you are a Wu Lao, show me the mobile phone is fake, be a lobbyist is real.

“Stop messing around! Look at your gray hair, it is almost comparable to my old man! I’m holding you, I’m afraid that your daughter-in-law and daughter will call me an old man who is unreasonable. ”

“Say it again! You don’t want to go live to see our game? Listen to me, rest for a while, relax and relax. ”

More than half of the night of stars has passed.

The final eight seat was created between Wu Lingling and Gu Nianqing.

The other contestants in the background watched Wu Lingling return to the stage again, and the rabbit died and the fox felt the same fate.

Gu Nianqing’s strength is undoubted, and he can be described as the first person in this session.

But her overly quiet nature and unnatural arrogance are difficult to like.

Everyone felt in her eyes to a greater or lesser extent an illusion of being ignored.

This is humiliating.

Why, how dare she?

Even if her father is a scientific researcher, what’s wrong?

Could it be that her father is really Academician Gu Zhengu?


Put gold on your face!

In terms of connections, can it be compared to Chen Yuting?

In terms of family lineage, can it be compared to Zhou Hao?

“No, we have to think of a way, otherwise we will have to compete in the future, and no one will have a good life.”

Already sitting in the quarterfinals, but was pulled back abruptly.

How embarrassing this horse is, I can understand it when I look at Wu Lingling.

Her today may be the tomorrow of other players.

In terms of ability, none of the players in this session can guarantee that they have the ability to surpass Gu Nianqing.

Even Chen Yuting, with her family lineage, pulled out her mother Chen Lin, who had retired for many years, to help.

So far, I’ve never won a game.

Crushed everywhere, more mercilessly punched in the face.

On the stage, Gu Nianqing relied on one classic song after another, as if invincible, and couldn’t help but make these contestants have a sad sadness.

“What? Another original song? ”

“Is she going all the way to the end of a new song?”

Numb, numb.

Different from the shock of the instructor and the cheers on the scene, Wu Lingling actually held a glimmer of hope.

Gu Nianqing, her father created two classic songs, Blue Lotus and a Dream Child’s Heart.

Wu Lingling did not believe that there would be such a level of song in her hands.

For the sake of the so-called, under the banner of originality.

She never believed that this one would be as classic as the previous two.

Well, her chance came.

How high the expectations are, how heavy the disappointment is.

Gu Nianqing is now held by others, and after singing, people find that they are far from what they expect, and they have a gap in their hearts.

It’s certainly hard to accept.

And she Wu Lingling was not so alarmed as she appeared.

The preparations for the upcoming games were presented in advance.

If, it can really defeat a popular player like Gu Nianqing.

When the time comes, the attention you will get, the popularity you will gain.

Imagining that soon after, he would defeat Gu Nianqing.

Chen Yuting’s shocked expression, the incredible appearance of the other players in the background.

Wu Lingling’s face gushed abnormally, and the whole person couldn’t help but be excited.

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