This is the first time Xiao Shuying has folded paper boats. In order to thank this "unfamiliar" netizen,

not good looking,

She didn't know if the people there liked it.

"Your meager net name is Paper Boat, you should really like Paper Boat. 99

Xiao Shuying said quietly,

This is Xiao Shuying 13 years old and a month old. She is like an adult. She grew up in a slum area and in an independent environment. She is not as innocent and playful as her peers, so innocent.

She is more like an adult.

At that time,

the moon hangs in the corner,

Illuminated Yecheng Mental Hospital, the dormitory was clean and tidy.

Yu Ye is not here, he is lying in a critically ill bed, if it wasn't for his daughter, he really wanted to die at home,

But the child is only thirteen years old and is about to face the market. He can only grit his teeth and survive.

I spent the money on ferrules and mobile phone films to be hospitalized,

The other money remained untouched,

And now too, weak and dripping, through the window he looked at the moonlight, beautiful,

He looked at it, the light in his eyes was very complicated,

Until the phone ticked, it was a meager message reply, he asked the nurse to open it, he looked at the message,

this moment.


"Hahahaha! 9

He smiled, his eyes were smiling brightly, all the breath of death and the energy of old age were gone, and he became happy and satisfied.

The doctor Zheng Eunxiong next to him gave him a strange look,

He looked at the interface of Yu Ye's mobile phone, a photo, a stack of paper boats, it looked very ordinary 973, nothing amazing,

But I don't know why, the man smiled very pleasantly,

Since he came to this mental hospital, he was smiling except when he was drawing, but he never smiled at other times, but now he is smiling because of this picture of a stack of paper boats.

"Do you like stacking paper boats?

Psychiatrist Zheng Enxiong asked.


"My daughter folded it for me.

"like very much.

"You know, there is a legend in our hometown that once a person dies, he will forget everything. If you don't want to forget what to do, then fold a paper boat, and the folded paper boat will bring the soul of the dead back home. .

"The soul can follow the paper boat to go home, you know, it can go home well, it is not a lonely ghost. Nian

"I always wanted to teach her how to fold a paper boat, but there was always no right time to say it. I didn't expect her to know how to fold a paper boat now."

"very nice!""

"Nice! 99

At that moment, Yu Ye's eyes were bright and sparkling,

He is very happy!

Really happy!

"Okay, you have a good rest.

the room is empty,

Yu Ye looked at the picture of the phone that was about to go out, the paper boat was so beautiful,

he whispered,

"Xiao Shuying, you must fold a paper boat for me in the future, you must.

"I can't become a ghost, that's not good, then I'll forget you.

"What if you are bullied by others, I won't know when the time comes."

"I won't be afraid when I die, I will take a paper boat to see you and see you. 39

Yu Ye's voice sounded like he was talking in his sleep, and he seemed to be talking about the happiest, the smile in his eyes was very warm,

And this moment,

he said softly,

If one day, I die, I will go home in a paper boat,

If the wind blows one day and messes up your hair, don't be afraid, it's me who came to see you,

If it snows one day and falls on your palm, don't feel cold, that's what I miss my daughter,

If the lightning rolls in one day, it means that I am about to be reincarnated, and I am here to say goodbye to you at last,


Here, on this hospital bed, he talks a lot quietly,

Now he's less pessimistic and less depressed,

And now on the show,

Yu Shuying watched this scene,

The man looked at the stack of paper boats,

That man really loved it to the extreme. Looking at the picture of the paper boat,

Is this him?

Yu Shuying was stunned,

She suddenly thought that this man got the money, and he got a lot of songs to share the money before, and he didn't smile from the bottom of his heart.

This man played the piano before, his piano was so good, so good, but he still didn't laugh, just enjoyed it peacefully, fell into reminiscence,

but now,

Because six years ago, I folded a paper boat and sent it to a netizen. I don't know that the netizen was him.

But Yu Ye was happy watching the paper boat.

"You just want to live in another way after you die..."

"You have suffered so much all your life, why can't you just die and reincarnate, 35

"What do you like? You were so greedy for money before, but now you are so moved by a paper boat."

this moment,

Yu Shuying asked the man who was losing a little bit ten meters away, she was very sad at this moment,

Now she sees with her own eyes,

Is this man dying?

You can't die!


It's only a paper boat now, it's not enough,

not enough.

(bbae) Yu Shuying lost all his graceful and dignified attitude at this moment,

She became very lost and mourned,

Now on the hospital bed, Yu Ye is weak and being dripped,

The doctor is in the last rescue,

Guest Former Director of Brain Cancer of Yecheng Hospital, Yuan Quan,

Also, Alejandro, a professor at the Xihai Brain Cancer Research Center, helped rescue them.

they all sigh,

"Hey, his body, when I saw him more than ten years ago, his brain lesions began, and cranial nerve compression began. Now I see it again, I just want to say, what exactly is he enduring, the extreme compression of the nerves means that Every part of the torso is extremely uncomfortable.

Yuan Quan shook his head, sweating profusely, and he just participated in the rescue.


And brain cancer professor Alejandro shook his head with a more complicated expression,

"It's not just the cranial nerves, but the entire body has lost its vitality."

"It's like a rubber band that is about to be broken. Everything is decaying. His organs have been given multiple chemotherapy treatments before, and he has swallowed a lot of neuropathic painkillers, so he doesn't know how to save his whole body."

"All of a person's organs, all kinetic energy are weakening, what should I do..."

Now Alejandro also pervades,

He didn't know what to say,

This man has been carrying it for sixteen years, and now it is the limit of the limit,

Even before he survived it was a miracle,

And now the barrage is full of,

"Is he really leaving..."

"This, but Xiao Shuying's thirteen-year-old replay has just begun, how exactly does this man want a pension!

"He can't die, he can't die.

"Wake up, okay? 35


all beings,

all different, all different,

While the playback screen continues,

This time it's a new picture,

That was when Xiao Shuying was thirteen years old, in the second month,

It was Yu Ye who lived in a mental hospital for a long time, and now his health is a little better, he is weak and basking in the sun, sending messages,

It's called a paper boat,

[Yu Xingxing, you can add such similar words]

[That is a pianist at sea, that is a pure person speaking, he said, have you seen the countless streets, how do you choose one to go down, what do you want, a woman to spend your life with, a building A house that belongs only to you, a way of life and death, you don't even know when it will end, won't you be afraid, won't you collapse when you think about it]

【What does the world want, love a woman, live in a house, buy a piece of land, look at a landscape, take a road to death, there are so many choices, I am at a loss, endless, boundless... 】

[Do you understand, those I can't see, in this infinitely spreading city, there is everything, but there is no end, there is no end at all, what I can't see is the end of all this, the end of the world 】

He wrote, his eyes were enjoying watching these,

He loved the man whose pen and ink began to shape and write,

Because it's so pure,

Life is so simple, simply, without any fatigue and bitterness,

a pure man,

He whispered: "Xiao Shuying, you have to write this script well, this is one of the best roles I can teach you,"

In the sun, he whispered softly,

And this moment,

Many netizens who watched the live broadcast thought,

A year later, the script of Xiaoshuying became popular in the West,

After two years, Xiao Shuying successfully fought against the entertainment industry system and founded his own company.

Six years later, this man was rescued from a hospital bed....

So life, he is as bitter as a song...?.

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