Dawn Infinity

Vol 5 Chapter 4: : Everyday (Part 1)

   (PS: It’s been a new week again. I ask for recommendations, clicks, favorites, and rewards. In short, there are all kinds of requests.

   In addition, my birthday is approaching, July 26th, begging for recommendations, clicking, collecting, and rewarding, capable friends will be popular in the book review area, how about giving me some confidence? Partners.

   In the end, even on birthdays, there will be no breaks. Our gentleman promised me that I will never break changes. I will stand by your side. This time, I will do it. )

In the main **** space, each person’s small room will be made into various rooms according to the user’s imagination. At present, after Chu Hao’s experiment, the largest room can even reach a mall-shaped room of several thousand square meters. You can imagine a lot of daily necessities in the room, including food and various home appliances. There can also be many movie CDs and the like. These things do not require bonus points, and all horror films can be seen here.

After having the captain's authority, the most important thing is to know in advance what the next horror movie will be, watch that horror movie in such a targeted manner, and discuss what is needed to prepare the horror movie. This is the most useful point of the captain's authority, such as the battle plan of the horror film.

Since waking up, Chu Hao has watched Guigui Circuit 1, 2, and 3 many times. He is not sure that the Lord God will send them to Guigui Circuit. Simply put, in what time period they will be sent. .

The movie "Legging the Ghost Loop" is about a group of people in modern human society who accidentally discovered a set of frequency bands. It is not an invention but a discovery. As for its origin, it is unknown who created this frequency band. This question is not answered in the whole movie, but people who found this frequency band, they tried to study it, but this frequency band will change by itself, and at the same time, anyone who has seen this frequency band will see ghosts. All kinds of ghosts appear around you, and then slowly approach you until they attack you. Such ghosts will **** out soul-like things in your body, and the sucked out humans will lose all their desire for survival, as if Life is not like death, and the physical body will gradually begin to collapse, either by killing itself, or the body will become ashes and dissipate, and the dead you will be transformed into a similar ghost and ghost, and then attack other living people. .

The ghost circuit is about such a terrible ghost curse meme. The number of victims will increase with the people who come into contact with it. At the same time, ghost ghosts will increase. All people who die from this meme will become new ghosts. Ghosts, with such a number of geometric multiples, the entire human civilization will be destroyed soon. In fact, if the ghosts in the ghost circuit must rely on the electronic wave to move and exist, it may not only be the human civilization that destroys it. It's the entire destruction of the human race.

There are three parts of the guilt circuit, and the time points are the first part of the meme’s appearance, and then the second part of the meme ravaging cities and various civilized areas, and finally the destruction of human civilization for many years. After the story, this is the third part.

   After watching the three movies, Chu Hao’s biggest worry is what time period the Lord God will send them into, whether to provoke ghosts one, two, or three?

While thinking about it this way, Chu Hao turned off the TV. He had already memorized the plots of the three episodes of Guilty Circuit. He couldn't find out more when he watched it, not to mention having experienced bloodthirsty dawn and aliens. After the war with the predator, Chu Hao had already understood that the movie belongs to the movie, and the movie world is the movie world. There may be connections between them, but they are not absolutely similar. For example, the number of aliens and predators in the movie is so. Exaggeration, the existence of underground creatures is not clearly shown in Bloodthirsty Dawn, so you know the plot and the enemy, and you don't need to learn by rote.

   "Do you mess with ghosts?"

Chu Hao thought about it, and walked into the basement of his room. This is the weapon test field. According to his settings, this weapon test field has been transformed into a gym-like layout, and there are many instruments in it. Wait, these are all set by him.

   When Chu Hao stood in front of an instrument, he closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes had become blank, as if his eyes didn't have any focal length.

   "This is... the gene lock is on."

Chu Hao unlocked his genetic lock state. In this state, his reaction power has increased a lot, and even when he is fully focused, he can vaguely see the bullet's firing trajectory. Of course, seeing and avoiding it are two different things. In addition to the substantial increase in reaction power, his combat instincts are also greatly increased in the unlocked state of genetic locks. In the face of close combat and long-range shooting, he can even fight by instinct. In the state, in terms of his physical fitness, ten elite soldiers can't beat him, of course, the premise is that he doesn't use heat weapons.


Chu Hao closed his eyes again, and the moment he opened them again, his muscles swelled up so much that the casual clothes he was wearing broke apart. At this time, he looked more like a muscle all over his body. The small giant of, the muscles all over his body trembled, it looked really scary.

"How do I call this state? It is still opened according to the way the gene lock is opened. It also enters the gene lock state when used, but it is deeper than the previous state... Then, this is the second stage of the gene lock. ?"

Chu Hao originally thought that gene lock had only one state. In fact, the person who turned on gene lock was like a superman. It was not the superman in the movie, but a superman who surpassed ordinary people, even a weak otaku. , As long as the gene lock is turned on, it is possible to defeat two or three special forces soldiers. That alone is very scary.

   But who knows, gene lock can actually evolve. From the beginning, it increased the reaction power and dynamic vision, greatly increased the fighting instinct, and now even the body muscle state can be changed, the gene lock is actually such a powerful ability...

In just half an hour, Chu Hao conducted a series of tests on his current state, among which tests on strength, speed, responsiveness, as well as the body’s tolerance to pain, etc., all showed that his current genetic lock phase two The state is no longer just a superman with fighting instinct and reaction ability, but a real superman with physical quality.

The first is strength. Under the limit output state, it is 12.8 times stronger than when the gene lock is not turned on. Of course, this is the limit output. Under normal circumstances, a normal punch has more than 1,200 kilograms of power. , This has far exceeded the extreme boxing effort of the heavyweight boxers in the real world. This kind of power is not even possessed by humans.

   Then there is the speed. Although it seems that the body has expanded, the speed has not been reduced, but has increased a lot. Although it is not as good as the strength, it has also increased by about 2.17 times at the limit speed.

There are also reflexes, endurance to pain, and the degree of healing of the body. This second-order genetic lock state has been greatly improved. Now he is waiting for ten special forces soldiers, even if it is. A hundred special forces soldiers, as long as they don’t use thermal weapons, he can kill them all on the spot, and he himself may be only slightly injured at best. In this state, he can even face up as long as his body is intact. Tear the plurality of aliens into pieces, fight the alien mother head-on, and kill them with slight or serious injuries!

When all the data was tested, Chu Hao eliminated his second-order genetic lock state, but did not leave the basement. Instead, he stood in the clearing and closed his eyes again. When he opened them again, his eyes were once again. Become at a loss.

"Then this is the gene lock that was forcibly promoted after becoming the captain, let's be regarded as the third level of gene lock... It greatly improved my calculation speed, and made my memory clearer, the calculation of answers to various knowledge, and... …Imitate other people’s thinking patterns?"

Chu Hao muttered blankly in his eyes, but it was only a few seconds before and after, he suddenly paled and vomited a big mouthful of blood, and his whole body was slumped down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He immediately unlocked the gene lock. , Began to stagger upstairs. At this moment, he felt pain everywhere. The pain was so intense that he almost fainted. Not only was this, but he felt himself even more so. There is a kind of pain in his body to be torn apart, no, it is not a tear, it is a collapse to be more precise, yes, he feels that his body is about to collapse!

"Lord, Lord God repair... By the way, Zhang Heng should still be in the square. He has been looking forward to the kind of attributes he wants to exchange, but he doesn't know whether it has already been exchanged, from bronze saints to silver saints, to The Golden Saint Seiya, and finally the Holy Seiya, as well as the various holy cloaks that are worth B-level and A-level, and the highest is S-level. I hope he is still there, otherwise I may be in danger..."

   Chu Hao smiled bitterly, and walked upstairs while vomiting blood, but this result was something he didn't expect... Was the gene lock backlash? The second-order and third-order gene locks are indeed strong, but it is estimated that they will not last forever, right? It seems that it can only be regarded as a kind of hidden nirvana...

   At the same time, Zhang Heng was indeed looking at the Lord God about what he wanted to exchange with his eyes full of light. That's right, he thought the Saint Seiya was so handsome! Especially those holy fighting clothes, if you put on these holy fighting clothes, then he will definitely be the focus of everyone's attention no matter where, this is simply too handsome and cool too...

In short, his goal has been determined. First exchange the Bronze Saint Seiya bloodline, then the Silver Saint Seiya bloodline, and then the Gold Saint Seiya and the highest holy fighter. As for the saint clothing, he has already chosen the Sagittarius Gold Saint. Yi, and then advanced it into the Sagittarius sacred cloak, so...

   He can just pretend to be so cool that he is too old! !

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