Dawn Infinity

Vol 5 Chapter 10: : Flee desperately!

   "Time is urgent, I don't have extra time to discuss with everyone whether what I said is true."

Chu Hao faced the fifteen newcomers and said, "Maybe you have too many doubts, but I have no obligation and no time to defend you whether this is true. Now, I will give you a chance if you believe what is here. At the shooting scene, what kind of prank show, what kidnapping and extortion, or what your friends are joking about, then you can call the police at will, leave, or do whatever you want!"

"If you believe everything I say, then you can follow me, say yes first, and choose only once. Once you decide, you can’t go back. If you go back... then I will treat you the same way as the enemy. Just like the man lying on the ground."

After saying this, the fifteen newcomers were silent, and many of them showed expressions of fear and fear. After a few seconds, suddenly a man and a woman walked out of the fifteen people. A black man and a white girl, both of them were surprised that someone else came out, but they didn’t hesitate. They walked up to Chu Hao and others. The white girl took the lead and said, “I told you very much. If you are interested, I should say and believe it, so can I go with you?"

Chu Hao glanced at this young girl. This young girl's appearance was considered to be middle-to-higher. Although not comparable to the previous Maria sisters, she was also considered a beautiful woman, and she looked very energetic, with blue eyes. The water eyes are normal, and it seems to give people a clean and clear feeling.

   And the black man also said, "I believe you a little bit. If I can, I want to go with you."

At this time, Chu Hao looked at the black man again. He seemed to be about a meter and eighteen meters away. He was a very strong man. He was about 30 years old. He had a clean shaved beard, dark skin, and he was dressed. Casual clothes, but that standing and demeanor, and where he puts his hands...not a policeman, or a soldier, at least a veteran.

After the two people finished speaking, Chu Hao glanced briefly, and immediately looked at the remaining crowd, but unfortunately, no one from the remaining crowd came out, although everyone has a kind of conformity. Psychologically, but now the 13 newcomers who are on the side of the crowd are the remaining thirteen newcomers, so instead, they stood in place and looked at Chu Hao and others coldly.

   But it was decided by fate, no one can change...

Chu Hao sighed, and then he turned around and said to Ares and the others: "Then everything is decided. It is only us. Once the protective cover is broken, we must rush to the roof of the building as soon as possible. Things are delayed. If there is any door lock blocking, Zhang Heng will be responsible for clearing it out, and then any ghosts will intercept or besiege, Ares, summon your skeleton, and I will be responsible for protecting Tom and the two of them, and Provide you with magical support."

Not to mention the two fellow rookies. For the other three, Tom has already committed himself to Chu Hao’s resourcefulness and ability, and Ares and Zhang Heng are also familiar with Chu Hao. At the moment, the three of them have no opinion, and at the same time, they all regard themselves. He took out his submachine gun, just waiting for the protective cover to open.

The black man looked at several submachine guns and their models. He frowned slightly, but after all he didn't say anything, even his fingers were a little farther away from his belt, while another white girl looked at Chu Hao with relish. As the three of them prepared, her eyes lightened up more and more.

   Waited less than ten seconds, and suddenly a breeze blew. At this moment, Chu Hao immediately felt as if he had been scanned and brushed by his mental power. He was so excited that he shouted: "The battle begins! Charge!"

In the voice, Zhang Heng rushed out first, followed by Ares, and Tom and Chu Hao walked together, while the black man and the white girl looked at each other and followed them. Run forward together.

The rest of the newcomers stood in place with their heads stunned. When Chu Hao and the others had disappeared, they suddenly started making a noise. Several of them approached the man lying on the ground, and they all took out themselves. His mobile phone tried to call the police or call a doctor, and the man on the ground also began to roar loudly. He still seemed to be full of breath, but the blood seemed to bleed a little faster.

Those who took out their mobile phones looked at their mobile phones strangely. The calls out there showed that there was no signal, and some strange sounds could be heard appearing in the mobile phones vaguely, which sounded like... Some roars and some painful groans are unexplainable.

"What should we do now?"

Several people asked this at the same time, and some of the mature old people among the newcomers looked around and said, "Let’s go downstairs first. You can always find someone else to help you downstairs. Maybe the information is blocked here, making us think all this is true. Maybe it's."

At the moment, under the command of these mature old people, several men helped up the man on the ground, and then they walked towards the elevator entrance together, and when they were about to walk out of this hall, suddenly a middle-aged person in the team The woman yelled and said, "Hey, wait a minute, look, there is someone over there!?"

Everyone immediately looked in the direction the middle-aged woman was pointing. Sure enough, they saw a faint human figure there, and they didn’t know how to walk. In a flash, they seemed to be a lot closer to them. What I haven't found is that for those who have mobile phones or use mobile phones, their mobile phone screens are flickering violently, and the data inside have begun to be distorted, as if they were infected with a mobile phone virus.

   Everyone stopped and looked at the person over there suspiciously, but gradually, their faces became more and more ugly, or they had begun to become more and more scared.

Because the person over there is flickering violently, as if it is a movie or TV screen with a bad signal, it is not a real person at first glance, it is the kind of thing that can be seen by the naked eye, it is definitely not a human being. ...But it can walk and move. Isn't this the so-called 3D stereoscopic image?

Everyone’s hands and feet began to soften slightly, because although the movie “Legging the Ghost Circuit” is not very famous, it’s not too few people who have watched it. Four or five of this group of newcomers have seen this movie and watched it now. Looking at the surrounding environment, look at the ghost figures that are getting closer and closer. The people who have watched the movie yelled and ran out of the hall in fear. They wanted to run into the elevator as soon as possible.

But...when they opened the door of the hall, they saw that outside the hall, there were at least dozens or hundreds of people...ghosts and ghosts, all of them flickering, like movie screens or movie signals, turning their heads. Seeing this group of newcomers...


  Chu Hao and others ran on the emergency stairs. They didn't even think about using the elevator. At this time, using the elevator is the most idiotic idea. At this time, you can only use the emergency stairs!

When the crowd just ran up the emergency stairs, a large number of ghosts and ghosts appeared from above and from below, and from behind them. These ghosts and ghosts moved in flashes, and they could not be seen walking like humans at all. In contrast, their movement speed is actually not fast, at least it looks like a normal person running at full speed. In the eyes of Zhang Heng Chuhao and others, this speed is actually not much different from a gun target.

At the moment, Chu Hao, Ares, Zhang Heng, and Tom all used submachine guns and spirit bullets. Not to mention, this type of bullet really has a miraculous effect on ghosts and monsters. After being hit, it seems to have penetrated into the water. , These ghosts are agitated all over, if many spirit bullets are hit together, these ghosts will dissipate, and I don't know if they are killed, but at least they disappear before everyone's eyes.

The black and white girl did not have the fear that Chu Hao and others had imagined, but they were full of doubts. Watching Chu Hao and others kill the ghosts like cutting melons along the way, the black man hesitated for a while. Finally couldn't help but drew a pistol from the waist, but also aimed at a ghost, but after the bullet hit the ghost, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ penetrated directly through it unharmed. There was no sense of ripples and shocks after the hit.

   "Is it false? Or is it a visual deception?" The black man retracted his pistol and muttered to himself in a low voice.

The white girl chuckled and said, "That's not easy. If this is really a ghost circuit, if these are really ghosts in the movie, go get in touch with them and see if they will eat the soul. "

The black man shook his head and said nothing. He just watched the actions of Chu Hao and others. At this moment, they had already ran up to the third floor. Looking up from the top of the building, there were at least four to five floors. It was on the roof, and at this moment, an explosion sounded faintly from below the building, and the whole building seemed to tremble slightly.

   Chu Hao's expression moved, he looked at the top of the stairs again, where more and more ghosts had gathered, and the number was at least in the hundreds.

   "Speed ​​up, otherwise..."

   "It's too late!"

And now at the bottom of the building, the man with bat wings called 9527, he was covered with black flames as high as several feet, and he was holding a huge black two-handed sword just now. After slashing, the door of the building in front of him has been smashed to pieces. The whole scene looks as if it has been continuously bombed by high-explosive grenade. Not only this door, but also countless ghosts and monsters behind it. As soon as he came into contact with the black flame, he immediately howled and was burned into nothingness. This black flame could actually harm the spirit body!

   Next, 9527 stepped into this building with a sneer...

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