Dawn Infinity

Vol 5 Chapter 16: : Growth and opportunity

   "...There are three civilian helicopters, 453 vehicles, and 8,947 people. It's really a large camp, maybe it's nothing to call it a small town."

Chu Hao has a large amount of information in his hands. These are all normal affairs of the entire surviving camp. As of today, it has been a month since they entered the camp. In this month, Chu Hao has risen, and so far. , Was finally elected as the mayor of the surviving town by a public vote. At the same time, a total of forty-eight temporary council members were also elected. The surviving town has entered a plateau, and as time goes by, the number of people who have escaped from the city It is also gradually declining, from hundreds to dozens of people every day. It can be predicted that the population of the surviving camp will reach 10,000 at most, which is basically the limit of the number of people that can be accommodated.

In this month, the entire surviving camp really developed greatly. As the population increased, more houses had to be built, more farmland had to be opened, more springs had to be drawn in, sewers, garbage collection, As well as various equipment maintenance, etc., this has forced the camp to expand quickly, so it needs to obtain more materials. In this case, two large searches were carried out, once the object was another. It was a small town, and the other time went to the edge of the city, and three civilian helicopters were obtained during that big raid on the edge of the city.

So far, some technical staff in the camp, with the help of Chu Hao, have roughly distinguished the technological creations that can attract ghosts and ghosts, basically all the creations of information transmission, such as telephones, communicators, computers, and radios. Wait, these can attract ghosts and ghosts, and other things, such as power generation equipment, such as electric lights, such as microwave ovens, such as vehicles, etc., are safe.

   After all, human beings are inseparable from technological creations. For example, the entire camp is completely dark at night. When candles and other things are always used up, do they really need to use oil lamps? After confirming that electricity and lights will not bring ghosts, the whole camp finally ushered in the night light again, and this is only one of them. For example, farming requires machinery, and for surgery, etc., lights and lights are needed. Various equipment...

   In short, the current surviving camp is no longer the kind of refugee camp that was a month ago, but the camp that really started the process of township, and in this case, Chu Hao intends to start the next step.

   "Our goal is always to eliminate the invaders. Although this world is true and real, it is not our world. We are always just passing by."

Chu Hao was in his room with Ares, Zhang Heng, Tom, Ali, and another white girl, a girl named Els, who claimed to be a member of the detective club of a certain university. Currently, North Ice All the members of the Zhou team are here.

Zhang Heng is still wrapped up like a mummy, but he looks much better than before. At least he oozes blood when he can't speak, and he looks like an optimist, and he can be intact by returning to the main **** space anyway. No damage, as long as you can't die, although this will not make everyone feel better, but Zhang Heng's optimism still affects them.

As for the rest of the people, they tried their best to integrate into this surviving camp during this month. Among them, Ares and Ali got the most rewarding. They have a wealth of medical knowledge and are experts in medicine. The other is the Interpol, which played an important role in maintaining order and public security. These two people are almost well known in the camp, especially Ares. Now he is almost the only religious figure of Hao Shen. .

Ares said distressedly: "We are indeed passers-by, but... Chu Hao, before you sell me in the future, please tell me first, OK? Shall we discuss it? Now I see the doctor soon. No, there are at least a dozen or twenty people pestering me every day. I must tell them about Hao Shen’s past and doctrines, as well as the correct prayers when praying, religious ritual standards, and whether it’s true after death. There is a kingdom of God, what are you going to do like that!"

Chu Hao smiled, patted Ares on the shoulder, and said, "Human nature is actually the most fickle thing. No matter how much you have, you can be lost for three generations at most. This is still the case of ancient human nature. In modern society, it may be years, even months, or even days that you will completely forget your kindness. This is a very possible thing. Our purpose is very simple. Use the power of this world’s indigenous civilization to fight the invaders. Fighting, so we must stand on the highest point of morality, and we can say that we fight with grace. This grace, this morality, what else can be more important than their own interests? God and faith are this kind of grace. Morality is the highest point, and the effect is really better than I expected..."

Ali frowned at the side of   , but he didn't say anything. As for Tom, he seemed to understand or not, while Els's expression was full of interest.

Ares sighed and said: "I understand your reasoning. If you say that kindness is a flame, there is always a moment when it burns clean, then faith is the source. As long as the source does not wither, this faith can continue to circulate. Now, I will continue to pretend to be a **** stick... But then again, does Hao really exist?"

   Chu Hao was taken aback, he subconsciously shook his right hand, the right hand with a trace of divinity, and then asked: "Why do you ask? Is there anything wrong?"

   "Because I feel that their beliefs really seem to be effective."

Ares thought for a while and said: "I have a few sick patients, and their diseases are all old and sick. They got it before the plot of the ghost circuit started. One of them is the spread of the tumor. It is estimated that it has not been a few days away. Yes, the medicine I prescribed for him is also painkiller or something, and now he has become a fanatical believer in Hao Shen, very enthusiastic, do you all know? Beside the Catholic Church, Hao Shen believers are working He worked together to build another church, and he was the main force. He overcomes his illness every day to help with the construction. Logically speaking, he has eaten poorly recently, has hardly any radiotherapy or chemotherapy, and is overworked. His body should have been It’s right to collapse, but the fact is that his body has the possibility of healing, the spread of the tumor has been eased, and he can eat solid food, and the pain is obviously weakened. I thought it might be him at first. However, after a detailed diagnosis, I confirmed that his body is indeed healing. According to him, he prayed three times a day, morning, afternoon and evening. After praying to Hao Shen, he felt a warmth like water. Something entered his body, making him feel warm, and the pain was reduced. In his words, this may be that God Hao had redeemed him and saved him. Now he is about to become a living miracle. He is daily In his spare time, he promotes the existence of Hao Shen among the camp crowd. It can be said that he is one of the most ardent worshippers of Hao Shen in the entire camp."

Everyone looked at Chu Hao weirdly, and Zhang Heng even directly said: "Hey, Chu Hao, don't you exchange healing spells, healing spells or other magic? How about giving me a shot too? "

"How is it possible..." Chu Hao stretched out his hands helplessly: "Arcane is an arcane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magic is a magic. In the DND rules, only magic and similar magic can heal and heal. , Arcane magic is impossible...Speaking of divine magic, you also know that there is a trace of divinity sealed on my hand, shouldn’t it be when I opened my mouth to create a Hao Shen, this divine instinct instinctively thought it was If it is, then respond to the prayers of believers? From the DND rules, there is such a concept. When a believer prays to a god, the **** will return to the holy power processed by his faith according to his piety. If it is the priest of the god, You can use this sacred power to use divine art. If it is a believer, this sacred power can nourish their bodies. Isn’t that the case?"

   Naturally, the rest of the people don’t know, even Chu Hao himself is half-believing at this moment. Could it be that he has created a name for a **** casually, is there really such a god? Or is it true that the divinity in his hands is instinctively responding to his followers, as he assumed?

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and everyone was stunned. Then Tom ran to open the door, and when the door opened, there was a noise from outside, followed by a few congressmen. They all ran in and said loudly: "The mayor! An army has appeared. Behind these army there are many ghosts and monsters chasing them. These army also protects hundreds of civilians. Our reconnaissance and guards saw them. Now What should I do!? Is it to let Mr. Ares attack? Can our spirit bullets be used?"

   Chu Hao stood up fiercely, he knew that the opportunity he was waiting for had arrived!

   "Go! Ares attacked, and everyone else took our spirit bullets..."

   "Go and rescue that troop!"

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