Dawn Infinity

Vol 5 Chapter 23: :saint

(PS: Khan, it seems that someone has misunderstood. I said, I was on a business trip the other day, I had a meal, and I went out. I was very tired. People are very tired these days. I wake up in the afternoon. So these The update of the day is late. Yesterday, I missed a few words in the past few days, so I will add a note today. These days, it will usually be updated before and after dinner, but there will be updates every day, and it will never be interrupted. Please rest assured. )

"There are five levels of gene lock, but so far, all we know is the strongest of the fourth order. In fact, I have never seen a strong fourth-order. I am a third-order gene lock, and I have seen the strongest one. The man is the captain of the Celestial Team, a man with a metal mask covering his face, and a gentle-spoken person. I learned a lot of my knowledge from him. According to him, he is also a third-order gene lock, but I personally think He may be Tier 4, after all, when he gets the captain's authority, he will definitely be promoted to the first rank, and the Celestial Team is originally a team assembled by the captains of each team, and getting the captain from that team is equivalent to being promoted to two ranks. , I think he should be a fourth-order powerhouse, and the fifth-order gene lock has another title, called a saint."

"Then there are several super-powerful teams recognized in the current Samsara team. One is the legendary Mid-Continent team. He has almost never seen a team fight. The last team fight was at the end of the second generation of the Sixth Regiment. But This team is recognized as the strongest team, and its captain is probably already a Tier 5 Gene Lock."

"Then there is the Devil Team. This team is all from the team with the strongest potential in the Reincarnation Team. Two of them existed at the same time as the Zhongzhou Team. Both were from the first generation of Reincarnation. They have participated in several groups. Battles, but they are all big team battles. There are also invader battles with their participation. It is said that their strength is also recognized as Tier 4, and I don’t know if it is real..."

"Furthermore, all of our teams. We belong to the third generation team. Although according to the leader of the Celestial team, the reward points and the side plots we received have greatly increased, but the strength and the first generation of the Central Continent team, There is a huge gap between the two teams of the Devil Team. In fact, as far as I know, apart from a certain mysterious team, perhaps in our third generation, there is only the masked captain of the Celestial Team. He may be a strong fourth-order genetic lock..."

"As for the mysterious team, there is too little information. I don't know which team this team is, but it is said that its captain was in a team battle with one of the two first-generation reincarnation team members of the Demon team. , The one driving the giant robot fought, but this person survived, so he may be the strongest in our third generation, right, this team seems to be the nightmare team too."

   "The above is all the team information I know about the world of reincarnation. I hope these information can be useful to you."

At the end of the dinner, Baileywei had already told Chu Hao a lot of information. Of course, Chu Hao also knew the knowledge of the captain’s authority, so needless to say, the key is the information between the reincarnation teams. These are priceless treasures. It's a matter of life, and it can't be exchanged for any value, but Bailey Wei didn't hide any personal information at all, and directly told Chu Hao all the information. After the dinner, he took three team members and ran wildly. Go to check the housing situation of those refugees.

   The remaining members of the Arctic Island team sat together. After a while, Ares suddenly asked, "Chu Hao, is there any..."

Ares did not finish speaking, but Chu Hao knew what he meant, and immediately shook his head and said: "No, no, there is no mental power scan here. I can feel that this team is indeed upright, from their captain's From the perspective of verbal conversation, it really did not deceive us. I still have this psychological application... There is a lot of information. I did not expect that the Zhongzhou team is such a strong team, and has it been three generations? Really? It's hard to imagine."

   Ares nodded in relief. After a while, he suddenly said: "So from this information, have you found a way to fight the intruder?"

Chu Hao laughed bitterly, and shook his head again: "No, except for knowing that the invaders only appeared after the Sixth Regiment War, and that it has something to do with our third-generation bonus points and the dramatic increase in the storyline of the sideline, I really didn't find it. If there is any information about the invaders, you probably know it. The Mid-Continent, Demon, and even Celestial teams can basically fight the invaders, so to speak..."

  Speaking of this, Chu Hao suddenly thought of something. After a few seconds, he suddenly said, "What is the purpose of the intruder?"

The others were stunned for a moment, and Chu Hao ignored them, and directly continued: "Everything has a purpose, no matter any absurd purpose, it has a purpose, so what is the purpose of the intruder? Capture the main god? Or do these horror film worlds themselves represent big interests?"

   At this time, Ares suddenly asked: "How to capture the main god? And to capture the main god, shouldn't you go directly to the main **** space? Then why teleport to these horror film worlds?"

Chu Hao said directly: "For the existence mechanism of the main god, as well as the main **** space, the world of reincarnation, etc., all of this is a mystery to us, and even the X organization where the invader is located is a mystery to us. They may be outsiders. Star people may be gods or demons, they may be higher-dimensional existences, and these existences may be, so all we can do at the moment is to guess and reason about them based on existing information."

"First of all, it is the main god, which can exchange countless endless things. This itself is a bug-like existence. Because of this, its benefits are incredible, becoming a god, immortal, eternal and immortal. These things can be in the main **** space. Obtained, so it is understandable to be coveted..."

"So is it possible that it is a large number of gods or demons, or higher-level powers, who have worked together to create the main **** space, but for some reason, they disappeared in the long river of time, and only left Weak main god, and in order to repair himself, the main **** recruited us, the reincarnation team, and let us enter into various worlds, looking for things or information that can restore it, such as the divinity I brought back to the main **** space last time It is one of them, so it gives us such high reward points and side plots. The so-called reward points and side plots are the salary of recruiting us. This kind of reasoning is also possible..."

"Then the invaders, will they be another group of powers that are hostile to those who made the main god? They also created something similar to the main **** space, and then these hostile powers have also disappeared. They left behind their creations and formed the pattern of invaders, and these invaders formed the X organization, thus invading the main **** space."

"As for why not directly entering the main **** space, it may be that there is no coordinate of the main **** space, or it may be a problem of disparity in power, etc. Everything is possible, but my personal guess is that it is likely that their goal is both the main **** space and the These horror movie worlds, then the question comes... What exactly is there in these horror movie worlds worthy of their expectations? Whether it is the main **** or the invaders, they regard them as forbidden. What are the interests of this horror movie world?"

Having said that, Chu Hao got up from the sofa, he walked back and forth, and then said, "Actually, I have always had a doubt...the intruders, what are they doing now? I don’t know if you noticed it, maybe the intruder Only one team, the South American team entered the world only one day later than us, but they encountered invaders in a city far away from us. If we look at time and distance, the invaders over there are unlikely to be us. The invaders that arrive, unless the invaders have a clear grasp of the time and place where the Samsara squad entered, and deliberately ran to that city to wait for the South American team. Otherwise, there should be two or even more invaders in this world. Since we entered the present, more than a month has passed. In this more than a month, they have no information. Logically speaking, a team like them is strong, and the image is different from normal people. Such a team It should be obviously right, but we did not find any trace of their existence from the refugees from the Quartet, from the military, from all our information channels, as if they were fixed there after they appeared in the city. Generally, what are they doing..."

The others were speechless, and Chu Hao did not speak, and sat on the sofa to continue to meditate. At this moment, the self-proclaimed member of the college detective association suddenly said: "I also want to express my opinion. Is it possible?"

   Chu Hao and the people around him were taken aback, UU Read www.uukanshu.com Chu Hao immediately said: "Please tell me, it doesn't matter, we can all discuss this matter."

Els smiled, and she said: "According to your statement, the exchange items of the Lord God should be obtained from various worlds, and if it does not have it, you can get big rewards as long as you bring it back to the Lord God's space. ,right?"

   Chu Hao nodded, and said affirmatively: "Yes, this can be confirmed from the perspective of divine exchange."

Els smiled, and continued: "If this is the case, is there anything that the main **** does not have, but this world has? And this thing is very profitable, enough to make the invaders and the main **** jealous. "

At this point, everyone fell silent again. Chu Hao thought for a long time before saying, "I can think that this world has a very special meme. This kind of meme can make people become ghosts and monsters after death, and among these ghosts and monsters There may be variants, and the strength will vary with the number of fusion souls..."

   Speaking of this, Chu Hao stood up fiercely, and said anxiously: "Fusion ghost...strength..."

   "I see, what are the intruders doing..."

"They are trying to fuse all the ghosts in this world, to completely merge them into one, that is, to turn all ghosts into a fusion ghost ghost. In this way, the strength of this ghost ghost will reach an unimaginable level. I understand, why the main **** reminds the invaders that the strength of the intruder is determined by the gene lock, and why there is a saint-level reminder..."

   "This ghost is a fusion of the human souls of the whole world, it is very likely to be a..."

   "The ghost of the saint!"

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