Dawn Infinity

Vol 5 Chapter 26: :sound

   "Fight back, fight back! We want to fight back! Tie those cultists to the torture frame! Let them know our anger and pain! Let them know that they have made such a world, and they cannot be forgiven!"

Such shouts filled the entire human world, as if they had found a catharsis. In the surviving camps of human beings, all the people boiled with curses. They were venting their pain, their fear, and their The sorrow of the people was vented to the cultists who caused the ghost catastrophe.

   "Roger, can you see it? That's the image of an intruder..."

In these countless refugee camps, a government-organized public refugee camp, a group of seven people are sitting in the camp square looking at the huge TV screen. When the young man burning black flames appeared on the screen, one of the seven people The boy immediately turned his head to face the middle of the seven, a middle-aged uncle covered in bandages.

The middle-aged uncle wore a cloak. He sat there calmly and watched silently. He nodded and said: "Well, I saw it. It's an intruder, but this man... is better than we met in Washington. The stronger, his flame has turned black."

   "Is it... the light of the soul?" The boy hesitated for a while and continued to ask.

"It's just a rudiment." The middle-aged uncle laughed, patted the boy on the shoulder and almost shot the boy to the ground. Then he said: "What are you afraid of? The challenge of the strong, isn't it worth looking forward to? Thing?"

   The corners of the boy's mouth twitched, and he said nothing, but rolled his eyes at the middle-aged uncle.

At this moment, the image of the president appeared on the screen again. He sat in front of the screen and said in a deep voice: "It is a pity to inform my compatriots. Just now, three hours after I ordered the Second Army to launch an attack. , Our Second Army, a total of more than 200,000 best boys, they are no longer there... the other side used a weapon like an energy cannon, along with our city of St. Louis, was marked out with a cross-cutting tunnel. In fact, just about an hour ago, you should have felt the ground shaking? Unfortunately, our offensive failed, and it is foreseeable that any army we send will be destroyed by this weapon..."

"Now is the time to make a choice, my fellow citizens, do we... do we use nuclear bombs for ultra-long-range strikes? Can we bear the responsibility after nuclear bombs are used? Will our children and grandchildren forgive us for today's decision? Now ...It's time for us to make a decision, and may God bless us!"

The president quickly disappeared from the screen, and then a few soldiers appeared. They explained the current situation, the power of the weapons held by the cultists, the purpose of the cultists, the coming of the evil god, etc. , And then began to explain the main issues of this decision. The current people will vote. Although the action is rushed, it is impossible for all personnel to be notified, but at least the current majority of the surviving people know it, so the whole people will do it. Vote on whether to carry out a nuclear bomb attack.

   The crowd in the entire camp was silent for a long time, and then there was a voice, that is revenge, that is to fight back, that is the use of nuclear bombs, that is war...

At this moment, an elderly official suddenly ran into the picture on the screen. Anyone familiar with the U.S. government would know that this was a member of the Senate. Several people behind him were pulling him, but he Still shouting at the screen: "My compatriots, please respect your votes. Please think about it. If we don’t use nuclear bombs, then it’s not that future children and grandchildren blame us for polluting the world, but We won't have any more offspring at all, we humans...will never have a future!"

   In the voice, the official was taken away, and the remaining soldiers showed an expression of approval.

   Suddenly, the whole camp boiled. At this time, even the most conservative people shouted to vote. With the words of voting, it seemed that the use of nuclear bombs was a foregone conclusion.

The middle-aged uncle has been silent. At this moment, he stood up abruptly, and at the same time picked up a barrel of wine from the ground, and started striding outside the camp, while the remaining six people faced each other. After a few glances, he followed behind the middle-aged uncle.

   The young man ran behind the middle-aged uncle in a hurry, and at the same time asked: "Roger, what do you want to do? Are you planning to withstand the power of a nuclear explosion?"

   The middle-aged uncle walked in stride, and said in a deep voice, "Did you hear the sound?"

   "Voice?" The six listened carefully, and they heard nothing except the noise.

   "The sound of this era..."

The middle-aged uncle’s face was deep. He opened his hands as if embracing something and said, “This era! It’s an era of broken science. The appearance of ghosts and monsters has driven humans out of their homes. The products of science were abandoned by them as objects like a voodoo curse. The existence of ghosts and monsters made science continue to be suspected. Even in a few years or decades, science may be regarded as a cult and banned... "

   "Science is not omnipotent. I have always hated the kind of fanatics who talk about science, but even if we want to change, we humans have to change ourselves. Why should ghosts and ghosts change for us?"

   "Did you not hear? The catharsis in the camp, the roar in the camp, that is... the human beings are crying!!!"

The middle-aged uncle roared with a grim face. He almost roared: "That is all the power, all the means, all the knowledge, all the civilizations have done their best, and they cannot stop the ghost or defeat the invasion. The cry of the human being! The nuclear bomb, that is just the last hole card before the despair of mankind. If this hole card is also broken, waiting for mankind will be a spiritual abyss that will never rise again!"

"Invaders are not the first time we have fought, and nuclear bombs are no longer a problem for them. This large-scale and wide-ranging weapon will be offset by their high-tech weapons. The only thing that can defeat them is our Samsara team! So This is the doomed abyss and despair..."

When he said this, the middle-aged uncle's face was so angry that he couldn't describe it in words. He lowered his head, lifted his cloak, strode forward, and said as he walked, "Go, the Daxizhou team will play... …"

   "Let’s stop all nuclear bombs! If we can, blow away those idiots who ask for a nuclear bomb vote! Then..."

   "Let's defeat the invaders and dream of this world..."

   "Get it back!!!"

Chu Hao was very satisfied with the current developments. According to his vague mention, the congressman who had always been interested in running for the president quickly understood what to do, and as expected, the scene was carried out before the voting began. It was like the last one. Like pushing hands, all the people and votes were pushed to the road of launching nuclear bombs.

The voting will be held for three days. The votes received during these three days will determine whether to launch a nuclear bomb. Then the US government will use the nuclear bomb to cultivate the city again and keep the invaders dead without a place to bury them. There are also bad... The only bad is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ South American team Bailey Wei seems to be "broken".

When the group army attacked the city, Bailey witnessed the ray of light and the group army that was completely annihilated afterwards. This was really a big blow to him. Although he did not say anything, but since then, Locked himself in the room, and could only see the holy light in the room every day. In addition, even his team members could not hear any voice response when they shouted. This situation made his three team members extremely worried. .

   But... people always have to choose...

Chu Hao didn't know whether this was an excuse or justification, but he asked himself if he chose to sacrifice himself, as long as he could achieve victory, as long as he could achieve a satisfactory ending, he would sacrifice himself very directly. He...not really. I chose to sacrifice others for my own sake!

   But... it's just an explanation and excuse...

In this way, when everyone in the two teams was in a bad mood, the three-day voting period ended. At the moment when the voting ended, the current largest missile base in the United States was attacked, and the troops stationed there soon Was defeated, the death toll is unknown, but it is clear that this base is no longer controlled by the US government.

   Then, the U.S. government received a message from the base, with only one sentence...

"Which one of you dares to launch nuclear bombs, then all the nuclear bombs in this base will be randomly launched to all locations in the world. Our request is very simple. Give us one week. If the intruder is not resolved within a week, then let you All nuclear bombs can be launched. This week, please wait for us, wait for us..."

   "Take your dreams back!"

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