Dawn Infinity

Vol 7 Chapter 3: : My meaning

"Chu Hao, I know you, do you remember the righteous words that you said to me?"

John Connor said to Chu Hao in front of the operating table: "I was very dissatisfied with what you said at the beginning, and resented you again, but over the past few decades, the chaos of the early days of Judgment has been the chaos and the weak. , Struggling for survival, and after the skynet robots are crushed by the army of Skynet robots, mankind is constantly protecting. Over the past few decades, I have felt a lot about you. I know you. You are a good person. It is really great. It doesn't have to be like this..."

"Now our situation is very bad. The things you predicted at the time have been realized one by one. Skynet's robot army has increased in number, and it has evolved from the original robot to T600, and as far as our intelligence sources know, T800 It is also in the process of designing. We don’t know how long we can hold on. Perhaps in my son’s generation, that is, the generation when you came, the terrible ending of the earth will be doomed. If it is true, then everything will be over."

   "So I beg you to stay and help me. I have never seen anyone more powerful than you and your team. With your help, at least we will no longer be afraid of fighting robots at the tactical level. This way..."

Chu Hao shook his head on the operating table and said: "If it is the initial stage of the team, then I will definitely help you, but now we are not only the loss of strength and number of people...There are also many other problems, let alone, I There is something more difficult to say. To put it simply, in the next few days, Skynet may send a super killer, similar to nuclear weapons, but more terrifying than nuclear weapons. This killer does not distinguish between us and the enemy. That’s why I want you to hide, and only then can I..."

   "Sacrifice yourself, save us?" John Connor was silent for a while, and continued to ask.

"Not counting, just looking for..." Chu Hao's voice became lower and lower. Under the effect of the anesthetic, he fell into a deep sleep, and everyone around him looked at John Connor at this time. As John Connor nodded heavily, all the medical staff suddenly came to Chu Hao’s bed and began to install mechanical prostheses on him...

The installation time did not last long. When Chu Hao woke up, it was still the same afternoon, and it was less than a day since the arrival of the Zhongzhou team. At the moment, Chu Hao didn't dare to delay any more. First, he got acquainted with the mechanical prosthesis in this mine base. Although this mechanical prosthesis is completely incomparable with the flexibility of humans’ own limbs, after Chu Hao unlocks the genetic lock for one step, he can use the mechanical prosthesis very flexibly, without any impact on his actions. And in some respects, his mechanical arms and mechanical legs are far stronger than humans. With his DND magic, even if he encounters T800 close up, he is sure to kill it. Hope to sneak into the headquarters of Skynet in New York, but it is better than human hands and feet.

After getting acquainted with it, Chu Hao was not polite at the moment, so he asked John Connor for a lot of food, and sat in the central hall of the base, surrounded by many people around, sitting there and eating a lot. After drinking, John Connor sat aside to accompany him, watching Chu Hao eat and drink, while smoking a cigarette silently.

   "Chu Hao, for the last time, I beg you to stay, I really need..." John Connor waited until Chu Hao was almost finished eating, he couldn't bear to speak again.

Chu Hao swallowed the last piece of barbecue. He drank a sip of water before he said, "No, you are wrong. I don't need me here. What they need is you. For you, I belong to the past. The failed past, did not prevent the successful judgment day, did not save anyone, everything I did was just a burden, you did not need me, and the mistakes have been formed, I can no longer make up, the only one that can make up for you , Is to do the last thing, nothing more, so don’t say anything, just send me there."

John Connor breathed a sigh of relief and stopped persuading him. He just asked, "How strong is the weapon, or change, that you are talking about? How likely is it? How long? This is my last question. "

"In terms of intensity, it is roughly equivalent to a continuous nuclear bomb attack. The range may extend to the entire west coast of the United States, and even extend to the central region of the United States. However, the duration is very short, only about three to five days at most. You only need to hide during the period. , But even the hiding place may be dangerous. Once discovered by the opponent, it is almost impossible to avoid destruction. Of course, this destruction is completely fair, that is, Skynet robots will also be destroyed, so compared to the vast For the Skynet robots that move around on the ground, our goal is much smaller, so we only need to hide for these three to five days. I believe Skynet will help us attract most of the firepower, which is also against the sky. The net is weakened to the greatest extent."

At the moment, John Connor doesn’t stop it any more, because the news is too shocking, and he also has a lot of things to accomplish, especially to inform the current human army seniors who are using submarines to hide in the deep sea. It is to notify all the human forces as much as possible. It takes him too much energy, and Chu Hao has made his mind now, and he is irretrievable, so he can only send a helicopter to carry Chu Hao. Flew towards the New York Skynet headquarters.

On the plane, Chu Hao sat in the cabin with his eyes closed and meditated. At this moment, a young soldier walked carefully towards Chu Hao. Suddenly, Chu Hao opened his eyes and looked at him. The young soldier immediately retreated in fright. After several steps, but then he mustered up the courage, walked towards Chu Hao, sat down in front of him, and then asked, "Can you ask? You, you...you are really twenty Did the heroes who tried to prevent Judgment Day from coming years ago?

Chu Hao's eyes were a little sad, he still smiled and said, "No, we are not heroes. More than 20 years ago, we prevented Skynet and Judgment Day, but we failed. Instead, Judgment Day came early. We are not heroes. ."

The young man hesitated for a while and said immediately: "But many people are reciting your names, saying that you are heroes. Because of your presence, the military and some former government officials have reserved supplies in advance and protected them in advance. A group of scientists, and because of your appearance, the army found John Connor who was trapped in the mine in the shortest time possible. He has grown up to the present. Although we humans are still facing the Skynet robot army We have been losing streak, but people say that if it weren’t for your presence, our situation could only be worse now...is it really?"

   Chu Hao was silent. After a while, he suddenly asked, "Why do you ask this? Do you know what these have special meaning to you?"

The young man hesitated again. He hesitated for a long time. His expression became more and more determined. Finally, he seemed to have plucked up the courage. Then he said: "Because of my father, my mother, and my grandfather...Of course, I have not I remember them. I was raised by the army since I was a child, but the person who raised me, he and my dad are friends of life and death. He told me all this, because all my family and relatives, they are all dead. During that judgment day, it is said that they should have been able to live happily for more than ten years. Judgment day is said to have happened more than ten years earlier, so I want to know..."

   "Their death, they abandoned those more than ten years of happy and peaceful days, the sacrifices they got, the now they got..."

   "Is it worth it? Is their death worth it!? I just want to know this!"

Chu Hao looked at the young man’s hopeful, careful, and scared expression, and a lot of bitter words were trapped in his throat. He really couldn’t utter a word. He wanted to tell the young man honestly, no It’s worth it. Such sacrifices are worthless, because even if Judgment Day is not triggered in advance, history will develop to this day. Humanity will still be under the leadership of John Connor, and will eventually win, as long as Skynet and Skynet are not completely prevented. Judgment Day is here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then all sacrifices are worthless...

   But seeing such hope, Chu Hao found that he couldn't break it anyway. This...too cruel...

   "This is... valuable!"

Chu Hao lowered his head slightly and murmured: "Although we failed and did not completely stop Skynet and Judgment Day, such sacrifices are valuable. We have the courage to change everything and fight everything, and we have indeed won. Part of the advantage has been changed, and part of the history has been changed...So this sacrifice is worthwhile."

   (No, all this is of no value, there is no victory, no success, only dedication and sacrifice, all of which are worthless!!)

   The youth nodded in excitement immediately, and stopped talking at the moment, but walked back to where he was in the cabin. As he walked, tears welled up in his eyes...

   And Chu Hao continued to sit there with his head down, silent and silent, just like the dark night outside the cabin, and at this moment, it is four hours before midnight, and before the Zhongzhou team arrives, there is still time...

  Four hours! (To be continued)

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