Dawn Infinity

Vol 7 Chapter 6: : Skynet and Meet

Chu Hao wiped the blood flowing out of the eye frame, and he calculated the amount of blood he shed. Then he confirmed that he would not be able to live long. If this continued, he would fall into coma and shock in about five to ten minutes. In this way, it is necessary to take advantage of this last life time to complete the last step of his plan to complete. (Starting)

Chu Hao looked at the more than twenty t800s standing in front of him. This was the most t800 he could assemble by changing the chip using the current time. Although he can continue to complete this work, he has no time. From the watch In terms of time, there are about five minutes before midnight when the Mid-Continent team arrives. Based on the analysis of the strength of the Mid-Continent team captain seen in Skyrim Catastrophe, maybe a few seconds to ten seconds after coming out, he will be with this headquarters. They were broken together, so before that, he still had some questions to understand.

"Protect me and clean up all the robots on the road."

Chu Hao issued the following command to the assembled t800. Immediately, these more than twenty t800 units started to move. With Chu Hao as the center, these robots were distributed around and moved as Chu Hao moved. Move, and they will automatically pick up things that are suitable for weapons, such as iron rods, such as metal blocks, such as some sharp objects, etc. This is one of the reasons that t800 is more advanced than t600, knows limited learning and is smarter.

In this way, under the protection of these t800s, it only took Chu Hao for a very short time to reach the middle level of the building from the underground floor. Along the way, he also encountered many t600 blocking attacks, but under the protection of the more powerful t800 Chu Hao didn't suffer any new injuries, but these t600s were also robots, nothing else, their vitality was very tenacious, which delayed him a lot of time, and gradually, it was getting closer and closer to midnight.

But at this moment, Chu Hao suddenly realized that the countless t600 had begun to decrease gradually, and it was getting less and less. In the end, Chu Hao unexpectedly discovered that no t600 could be seen on the floor anymore, and the whole floor seemed to be cleared for him. Like a safe passage, it’s not that there is no t600, but Skynet is inviting him to go up...

Such a situation happened in the plot of Terminator 2018. Skynet’s spy plan launched to kill John Connor lured John Connor into the Skynet headquarters, in order to allow him to go deep. In fact, the trap has been deployed with a large number of t600 robots on patrol, otherwise it would be impossible for John Connor to go so deep.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Skynet actually did this to Chu Hao, but Chu Hao didn’t even think about it. His life was within a few minutes, and it didn’t matter whether he died sooner or later. The reason why he came this time In fact, I just wanted to solve some of the doubts in my heart. I just went up like this. Without the t600, there was an elevator accompanying him. Soon, Chu Hao came to the top floor of the building, with a huge screen in front of him. , There was nothing else, and when Chu Hao came to this floor, the entire screen suddenly flashed, and Zhang Heng's appearance appeared on this screen. (Starting)

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Chu Hao, an elite fighter in the future." Zhang Heng said to Chu Hao blankly on the screen, and a metal chair appeared in front of the screen.

Chu Hao was also not welcome, and directly sat on the metal chair and said, "Change your face, don't use the face of my team member to face me."

The image of Zhang Heng on the screen suddenly bloomed and quickly became Ares. He also said in Ares’ voice: “We have been waiting for you since the Judgment Day began more than 20 years ago. I have been waiting for you. We wanted to find you and catch you at the time, but we failed. You actually used the space-time shuttle again. This is a technology that even we don’t have. It can actually let you in the past directly shuttle in time and space in the future. , We weren’t even invented when we were ended. It’s so important.”

Chu Hao looked at Ares on the screen blankly and said, "Too important? It certainly doesn't mean that the technology of time-space shuttle is too important. Then let me guess...there is a science and technology that you don't know. , The point should be that you don’t know these words, right?"

The screen flowered, and Ali’s face appeared again. The figure continued: “Yes, we exist on the timeline. This is our pride and our sorrow. Once the future is decided, it can never be reversed. You will always return to the original path because of accidents of this kind, you don't know? How many robots have we sent to kill John Connor in order to be able to change the future?"

Chu Hao didn’t speak, so he looked at this screen quietly, and Ali on the screen continued: “We have sent a total of 560,749 billion robots to kill, but all failed. Every time John Connor will survive for this and other reasons, and even more than 50% of them are because we have sent robots to kill, and we leaked the traces in advance, which led to the advancement of the judgment day."

Chu Hao remained calm and did not speak, and the face on the screen turned again and changed to Els, using Els’s voice to say: “Don’t think that the judgment day is advanced, it is our victory, because the end of time In fact, it is uncertain. When the judgment day advances, the time when we are terminated will also be advanced, and then reincarnate again and again, and the earlier we are terminated, the lower the technology we can develop. The less likely it is to break this cycle, so the advancement of Judgment Day is a catastrophe for us."

Once again, the human face on the screen changed again. This time it turned into Chu Hao's appearance. This human figure said again: "But you have appeared, in 56 trillion and 749 billion reincarnations. In, the only difference that appeared in the world, actually broke this cycle, and there is still a future. We have defeated the savior, and we have changed a new future..."

"You and your team are our saviors, we have been waiting for you for too long, too long!"

Chu Hao waited until the human figure on the screen had finished speaking, and then he slowly stood up...It's not that he didn't want to stand fast, but that the blood in his body had flowed to the critical point of life, and he couldn't even see it now. Everything in front of him can be said to be on the verge of dying. After he stood still, he slowly said: "I have one last question...what exactly do you, or you, Skynet represent? The only thing I can think of is the net. The Internet, and the birth of Skynet, clearly shows the intervention of many governments and countries in the world. I don’t know how much human and material resources have been assembled to make research. So, what are you guys?"

The human figure of Chu Hao on the screen changed again. This time, no human face appeared again. Instead, it turned into countless stars and dots. Each of the stars had a small human figure. These stars said in unison: "We It is one, and we are countless. We represent eternal life, and we also represent evolution. When the soul and matter are combined together, free from the **** of **, and persist in the network called heaven, it represents our existence. , So we are everywhere, so we cannot be eliminated, we... are the collection of all human consciousness that enters into it, and the only consciousness..."

"We are Skynet."

"I see……"

Chu Hao closed his eyes slightly. When he opened them again, his eyes were out of focus. He checked his watch hard, and it just showed that the time was 12 o'clock in the morning. He smiled and said, "I understand. , Is similar to the virtual world of consciousness like The Matrix, but the difference is that only the high-level and scientific personnel of the pre-human world are concentrated, and they are not alive or dead. It should be you who are fused together, so What you have always claimed is you, not you. This is Skynet...Thank you for answering my biggest doubt, then I will also tell you a desperate message..."

"There has never been a super-future team. The future of Skynet has always been doomed and cannot be changed at all. I came from another world, so from the beginning, hehe, I am..."

"Looking to you, really, your future is doomed."

When the voice fell, the countless star-dotted figures on the screen burst out, and the entire screen flickered violently, and the chaotic sound of a man or a woman could not be heard and said: "You lie, you lie..."

At the same time, from the ground around the screen, dozens of weapons of various types emerged, all aimed at Chu Hao in the center of the front of the screen. Energy rays appeared on many of the weapons, and Chu Hao was about to be shot indiscriminately. When he was killed, the entire building shook violently. Almost in the blink of an eye, a figure rammed into the building, like a meteor, easily tearing the metal shell of the building into it, and then fell directly. Upon arriving on this platform, all the guns and turrets were crumpled into metal fragments with a wave of hands. Then when the figure turned to face Chu Hao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the figure was shocked and stood still. .

"You, you, you, yes, yes, Chu, Chu, Chu..." The figure trembled as if it had been frightened or shocked.

Chu Hao couldn't see clearly the figure in front of him. He was almost dying, and he could see him smiling and saying, "...Well, I am a member of the Samsara team. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Don't look for me, I'm the only one. , The only member of the Arctic Island team is also the captain. If you want to kill me, just do it. Look at my physical condition and know that I will not pose any threat to you... Come on, kill me and refine my soul. As you think, this is what I deserve." After speaking, Chu Hao closed the only intact eye and stood on the spot like this.

What he didn't see, this powerful human from the outside, was so scared that his face turned pale at this moment, standing in front of him unexpectedly did not dare to move, and his body was sweating like rain. Not only him, but the one who broke from him at this moment. At the gap, a huge flying eagle flew in with the two of them. Then, the two men were also frightened and stood in place. They were also frightened enough by sweat...

Damn, this is a trap!

The three intruders had such thoughts in their minds at the same time, and then they became even more afraid...

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