Dawn Infinity

Vol 7 Chapter 10: :consciousness

Zheng Zha has already entered the unspeakable sufferings of gains and losses. This is not a question of his mental quality. As the strongest person in the entire reincarnation world, his mental quality cannot be so fragile. This is really because this matter involves his greatest obsession. Completion is heaven, failure is hell, so I really can't help him not be nervous. (Starting)

Going to the Narnia legendary world and resurrecting his companions is his biggest pursuit and dream all the time. In order to realize this, he can even lay down his life and fight any enemy and strength to the end, but...

It’s too difficult. Since the final World War I, the Zhongzhou team has also participated in many team battles and encountered many teams. Penetrating the barrier between the main **** and the world, he had to destroy the continent and forcibly wipe out all the teams possessed by the Zerg Spores, but before that, he had communicated with these teams, and they had never heard of it. No one has ever entered Narnia’s legendary world. Thinking about it carefully, the first generation, the second generation, the third generation, so many teams, for so long, it seems that only Adam and Luo Yinglong of the Celestial Team have entered. In all circumstances, this is a very special horror film world, just like the world of Shushan.

So Zheng Zha asked Chu Hao, hoping that he could help analyze it. In fact, it was only literally, to help analyze the current situation, the future development of the Zhongzhou team, and the current progress of the horror film world, how to fight, etc. In the beginning, Zheng Zha didn't hold much hope for him.

But at this moment...

"...Or, is he talking nonsense? Just intending to use the combat power of our Zhongzhou team?" Lin Juntian said suspiciously.

Zheng Zha immediately shook his head and said, "No, I didn't feel any hesitation, so either he was telling the truth, or he was the same as Chu Xuan when he used the power of faith, and he could completely believe in all his thoughts. Even if it is false, it is absolutely true in its thinking and actions. If it is true, then it is only natural for me to be deceived."

Liu Yu also said at this time: "So... is it possible that he really knows how to get to the Chronicles of Narnia?"

When the voice fell, the metal ground under Zheng Zha's feet made a sharp and crisp sound, and then countless cracks of a hundred meters long radiated out with his feet as the center. All the metal cracked, but it was only a moment, Zheng Zha As if he had recovered, he apologized and smiled at Lin Juntian and Lin Juntian. Then he stepped slightly, and the fine marks on the metal ground began to merge and disappear. After a while, the whole ground became the same as before, and seeing this, Lin Juntian The two of them were not happy with Liu Yu, but sadness appeared on their faces. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

"Already...can't it be suppressed?" Lin Juntian walked to Zheng Zha and asked in a low voice.

Zheng Zha nodded slightly, he stretched out his hand to grasp and squeezed into a fist, but with a light grip, the space became distorted. He sighed: "In ten years, I will be holy, but it is also when I fall, obsessed Unfinished, how to be sanctified? At that time, if we have not reached the Narnia Legend, the legacy of the Zhongzhou team, it will be entrusted to you."

Liu Yuqiang smiled, walked to Zheng Zha, took his hand and said: "How is it possible, ten years, we don't know how many horror film worlds we will experience, then Zheng will definitely be able to go to Narnia Chronicles You...replica you are really cunning!"

Zheng Zha laughed, rubbed Liu Yu's hair and said: "Yes, he is really cunning, but time and fate, the protagonist's benefits, we Zhongzhou has suffered from life, then we will bear the responsibility again. How? Such a thing..."

"When did our Central Continent team be afraid? Great, what about the final battle again!? The ancestor of the Titans, the mother of the Zerg, the teacher of the immortals... The saints I have fought are not one or two anymore. Great, Broken Central Continent Lord God, use your strength to prove the Dao. At that time, naturally you can go to the Narnia Chronicles..."

In the sound of the voice, Zheng Zha's eyes were blank, and then they turned into chaos, and then it seemed as if there was light bursting in it, the clear ones rose, the turbid ones fell, splitting into earth wind, water and fire...

"So, did we reach a consensus?"

Chu Hao moved his manipulator and tried the sensitivity, but unfortunately, the arm couldn't move at all. He untied the manipulator with some distress. When he planned to proceed with the next step of debugging, he didn't want Zheng Zha to hold his. Broken arm, and then a gentle feeling passed into his broken arm.

"This, this is?"

Chu Hao raised his hand and saw a translucent palm composed purely of energy. All the feelings can be clearly transmitted from the hand, and no matter how it moves, it looks like his own arm, without any sense of disobedience. .

Zheng Zha haha ​​smiled and said, "It's just a small application of true energy, er, an application of energy, condensing and mixing them, and then changing the form and shape, nothing great..."

"...No, it's amazing."

Chu Hao didn't smile. He looked at the palm seriously and said: "I know energy, but it is absolutely impossible to exist in such a stable manner. This is not matter. The energy level of the universe always jumps from high energy level to low energy level. The hand itself... is already a miracle."

Zheng Zha shrugged, but there is nothing to say. In fact, this is one of the great applications of his spiritual light, which is much higher than the level of miracles. Seriously, he has reached the rules of permeating the universe and reaching the truth. The degree of is a power with a higher degree of mystery than miracles and miracles. Although it seems simple, it is a realm that countless millions of lives cannot reach.

Chu Hao put down his energy hand, and then he said to Xiang Zheng Zha earnestly: "Since you have agreed to my proposal, let's start with the first step... Tell me about your strength, or show it to me. You must know the strengths of you and your teammates in detail so that I can make the most appropriate layout."

Zheng Zha frowned slightly, and Chu Hao immediately said: "Don't worry, I really know how to get to the Narnia Legend. As long as you can fulfill your promise, I will definitely know how to get to the Narnia Legend. Tell you, you don't have to doubt this."

Zheng Zha immediately scratched his head and said with a smile: "Actually, you don't doubt this, because you want to save this world, and you want to save these countless people. This is in line with my heart, even if you don't say it. , As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it, but you are actually helping me almost free of charge, and I can’t ask for it.”

Chu Hao was silent for a while, and smiled after a while: "I am preconceived, so let's show me your strength first. At least let me have a slightly clearer concept. I also tried to save the world before. I have made a layout, and the layout itself is not a problem, but because I made a wrong estimate of our strength and Skynet's strength, it led to the current pattern, I think you guys know it, because I... ...To advance the judgment day more than ten years, I don't know how many people died unjustly, I..."

Zheng Zha listened silently, listening to Chu Hao's increasingly dull and self-blaming voice. After a long time, he suddenly said, "Do you want to live? Or do you intend to die?"

Chu Hao froze for a while. He looked at Zheng A's serious expression and replied, "If I can, I must survive. I have too many things to accomplish, such as my life experience, such as my partners, comrades in arms, and relatives. ...And, if I can, then I want to save that world..."

"So, for all this, can you dirty your hands?" Zheng Zha asked seriously.

Chu Hao smiled bitterly and said, "My hands are already dirty and soiled by myself. This is undoubtedly a matter. In order to achieve my goal, I have killed too many innocent people, in order to be able to live. I also abandoned and chose too many victims, such me, such me..."

"So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For all this, can you dirty your heart?"

Zheng Zha stretched out his hand and gently covered Chu Hao's eyes and face. He didn't want to see this face crying because of guilt and despair. In any case, he didn't want to see...

"Boy, you are too tender!"

Zheng Zha let go, turned his back to Chu Hao and said, "Try to become stronger. Try to live. You already have the awareness to become stronger and live, but you still don't have the power to support this awareness and support this belief. Before that, what you have to think about is not to save the world, but to live and stay strong enough to save the world!"

"Explain your layout,..."

"I will let you see the reason for the title of the strongest in the reincarnation world, and will also let you see that you will be able to fulfill the power of your beliefs in the future, as long as you can continue to live..."

"So speak up! Any enemy, any enemy in this world, even if it's God coming..."

"I will kill it for you too!"

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