Dawn Infinity

Vol 9 Chapter 7: : Reality (3)

Chu Hao is very busy. (Starting)

As one of the three major o6s of the rebel organization, he and Li Ganglei have different points of responsibility. Li Ganglei is more at the internal service department and management level, and he is more as the leader of the army and the team, responsible for the entire rebel Organized offensive and defensive work, as well as the commander-in-chief, Ling Xin, who is responsible for guarding the headquarters. One is to guard the final dogma, and the other is to prevent a large-scale attack by the c organization. Once the other two o6 die, then he will The final destruction plan will be implemented.

Because Chu Hao entered the world of reincarnation, the weight of the entire rebel team was on Li Ganglei. During this period of time, Li Ganglei was simply unhappy. According to him, it has been a long time since he had a good night's sleep. Now that Chu Hao is returning, although it only takes a few days, the military issues that have accumulated recently must be resolved.

In this way, Chu Hao, who returned to the real world, not only failed to rest and relax for a while, but it was more difficult than in the world of reincarnation. There were hundreds of things to decide every day. There are more than ten bases and military camps. In just a few days, he has circled the earth several times. Needless to say, the hardship during the period is not necessary, and Chu Hao is even more worried.

Too weak...

It is true that the rebel organization is already very powerful for the real world, but this kind of power is only for the real world. Conventional combat, special combat, and even local wars. Such battles or wars can still be competent, but once they are involved At a higher level, when fighting beyond human technology, it can really be said to be too weak. This is why Chu Hao gave the Arctic Island team an evaluation that the combat strength is equal to 500 modern fully mechanized troops, and with The number of the Arctic Island team is strengthened, and the strength is steadily improved. This contrast will increase exponentially. For example, the Daxizhou team is likely to rival a country or the entire world.

Because of this, the subordinate units of the rebel organization must carry out weapon replacements, tactical updates, etc. as much as possible. In future wars, the number of people is no longer the key. In Chu Hao's concept, the rebel organization will adopt a similar reincarnation. A tactical squad like a squad, with forty people as a squad, equipped with firemen, snipers, observers, etc., it is best if a squad can have a member similar to a mind controller. The first generation of weapons is Gauss. Weapons, and then progress to energy weapons as quickly as possible, and the team must have at least three combat personnel with more than science and technology, such as magic, internal force, or the like, to deal with the opponent's related personnel, such rebels Only the organization can match the c organization, as for the x organization... then I am afraid that the power of the reincarnation team must be used. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

In the past few days, in addition to his busy organization’s internal projects, Chu Hao has selected personnel from the most elite troops within the organization. Of course, he only pre-selected at present, but only handed over his files to the review department for secret review. , Because this will be the most important force of the organization in the future. It is absolutely impossible to allow any spies to exist. Even if there is a slight problem, it will never be selected because of its outstanding ability. The current trial selection personnel are Of the ninety-three people, only forty of them will be selected in the future.

Then, on the other hand, Chu Hao began to choose equipment for these forty people. First of all, in addition to direct bloodlines, attributes, and skills, the Lord God also had a large number of equipment exchanges and portable attribute exchanges, such as a name. The equipment for the colony is actually a kind of blood, but the exchange is just a small hexagonal metal device. As long as you use it, a lot of fleshy devices will emerge from it to wrap your body, and then you can form the blood of the colony and fight. At the time, it will form a mixture of metal and meat on the surface of the skin, which has extremely powerful combat effectiveness. Of course, its price is also very expensive. The unified double-a attribute price and 15,000 bonus points are temporarily impossible. It is popularized.

In addition to the reproductive bloodline, there are many bloodlines and attributes that can be carried. For example, there is also a bloodline called d—. The exchange is a large fleshy sac. As long as people enter it to transform, there will be a similar robot. The same metal shell, the combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the colony, but the fighting duration is much shorter than that of the colony, so the price is only double a-level attributes.

Not to mention all kinds of internal forces ** exchanges, vindictive exchanges, etc., so people who are not in the real world cannot get the attributes, blood, and skills of the reincarnation world, but the price is slightly higher, and basically it is not popular. , As for the legendary magical instruments and weapons exchanged in the reincarnation world, these are things that can be considered in the early stage...

Of course, the first prerequisite is to meet the needs of the Samsara squad itself, so it is estimated that this squad can only receive modern weapon training in a short time. After all, this squad cannot help the battle in the Samsara world, but it is not absolute... …If Chu Hao can be exchanged to a half plane, then this team might even have a chance to enter the main **** space...

In addition to these things, Chu Hao also did one thing. In the name of the rebel organization, he sent a message to Lu Zixue’s family that she was temporarily unable to return home due to some things, but her personal safety was still guaranteed. Yes, I hope that the family will forgive you, and at the same time, in the name of the rebel organization, vaguely expressed its protection for the family. In this way, as long as it is not a big country going crazy, or the C organization has noticed this family, then the family will be safe and sound. , Even more developed...

When all these things were done, it was almost time for Chu Hao to return. He accepted the things he requested at the base, and only Li Ganglei accompanied him to collect these things on the spot.

"...It's so convenient. Is this subspace?" Li Ganglei looked at Chu Hao with a weird face and opened a large hole in ordinary space. Then, as long as the hole touched something, the thing would disappear automatically. Chu Hao said that the stuff in it could be taken out at any time, but at a glance, Li Ganglei immediately thought of the powerful value of this stuff.

"To be precise, it is a subspace fragment." Chu Hao said with a smile: "The size is only a circle with a diameter of about fifty meters, and there is no air, water, temperature, and the environment required by various life, so life cannot survive. In fact, it’s just impossible to put life into it. For example, even if you touch this round hole, I want to put you in it, but I can’t put it in at all. So in addition to loading things, this thing is basically It cannot be used as the last card to yin people, of course the value of the pretends is enough."

Li Ganglei thought for a while and asked, "So... can it be used by others? Or is it only you can use it? What's the value?"

Chu Hao shook his head and said, "The value is very expensive, at least for me now. I can't exchange another one, and this kind of subspace is really only available to me. Of course, if it is replaced by a demiplane, Then you can use it as long as I give it permission, but it’s too early for me, it’s too expensive, so you don’t need to think about it for the time being."

Li Ganglei sighed, then shook his head and sighed. After a long time, he watched that Chu Hao had collected everything. Then he said, "Be careful about everything. You will lose as much as you get. Believe, so you can get so many things, high technology, your ability, this subspace, these are huge treasures that are unimaginable, you must also pay a lot, and even your life... In short, be careful and organize everything With me, I will protect the organization when you are away."

Chu Hao was speechless, just patted Li Ganglei **** the shoulder. After that, he returned to the main **** space from the inside of the base, leaving only the world he was attached to...

Everything in the main **** space was the same as when he left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Time seemed to be suspended. When he returned, the manners and sights of the people around him remained unchanged. Then, the two new talents asked this in a daze. Even if it is a return, such as words.

Zhang Heng walked directly to Chu Hao and asked him, "Is the matter finished? Where is she...her family?"

Chu Hao smiled back and said, "Don't worry, everything is done. I will let the organization take care of her family, so don't worry."

Tom also squeezed over at this moment and asked, "Then what are you going to bring? What are they all?"

Chu Hao laughed, patted Zhang Heng and Tom on the shoulders, then walked to his room, and said as he walked, "I must have brought them together. The next team fight, these things are probably the main points of our comeback. , As for what it is, hehe, it’s kept secret now...Everyone, tomorrow will be a team battle. Let’s have a good dinner today. Go and hand in Nian Xikong. I don’t know if she has finished building the foundation. We still have some There are not many reward points, so just redeem for ingredients or something. Today, everyone has a good time to relax. Tomorrow..."

"Three regiments fight, we will definitely survive!"

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