Dawn Infinity

Vol 9 Chapter 16: : The pain of wandering

Chu Hao and his team marched all the way from the Western Shire to the Eastern Lonely Mountain. On the way, they passed through several human towns, especially near the Blue Mountains near the current gathering place of dwarves in the Kingdom of Mountain. The number of dwarves in these towns began to gradually increase. , And Chu Hao and others also experienced the embarrassment of the dwarves, especially the dwarves of the Shanxia Kingdom, for the first time. 【First Release】

The real prequel novel of The Lord of the Rings is an early work of Tolkien by the author. It is a hobbit adventure story similar to a fairy tale. The embarrassment of these dwarves is not written in the book, nor is it written a large amount of hidden dark side. Point, but now what Chu Hao and the others are experiencing is a world, a real world after the Lord of the Rings novel movie. Here, it is not just like a fairy tale, no need to think about eating and drinking, no need to think about the place to live and live, here. , Is a real world that will live and die. These dark sides have always existed...

When passing through these towns, Chu Hao and the others clearly saw the living conditions of these dwarves. They lived in thatched huts on the edge of the town. The slightly better ones were the broken stone houses with piles of broken stones. Not to mention it was with the Hobbits. Compared with the comfortable cave houses, they are inferior to ordinary human poor people. They are all dressed in coarse linen or even worn-out clothes. There are a lot of ashes and dirt on their bodies. These dwarves are generally thin and weak. They should have been Dwarves who are shorter than humans, but are extremely stout, can't be reflected in these people at all. They are short and thin, no longer look like dwarves, more like dwarfs, or thin goblins...

Chu Hao finally knew why there was such a prestigious dwarf prince Thorin? Oak Shield, when he summoned his people to retake the kingdom occupied by the dragon, only these twelve and three came forward. The reason is simple. These twelve or three are considered the best among the dwarves. Because they are the best, they basically don’t look bad. Whether it’s keeping their weapons or keeping their strong bodies, At least they are like real dwarves, and they have the energy and money to go on big adventures. Compared with them, most dwarves are already in a difficult life. They have been sold to others. Their bodies are malnourished due to long-term hunger. Maybe they will have to breathe for a long time after moving. They have long been erased by life. The edges and dreams have been erased by life. If there must be an adjective, they have already lived as if It's like a walking dead.

The dwarves of these mountain kingdoms were driven out of their homes by fire dragons and left in human society. They have no land, no country, no army, no wealth, they only have The strength of that dwarf, but strength is sometimes very valuable, sometimes it is the least valuable thing, and human beings are good and bad, there are kind gentlemen, naturally there are shameless profiteers, this group of dwarves can live among humans. I want to know, and you must know that not all dwarves are craftsmen, they are all warriors, and they are all skillful craftsmen. Like ordinary dwarf civilians, countless people have died of disease and hunger...

In addition to these, Chu Hao also saw another phenomenon, that is, in addition to physical poverty, these dwarves seem to have begun to lose their spirits. These dwarves cringe when they look at any human being, as if they are in the real world. Most of the poor hanging silks, like the rich second generation driving a sports car, may be able to scold a few disdainfully from the back, but when they really see each other face to face, they will definitely look away, and there is a feeling of inferiority and expression in it. , And this is how Chu Hao saw the dwarves in these towns. They... are almost no longer dwarves. When this generation of the Kingdom under the Mountain is dead, the new generation of dwarves will forget the glory and glory of their ancestors. Will only exist in the human world, and then become a thief, a thief, a gangster, a gangster, and even disappear directly. Even if it does not disappear, this nation will be like the real Gypsy nation and eventually become a human country. The de facto second-class nation. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

As for the former mountain kingdom, the glory and glory of the former ancestors will be like their historical epics, but they are also limited to legends and history. They will indulge in them, but there is no way to reproduce this glory, and All this requires the death of the first generation of the dwarves of the Mountain Kingdom, and the birth of the new generation of dwarves will be completed. In fact, the Kingdom of the Mountain Kingdom has really been completely destroyed since then...

Chu Hao understands Thorin's recklessness and perseverance. In movies and novels, his image is more of that kind of dwarf stubbornness, hostile to elves, scrupulous about almost all external help, and anxiously want to return Gu Shan, anxiously wanting to retake his kingdom, has reached the point where he can't wait. In many cases, he even appears to be a little bit mentally disabled. This is the reason. He may have foreseen the future of his people. , The real destruction of the Kingdom under the mountain is imminent, and he can no longer wait. If he waits until he is completely old and does not even have the power to take up arms, then who can restore the country? No, not anymore, and this expedition can be said to be his last attempt. He is even ready to sacrifice all of himself and carry the future of the entire race on his shoulders...

does it worth? Such a burden...is it really worth it? No, maybe the question is, is it worth it?

I don’t know why, Chu Hao felt pity for the same sickness. This is not sympathy or pity. Thorin is a hero. Sympathy and pity are an insult to him. This is more like an indescribable way. Unidentified empathy, because they are doing the same burden to each other...

"Can I go to the Blue Mountains?"

After leaving a human city, the next stop will be the level closest to the Blue Mountains, then you will step into the plain, then close to the forest, and close to the forest, you will encounter it in the plot Giant monsters are also commonly known as ogres monsters, but at this moment, Chu Hao suggested to Thorin.

Both Thorin and Gandalf were stunned for a while, and didn't know how to answer, because it was not a good way to go to the Blue Mountains, and it could even be said to be a detour. Thorin had to refuse directly, but as an opponent Respect of the famous wizard, he still asked: "The location of the Blue Mountains is not in the right direction. This will add two or three days to our itinerary, so I don't plan to go to the Blue Mountains unless it is really necessary. ."

"It is necessary..."

Chu Hao was silent for a moment and said, "I have many weapons, and I need many weapons, because my mission requires, and you, the great king of the mountain, Thorin? Oak shield, son of Thorne, grandson of Thor, believe me, The prophecy and foresight of a wizard, if you want to recapture your kingdom under the mountain, then this trip is absolutely necessary."

The Blue Mountains may be the only shining point of the dwarves of the Kingdom of the Mountain. When the Kingdom of the Mountain Kingdom was occupied by the evil dragon, the dwarves of the Kingdom of the Mountain Kingdom, that is, the line of the Turin dwarves, were forced to leave their homes and were displaced. Suddenly, it was Solin who found the place to live in the Blue Mountains for them. This is a mountain range that is not suitable for farming and living. It is completely different from the situation of Lone Mountain, which is on a plain with a towering peak. The plains there are suitable for the establishment of affiliated towns, planting and hunting, plus the rich mineral veins in the lone mountain, which makes the kingdom of the mountain so prosperous and powerful, and it is famous throughout the Middle-earth world.

After leaving the kingdom of the mountain, the Turin dwarves must live, and the reason why Thorin made his people love so much is because he found the Blue Mountains, especially the southern area of ​​the Crescent Bay of the Blue Mountains, where there are rich mineral resources. , This area is uninhabited and does not belong to any human country. It can be said that this is the lifeline of the dwarves of Turin. They rely on the minerals there to build weapons, armors, and various iron products needed by humans. In exchange for food, cloth, and various necessities of life, it can be said that it is precisely because of the prosperity of the Blue Mountains that the Turin dwarves can continue to this day, and here are the most Turin dwarves, and Chu Hao also I want to confirm another thing here...

Thorin was still silent. He did not agree. According to the truth, a wizard used prophecies and foresight to speak. It did not involve big problems and problems, but was delayed for a few days, Thorin. There is no need to hesitate so much, this made Chu Hao more affirmation of the guess in his heart.

At this time, the oldest dwarf said: "Perhaps, we should not let the dwarves of the Blue Mountains know our itinerary and whereabouts. After all, our adventure may require extreme secrecy. After all, there are too many people coveting the treasures of our mountain kingdom. Humans, elves, even orcs, and maybe dwarves..."

Chu Hao looked at Gandalf, but saw that Gandalf was just silently smoking cigarettes, while the other dwarves were always noisy, but when Chu Hao passed the Blue Mountains, they all fell silent, Chu Haoton After a meal, he said: "Is it really just that? Is it really just because we want to keep it secret, so we don't pass the Blue Mountains? Maybe there is another reason, could it be... the dwarves of the Turin line? , They don't..."

Thorin interrupted Chu Hao's words at this moment. He took a deep look at Chu Hao, and then said to the other dwarves: "Go, we are passing by the Blue Mountains. Chu Hao is right. If only because of Confidentiality, we don’t have to be afraid to go to the Blue Mountains, where we can take a break, and we can sharpen our weapons, repair our leather armor more firmly, and bring more food and wine. , Let's go, we... don't have to be afraid of the Blue Mountains!"

is it? Fear...

Chu Hao sighed inwardly, but did not speak again.

And this conversation, the dwarves obviously know what, turning to this road passing by the Blue Mountains, they are very silent along the way, even can be described as dull, and Gandalf seems to know what kind of inside information. , He was speechless all the way.

Only the people of the Arctic State team and the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins did not understand what happened, why did they pass the Blue Mountains, why not pass the Blue Mountains, they didn’t understand, or even didn’t. Knowing the meaning of the previous conversation, the Hobbit was better. Although he was curious, he was not familiar with the dwarves, so he didn't rashly ask about it. Naturally, everyone in the Arctic continent couldn't forget it. Zhang Heng, Tom, Aoqi, the three of them first asked Chu Hao.

Chu Hao sighed. He asked Aoqi to connect the people of the Arctic Continent with a mind chain, and said in his mind: "Actually, you should have seen those dwarves before? If you look closely, you can find out. Those dwarves are generally elderly and thin. Of course, thinness can be explained by not having enough food, not being able to wear warm clothes, and not sleeping well, but age is not the same thing, and no matter how embarrassed it was when escaping from the kingdom of the mountain, If you were a wealthy person in the Kingdom of the Mountain at the beginning, the gold you carried could buy land or manor in a human country, no matter what, the embarrassment would be incredible, and then it would be linked to the prosperity of the Blue Mountains and the demand. The fact that Lin regained the kingdom this time was only followed by a mere twelve dwarves. It’s already obvious."

"In any country, except for the elves, why are the elves exception? Because they are immortal, at least the elves in the world of the Lord of the Rings are immortal. Immortality means that even if there is a class, it should be a kind of close to glory. , Rather than a kind of real power. In fact, it can be seen from the movie that in the country of the elves, basically even the common people wear luxurious clothes and enjoy the elegant and high-end life. I told you before that the elves are basically natural nobles in this world because of their immortality."

"Except for the special immortal elves, the rest of the races, as long as they are government-related, whether they are humans, dwarves, orcs, are divided into kings, nobles, rich, common people, and poor. I actually don’t need to take reality. Let’s take an example. You should all understand that this is a class division, which is almost inevitable, unless the country’s wealth has increased to the point where the whole people can benefit from it, and the original mountain kingdom was so rich that even commoners were there. Everyone can live very well, so this kingdom is known for being rich and the entire Middle-earth world."

"But once the kingdom of the mountain and its wealth are lost, then the dwarves of Turin, as a non-immortal biological species, have their gentrification manifested. The simplest example is that the common people of the kingdom of the mountain were extremely impoverished at the time. Blue Mountain, haha... I think it has been occupied by the nobles of the original mountain kingdom. They occupied most of the mineral veins and land there, and then united most of the artisans, blacksmiths, intellectuals and so on in the mountain kingdom. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not too wealthy to maintain there, but at least a decent and peaceful life. Compared with the peaceful life that they already have, why should they risk fighting the dragon? Perhaps once? Failure will cost them their lives. They are not fools, so naturally they will not be willing. In this way, only twelve dwarves will follow Thorin, and they don’t want to return to the Blue Mountains..."

"Because, greed, being content with the status quo, greedy for life and fear of death, isn't it the common performance of those with vested interests?"

Chu Hao sneered, and he continued: "Sorin may have obligations to the dwarves of Turin, especially the dwarf nobles, so he could have been king in the Blue Mountains, but he gave this land to these people, and these Although people support him, it is more of a verbal expression, otherwise, there will only be twelve dwarves with him? He has this obligation...I have no obligation! I need to lead you to complete the task, if possible, also I hope I can help Thorin. The enemy we are going to fight against is too strong. I need soldiers, a lot of soldiers, so..."

"Look at it, I'm upset in this world, don't you think that only the real world has a heavenly party on earth, not only the real world has a tyrant to divide the land, I am here..."

When Chu Hao said this, his eyes were already killing intent, and he said coldly: "Call you too!"

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