Dawn Infinity

Vol 9 Chapter 19: : Grief and Trolls

What is the power of Middle-earth?

After Chu Hao and the Arctic Island team came to this world, they wanted to hunt a few times during the trip, but they were told that all technological thermal weapons could not be used, including pistols, rifles, submachine guns, and explosives. When this prompt appeared for the first time in hunting, Chu Hao really frightened Chu Hao in a cold sweat, but the use of the crossbow went smoothly. Crossbow weapons were not forbidden, and this allowed Chu Hao’s plan to go smoothly. If even crossbows are banned, then his plan must be changed drastically, or even directly overthrown. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

However, this prohibition made Chu Hao think about the power composition of Middle-earth. This is a European fantasy world. There are dragons, magic, and even gods and demons. Seriously, the power of this world. The level is quite high. Moving mountains and reclaiming the sea is nothing but leisure. According to Nian Xikong, if the gods of this world are true gods, then they should have the strength of the immortals in the Shu Mountain. Even if they are not saints, they should be enough to break the plane. The powerful power of Crystal Wall, based on this strength as the apex, speculates that this world should be similar to those under the dnd rule, such as the Forgotten Kingdom, a high-magic plane, where gods are everywhere, and legends are not as good as dogs. .

But in fact, whether it’s a novel or a movie, the power of the Lord of the Rings is very low-end. Once the power of the wizard was shown, it was the sky thunder triggered by the white-robed wizard in the Lord of the Rings, and it collapsed a mountain pass. This power is completely the power of the low-devil and nearly non-devil plane!

Perhaps there will be many different changes after the film is transformed into the real world, so what is the power of this world? What level can we go to? If it's just like in the movie, then the power of this world is really low-end, and the main energy of the Arctic Island team can only be concentrated on other reincarnation teams, and the power of this world can be completely ignored. .

And to verify... This time facing the troll, it is the best time to verify!

With this thought, after seeing the abandoned farmhouse, Chu Hao had already told everyone in the Arctic Island team, and while preparing the camp and dinner, Thorin had a dispute with Gandalf again, and Gandalf later Leaving alone, and the rest of the people seemed to want to persuade them, but they didn't dare to persuade them, so they completed the camp fire in this atmosphere, and then started cooking with dry food. (Starting)

Before eating, Chu Hao suddenly asked in his heart with a chain of mind: "Nian Xikong, are you sure that you have succeeded in building the foundation? Then, it shouldn't be internal force in your body, but true vitality?"

Nian Xikong was stunned for a moment, and while eating the jerky, he said: "Yes, I already have true vitality in my body now. Although the capacity has shrunk more than a hundred times compared to the internal force, it is indeed true vitality. I The foundation building was also successful."

"So..." Chu Hao deliberated his words before asking, "What is your combat power? I remember you told me that you are a swordsman, not an orthodox cultivation. Only orthodox cultivators hate others asking about their battles. Power, but you are a sword repairman, so I don’t feel embarrassed if I ask you that? I’ll just ask, what’s your current combat power?”

Before the foundation was built, Nian Xikong’s combat power can already be said to be the strongest of the Arctic Island team. Maybe Zhang Heng can be compared with her in some aspects, but if the two are really fighting, unless Zhang Heng hides from the beginning Shoot cold arrows in the dark. Otherwise, once you are approached, Nian Xikong’s swordsmanship called Jidu can really kill Zhang Heng, and that was before the foundation, so now Nian Xikong has built the foundation, in her terms, her swordsmanship She has escaped from the low demon level of the martial arts world, at least has reached the peak of the low demon plane, which is the real way to cultivate and kill, so how strong can she be now?

Nian Xikong frowned. It wasn't that she was disgusted with Chu Hao's words, but she seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, she shook her head slightly and said, "Without a reference, I don't know how to describe it..."

At this moment, one of Thorin’s dwarves was holding two plates of food and asked Bilbo Baggins to send them to the two dwarves who were guarding the horse. Everyone did not care, but they were still on guard. Because when this story happened in the movie, it was when the trolls were stealing horses, which also meant that the battle was about to begin.

Chu Hao listened to Nian Xikong's words, he scratched his head, and he didn't know how to measure it. It can't be said that Nian Xikong has ten people, one hundred people, and one thousand people. This is not the same as combat power. , So after thinking for a long time, he said, "How about using momentum? I vaguely remember that when a very powerful momentum appears, my God mode will be removed, although this method of measuring combat power is not very good. Standard, but it's also a yardstick, how about you use your aura to explode completely?"

"Now? Here?" Nian Xikong seemed a little unbelievable, but when she saw Chu Hao take out his glasses and put them on, she knew that he was serious, and immediately put down the food. People around and the dwarves were curious. She stood up with her gaze, and then she saw her eyes blank, and then a light gray air current emerged from her body. In an instant, the air current burst out suddenly, and Chu Hao, who was closest to her, almost rushed. Flip back.

This is a quaint, desolate, fierce, ruthless, with a feeling as if an unknown beast is staring at you. The closer you get to Nian Xikong, the more obvious this feeling is. Just staring at Nian Xikong, there is a feeling. A sense of fear that seemed to be swallowed at any time, even though she still looked like a beautiful girl with a little ethereal, the sense of fear was involuntarily produced.

"If the aura you mentioned can be produced without doing anything, it must be at the Jindan stage, or at the beginning of the fourth stage of gene lock, because it means the beginning of surpassing mortals, and it can also influence the surroundings from the spiritual level. It's fine, I can't do it yet, but if it's using skills, then it's my aura now...Jidu."

Nian Xikong said faintly, and when she said that, the dwarves around had already thrown away their food, each took their weapons and jumped up, and then began to look around. Among them, there was a dwarf shouting: "Long Wei! I am! Swear to my beard, I feel the dragon, the fire dragon is coming to attack us!"

Most of the dwarves panicked, and even knocked over a few jars of wine to the ground, until the oldest dwarf man named Bahrain called to stop the dwarves, everyone quieted slightly.

"It's all quiet, it's the momentum from this little half-elf girl, this momentum is much weaker than Long Wei!"

Suddenly, almost all the dwarves looked at Nian Xikong, they saw that Nian Xikong's face turned red, and then withdrew her aura, sat down and continued to eat the food casually, while Chu Hao, who was sitting next to her, squinted his eyes. The gleam from the surface of the dwarves, yes, these dozen dwarves all burst with this light from the surface of the skin, and even the strongest dwarves have a slight body surface. The light also extended to his weapon.

Is this... grudge? It’s not mentioned in the original movie or the original novel. These dwarves actually have this kind of power...

Chu Hao was still wearing his plain glasses, his eyes were cold and his face was expressionless. He looked at these dwarves, and then said to Nian Xikong: "It's a pity that there is no God pattern to drive me out. It seems that your strength is indeed true. Not as good as the captain of the Daxizhou team, but it is also very good. At least this aura can make them feel like Longwei... Well, I will fight the trolls soon. I want you to explode with all your strength to evaluate your strength. , This is necessary for my next layout."

Nian Xikong glanced at Chu Hao without speaking. She ate the jerky in her hand, and then there was an expression on her face that the food was delicious. The expression was not so ethereal, but rather a daze of foodies. more suitable.

Chu Hao ignored him, took off his glasses, and thought about something there. In fact, in the whole team, the person he didn't worry about was Nian Xikong. Although she spoke few words and was a foodie, It is the strength, and the second is the knowledge of the roots. Chu Hao knows how much Nian Xikong longs for the world of reincarnation. The waiting for the reincarnation of the hundreds of times can not be explained by a few words. It can be said that perhaps Nian Xikong is The Arctic Island team cares about the survival of the entire team village the most, this sentiment even surpasses him, so as long as he asks it, and it is good for the team~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nian Xikong may be the best able to execute him in the team The man who ordered... even if it was a slaughter.

And just as Chu Hao had just said this, he hadn't even figured out the relationship between grudge and the power of this world. Suddenly, he heard a yelling voice coming from a short distance away. He and everyone in the North Bingzhou team When I thought it was the two dwarves who guarded the horses, they came back to report, and they saw that the two dwarves and the hobbit were all rushing out. Before everyone could ask anything, behind them, there were three creatures with a height of 13 to 4 meters. He rushed out, and encountered trees and broken trees, stones and gravels along the way, this is a huge humanoid creature with a gleam of light gushing from the surface of the three-headed body...

Ha, a troll with a grudge... or a giant?

God knows, the troll in the movie is only three or four meters away from the sky!

These three big guys sank one step at a time, and the whole ground was trembling. They directly uprooted huge trees from the surface and waved them, rushing towards everyone, that posture was absolutely terrifying!


When the trolls rushed, Thorin was the first to roar, and then he raised a two-handed epee in his hand, with a raging grudge light, and rushed straight to one of the trolls first...

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