Dawn Infinity

Vol 10 Chapter 2: : Believe in guilt

(Ps: The "Infinite Horror" comics first published in "Man King", the second issue will be released on December 1, friends who want to see can buy it, the cover is Zheng Zha)

Chapter 2: Believe that they are guilty. Chu Hao and others came to the edge of the Blue Mountain on the second day of the arrival of the Celestial Team. After reaching the edge of the Blue Mountain, Chu Hao's actions immediately began...

"Thorin's team was attacked. The attackers were the army of the beasts, the army of the pale behemoth defiler Asog!"

"From the captured beast population, someone betrayed Thorin Oak Shield, betrayed the line of Turin dwarves, and betrayed the clan!"

"The betrayer is a member of the Turin dwarf nobles in the Blue Mountains and a member of the elders. They are reluctant to bear the power and money in the Blue Mountains. In order to drive and kill Thorin Oak Shield, he will go Tell the orcs!"

"They are also secretly planning to cleanse the dwarves who are still loyal to Thorin and to the Turin dwarf clan. They want to be king and they want to rule out dissidents!"

"We have evidence in our hands! It proves who betrayed Thorin? Oak Shield, as long as we go to the Blue Mountains, we will show evidence in front of all the dwarves and identify the scum among these Turin dwarves!"

Such words and rumors boiled like a howling flame, burning along the grassland. All the dwarves who heard these words were stunned. They couldn't believe these words at all, but many of them knew them. Chu Hao had seen them come to the Blue Mountains with Prince Thorin, but this time they were the only ones to return. Thorin and other dwarves have disappeared, so regardless of whether they are false or rumored, these words have been madly propagated. 【First Release】

But until then, Chu Hao slowed down instead. He could have reached the core area of ​​the Blue Mountain that night, but he could reach some dwarf residences, and it was only dusk when Chu Hao decided to camp here, and He also ordered part of the police to put all the bags near the bonfire, and be ready to fight against the enemy at any time. 【First Release】

At dinner, the lawyer Nohan Bis curiously asked Chu Hao: "What you said to the dwarves before seems to mention evidence? But we have no evidence. Whether it is human or physical evidence, we are not good at all. Okay, and even if it’s forged evidence, but do you know how the dwarven characters are written? Do you know what badges those dwarven nobles use? And it’s impossible to imitate their pen power and so on."

Chu Hao smiled and took a sip of the hot soup before he said, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, because the evidence will come automatically... And even if there is no evidence, I am confident enough to solve this matter. Believe me, there is evidence. It doesn't matter if there isn't."

Nohan Biss froze for a moment, and asked even more strangely: "But there is no evidence, how can we accuse a person of a crime? This situation is simply..."

Chu Hao shook his head and interrupted his words: "Mr. Lawyer, please pay attention to two points. There is no court, no judge, and no testimony. This is one of them, and the other is that I did not intend to sentence anyone at all. ."

Not only was Nohan Biss now, but even the others were surprised. Tom asked, "I can understand this without a court, but you didn't want to pronounce anyone? What did you do for this? And there is no evidence. , What shall we do to make these dwarves believe our words?"

Chu Hao raised his head to look at the sky, and then said: "It doesn't matter whether the evidence exists or not. You have said it yourself that is really important. You only need to make most of the dwarves believe us. No, it is more precise. , Let most of the dwarves stand on our side, so I told you before I came to the Blue Mountains for the first time...Who said that the heavenly party on earth cannot appear in Middle-earth? The landlords and local tyrants are guilty and not guilty of me. I don’t care about it, because I don’t need evidence to prove their guilt. All I need is to convince most people that they are guilty. Okay? And... isn’t the evidence here?"

Just in Aoqi’s mental power scan, in the darkness, a group of about forty dwarves are quietly walking down the grass to the camp. Their equipment is very sophisticated, and these dwarves look like a body. Strong, well-nourished, regular training, and even through mental power scans, everyone saw the faint brilliance from the weapons in their hands. It was vindictive...

"The wrongdoer always has a knot of heart, even if there is no letter that can be used as evidence, or even any other evidence, but the thief must have a guilty conscience, and there will be no exceptions because the thief is a dwarf, so we don’t need evidence. , The evidence will come automatically. This is of course the best start. Otherwise, more intense action is needed to start all of this, which would be too time-consuming and laborious."

Chu Hao muttered to himself, then turned his head to look at Zhang Heng, Tom, Nian Xikong, and several people said: "When you are fighting for a while, Nian Xikong, you can ignore everything and kill the enemy with peace of mind, Zhang Heng, I I want you to be a firefighter once, where our danger appears, then you will appear there, Tom and I will be responsible for protecting the newcomers, above."

In the mental power scan, the target of this group of dwarves was really them. Everyone felt a little unbelievable. It was actually the dwarf nobles of the Blue Mountains who had betrayed Thorin, and they were really as Chu Hao expected, after hearing that there was evidence. When accusing them, they sent their cronies to obliterate them. Such a stupid thing actually happened! ?

In any case, the battle was about to take place, and everyone didn’t think much about it. They quickly confirmed the battle line according to Chu Hao’s instructions. During the whole observation of the mental power scan, when the first dwarf jumped out to prepare to shoot with a bow. Before he could raise his bow, he heard a pop. The head of the dwarf was directly shot through by Zhang Heng’s arrow. After being silent for nearly a second, he suddenly shouted and killed, more than forty. An elite dwarf warrior emerged from the darkness and the grass, and quickly rushed towards Chu Hao and the others.

I have to mention that these dwarves are much stronger than the ones in the movie. Almost every one of them has a vindictive bodyguard, and their movement speed, strength, and even defense have been greatly improved. They rushed from the light source of the campfire, short In just four or five seconds, the dwarf at the forefront has rushed to the front. Although Zhang Heng shot over nearly ten dwarves halfway through, the remaining thirty-odd dwarves rushed forward in a frenzied manner. Seeing that his giant axe is about to hit everyone...


With a sound of tearing the air, Nian Xi Kong's small ink sword turned into black light, and directly swiped the three dwarves in the front, and these three dwarves were still rushing forward. , But their lower body stayed in place, and the whole person had been divided into two sections.

At the same time, Chu Hao threw an orange fireball into the team of dwarves and exploded. Several dwarves were blown to pieces, and not only that, after Chu Hao released a fireball, Did not use any offensive magic, but under the linkage of his gestures, a series of magic was used. Some magic directly caused the dwarf to spin around in place, or even attacked his own person, and some magic covered the ground with a layer of greasy. , All the dwarves who entered it fell to the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there was a huge spider web directly covering about ten dwarves.

It only took more than ten seconds before and after. It was just Chu Hao’s magic that caused this group of dwarves to lose at least 20 combat power, and the remaining dwarves were already a little frightened. They knew it was magic, and they knew that there was only a wizard. Only then can magic be released, and the wizard...that is a legendary creature that can rival the dragon, there is actually one here! ? At the moment, several dwarves dropped their weapons on the ground, and the faces of the remaining dwarves who were still holding weapons were all overcast.

At the same time, what the dwarves didn’t notice at all was that the fireball that Chu Hao released before fell not far from the campfire. After the explosion, flames sputtered, and many flames hit the place next to the campfire. On those bags, of course, most of these bags are food and ingredients...

In this way, after Nian Xikong killed a few dwarves who hadn’t dropped their weapons, the remaining dwarves surrendered by default, and under their gaze, there were more dwarven civilians coming around. Under the watchful eyes of Chu Hao and others, most of the bags of Chu Hao and others were burned, and some of the dwarves who attacked were greatly relieved, but they did not notice the ease in the eyes of many of the Northern Bingzhou team, and Chu Hao The killing intent in the eyes...

Chu's killing method did not choose the other party to be guilty or not guilty, some just killed...

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