Dawn Infinity

: : The second defense of the Blue Mountains!

"Quickly, quickly, all the layout of positions, ditches, horse traps, and military roads must be completed within today! Comrades, this is the task assigned to us by the government, and we must complete it. It is for ourselves, this is for our land, our wealth, and our freedom! Comrades work hard, come on!"

These dwarves who shouted loudly in the labor brigade were all short-term brainwashed by Chu Hao. No, the political commissars trained in a short period of time were the most determined proletarian fighters. These dwarf political commissars were brainwashed heavily by Chu Hao. No, after being trained, Sprinkle it directly into the grassroots of the dwarves, one is to guide public opinion, the other is to increase the cohesion of the blue mountain dwarves, and the third is to deal with the current war. www!ttzw*

The aristocratic coalition of humans and dwarves totals 70,000, of which 20,000 are private aristocratic soldiers who are fighting for the main battle, and 50,000 are militiamen who transport food and other logistics, or directly the civilian households in these noble territories, known as seven. Wan, has already arrived in the Blue Mountain territory, seeing the attack is right in front of him,

Of course, these nobles claim to be nobles, and they also sent the war book before the attack, but their war book did not say that they should avenge the Turin dwarf nobles, or say that they are hostile to the provisional government, attacking the political formation of the Blue Mountains, etc. And so on, their war book only mentioned the ownership of the Blue Mountain territory. They claimed that the Blue Mountain territory was not owned by the Turin dwarves, and then a lot of history and aristocratic blood were drawn in the war book. Finally, it was declared that this territory was owned by a human nobleman. Although it was temporarily loaned to the Turin dwarves, because of the civil strife in the Turin dwarves, all the dwarf nobles at the time of loaning out were all dead. The lease has expired, so the coalition forces demanded that all Turin dwarves leave the Blue Mountains immediately.

After this battle book was sent to the Blue Mountains, the dwarves of the entire Blue Mountains suddenly became noisy. They had never heard of the Blue Mountains as a land of ownership. In fact, Thorin led the Turin dwarves to Lan In the mountains, a consensus has already been reached among the various races in the Zhou dynasty. The land of the Blue Mountains is a land of no ownership, and it is now owned by the Turin dwarves. Who knows that the noble coalition forces have come to such a war book? This is obviously just looking for excuses!

Almost all the Blue Mountain dwarves are extremely angry, and this battle book also puts forward a deadline, requiring that the entire Blue Mountain dwarves must leave the Blue Mountain within three days, and are not allowed to take away any plants and trees in the Blue Mountain. That is to completely drive all the Turin dwarves, except for the clothes they wear, even food is not allowed... This is no longer driven, this is a slaughter!

So there was no room for reconciliation between the two sides. After the Dwarf Provisional Government received the war text, it did not even reply to the letter, and directly expelled the nobles’ messengers, and then the nobles had obviously anticipated this situation and the war. The book is just going through a cutscene, and each other understands this truth. When it comes to this level, it still depends on how it goes on the battlefield. No one will be naive to take things for granted.

In this way, on the afternoon of the arrival of the war book, the noble coalition forces arrived outside the capital of Lianshan, a dense swath of cavalry, infantry, siege troops, archers, crossbowmen, swordsmen, spearmen, etc. With a complete range of arms, strong armor and sharp swords, this is no longer a mercenary patchwork together. This is a real human and dwarf formed army, and don’t underestimate feudal society, especially the power of the Lord of the Rings. The military under the cyclic system. Individuals composed of these armies tend to have stronger physical fitness, greater power, and sharper skills than individuals in the real world. This often means that when cold weapons are fighting, the difference between each other's combat power is doubled. Even more than several times, especially after possessing vindictive energy, the early hot weapon army may not be as powerful as the cold weapon army in the Lord of the Rings.

  Of course, this is only a single combat power, the army...not only rely on a single combat power to win...

The modern army and the feudal army are more than just the difference between the hot weapons. Don’t think that if the modern army loses the hot weapons, it will be defeated by the feudal army with better physical fitness and fighting skills than their feudal army. The facts are just the opposite. The army is only a military, and the fighting skills are very different from that of the feudal army. The modern army is not comparable to the feudal army. Unless everyone in the feudal army is vindictive, the result of the battle will often be the end of the modern army's victory.

Of course, although Chu Hao did train the Blue Mountain Dwarf's army by training the modern army, but the time is short, there is no essential difference between this army and the feudal army, and his purpose is not to let the Blue Mountain Dwarf win. , Otherwise he can use other methods to defeat the coalition in front of him, so when the coalition arrives, in fact, his goal has been mostly achieved...

The ancient siege methods were essentially nothing more than siege consumption and ant-attached siege. As for various strategies, they were only carried out around these two methods. Generally speaking, the number of enemy and ourselves in the siege The ratio decides which siege method to use. If the attacker has ten times the strength of the enemy, then the latter is basically adopted. When the difference in arms is not large, or only several times, the former is generally adopted. Of course, This is not absolute. After all, a city’s siege will often depend on the entire battle. If the situation requires, the number of attackers and defenders is equal, or even less, the most intense siege method is also adopted. It is also possible.

At this moment, the coalition forces are using the former, that is, the siege consumption, because not all the Blue Mountain dwarf nobles have died, and a small part of the Blue Mountain dwarf nobles have escaped their lives, and they are the most aware of the current situation in the Blue Mountains. Yes, especially the grain reserves. Even if the Provisional Government confiscated the stocks of the nobles, these grains would not be enough to support the consumption of the entire Blue Mountain dwarves for several months. The Blue Mountains originally needed to import a large amount of food from the outside world. Buying people's hearts and letting go of food consumption has made the Blue Mountain's food storage less, and the coalition forces don't even need to fight at all. They only need to delay, and all the Blue Mountain dwarves can only surrender.

Therefore, when the coalition forces arrived outside the capital of the Blue Mountains, they only began to install various siege equipment, such as small catapults, and a large number of siege ladders, they just shot a lot of shots into the capital of the Blue Mountains. The meaning is very simple. It was intended to consume the morale of the Blue Mountain Dwarves, but unfortunately, the first round of shooting that arrived that afternoon was hit head-on by the Blue Mountain Dwarves Guard.

   Even though this coalition is a coalition composed of many nobles, they are not elves, but humans and dwarves. Will there be many good bows and crossbows used by the owners of fighting spirit? In the original movie, whether it is the Lord of the Rings trilogy or the prequel to the Lord of the Rings, there are various performances, that is, humans, dwarves, and orcs, half-orcs, strong orcs, etc., in their troops, The number of crossbowmen is very small, and there are various types of bows and crossbows, good and bad. Only the elves have excellent bows and arrows, and the performance is the same at this time. There are more than 1,000. The crossbowmen fired at the capital city wall of the Blue Mountains, but at most only a few dozen crossbows were equipped with vindictiveness. Then, two thousand crossbows, all with vindictiveness, fired backwards outside the city wall. Hundreds of people, and even the impatient dwarves, directly aroused all their anger and shot the crossbow into the coalition's main formation thousands of meters away. This immediately caused the coalition to be a sensation, and the entire coalition retreated. Outside the Blue Mountain City, at least tens of thousands of meters were retreated before resettlement, and no siege was carried out that day.

At the moment, the capital of the Blue Mountains that day was plunged into a sea of ​​ecstasy. The dwarves of the Blue Mountains were full of confidence in defeating the aristocratic coalition. They even thought that the opponent was a group of paper tigers, and there were even many dwarves clamoring to go directly outside the city~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Directly drive these intruders out of the Blue Mountains...

In fact, the heads of the noble coalition army, the human nobles and the nobles of other dwarf clans, they are all emotionally discussing and arguing in the coalition camp. They can't believe that there are so many standardizations in the Blue Mountains. Crossbows, this is simply impossible. It is estimated that there are nearly two thousand crossbows, and almost every crossbow can be excited by fighting spirit. This is too amazing, even many small elven tribes do not. There are many fighting crossbows. In fact, when the nobles discovered the existence of these crossbows, their goal is no longer to destroy the Blue Mountain Provisional Government. They even hope to seize this batch of crossbows, and even get these crossbows. The manufacturing method. Obviously, they think that these crossbows are probably made by the Blue Mountain dwarves. It is likely that the Blue Mountain dwarves have obtained the secret method of forging steel, and then the secret method of manufacturing the crossbow. Because of this, they have this. Emboldened to provoke the nobles...

This is the deduction of the nobles, and from the conclusions drawn from this deduction, they almost unanimously believe that whoever obtains these secret methods may increase the strength in their hands by ten times, a hundred times, because if all this is true, The power that obtains this secret technique will be able to match the elves and become a transcendent power in Middle-earth Continent...

Greed, desire, jealousy, and fanatical imagination about all these possibilities, these nobles can’t wait to capture the Blue Mountains and want to get all these secrets, but no one has the tactics they planned to consume before siege. Again, after several discussions, all the human nobles and dwarf nobles finally decided that tomorrow...

   Conquer the capital of the Blue Mountains!


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