Dawn Infinity

Vol 11 Chapter 6: : The Lost Lingxin and the Final Dogma

When Chu Hao met Ling Xin for the first time, he was only nine years old and Ling Xin was only fifteen years old. They were both teenagers, and since then, Ling Xin has become the oldest child. They have taken the most important role in protecting the rest of the people, and since then...they have been relatives...

Chu Hao didn't know what happened to Ling Xin before he knew Ling Xin, but since he knew Ling Xin, Ling Xin has always shown distrust of everyone outside, that is, except for his approved relatives. He is full of distrust of anyone, which can be seen from his words and actions, and he is also a person who believes in the evil nature of human nature. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

Because of this, since the establishment of the Rebels Organization, Ling Xin has always played the role of guarding the final dogma of o6. He has not participated much in specific organizational affairs because he has always participated in organizational management affairs with a sense of distrust. This is for his subordinates. It is very inappropriate to say, it is likely to cause turmoil within the organization, and Ling Xin himself knows this well, so when it comes to the management of a large number of organizational personnel, he generally delegates it to the rest of o6 to execute.

As for what is in the final dogma... In fact, Chu Hao didn't know until now. It is said that only Ling Xin and Chen Haotao knew what was in it. After getting this thing, the two immediately decided to It was sealed, and even used a very formal, strange creation from the x organization by accident. At the same time, it also used a spell meme for defense. To open it, at least three o6s must be present at the same time. , And decided to open it at the same time, so that memetic attacks can be avoided, and at the same time, the strange creation can be opened, and this thing is the so-called final dogma.

It’s a pity that Ling Xin didn’t even talk to Chu Hao about what was in the final dogma. However, Chen Haotao, who had a loose mouth, was killed by an attack by the X organization within a very short time after the final dogma existed. He died in battle, so in the end, Ling Xin was the only one to guard the final dogma, but Chu Hao and Li Ganglei didn't know what the final dogma was.

After this Lord of the Rings team battle, Chu Hao had more questions about Ling Xin, even...including the truth of Chen Haotao’s original incident, he also had more questions, and he even had a doubt. ...Could it be that Chen Haotao was given by Ling Xin because he knew the details of the final dogma...

No, it's impossible!

Chu Hao immediately denied his speculation, and nothing else, only this incident could not happen, because Ling Xin might be both distrustful and cruel to outsiders, but he really cherishes his relatives extremely. This has been reflected in many things. He had sacrificed too much for Chu Hao and the others. If Ling Xin were not there, they would have died many years ago...

So what is going on with all this! ? The truth of all this...

It's all in the final dogma!

"...So, are you sure that Ling Xin is also in the world you are in? And he used force against you at that time? You even saw the dead Chen Haotao? He has joined the X organization?"

In a secret room in a rebel organization base, Chu Hao and Li Ganglei sat opposite each other. After Chu Hao talked about his thoughts and what he knew, Li Ganglei remained silent like this. Look like. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

"Haha, you must be joking? It's amazing, you are also joking? Or you have been with that funny killer for a long time, so have you become funny too?" Li Ganglei was silent for a long time. He laughed loudly, and even the tears were about to come out, as if he was smiling happily.

Chu Hao remained silent and did not speak, so he lowered his head silently, and after a long time, Li Ganglei's laughter gradually diminished, and then the atmosphere became more and more silent until Li Ganglei was fierce. He got up, rushed to Chu Hao, grabbed him by the collar, almost lifted him up, and at the same time roared loudly: "What do you want to say! What do you want to express!? Do you want me Believe it!! Do you want me to guess...that has always protected us! Since childhood, he has been sacrificed for us, and has always been our elder brother. He has always regarded us as the closest dearest and the only person he can support in his life. Do you want to I’m going to guess, Ling Xin killed him, or framed Chen Haotao, just to keep the secret of the ultimate dogma of the district!?"

Chu Hao remained silent, letting Li Ganglei grab his collar, and then said in a deep voice after a long time: "I just tell you everything I know and everything I have experienced. I didn't want you to go. Make any thoughts and speculations, and at the same time, I am going to see Ling Xin and immediately return to the final dogma to see him!"

Li Ganglei gritted his teeth and looked at Chu Hao, and Chu Hao looked back in silence. The two people stood in a stalemate for a long time before Li Ganglei slumped down on the chair, as if he had lost his backbone, just muttering. He whispered: "What you said...what you said...I would never agree with it, or, I also want to ask Ling Xin to ask clearly...he, how could he be malicious towards us? How is this possible?!"

Chu Hao couldn’t answer this question either. He felt that Ling Xin was not malicious towards them. It was more likely to be... what kind of secret Ling Xin was carrying, and this secret was likely to involve too much, even It has a fatal impact on them, so I plan to bear it alone. This is the best one possible...

At the moment, the two did not hesitate to simply arrange the internal operations of the rebel organization, and after handing over a large number of matters to the o5 inside the organization, they immediately flew directly to the main base, and when the two entered the main base After internally, I searched for the entire base and inquired about the records of the base’s affairs, only to find that Lingxin had disappeared...Yes, completely evaporatively disappeared. There is neither a record of leaving nor any record of his existence. Except for the reserved base operations, it was as if he had never existed before.

Until this moment, Li Ganglei finally started to face Chu Hao’s statement. Although he still killed him and didn’t believe that Ling Xin would take action against them, he did have a lot of questions to ask him, but none of them can be realized now. And not only that, the entire rebel organization now has only three o6s in total, Ling Xin disappeared, and it would take a few months for Chu Hao to come back once, and the entire rebel organization only had Li Ganglei. Director, such a large organization has its bases all over the world, and it is impossible to deal with it by just relying on an o6. This is fatal to the entire rebel organization.

"Ling Xin used the so-called avatar skill before. I will learn this skill as soon as possible. I will also have a avatar sitting in the real world at that time, and I will try to get as many props, weapons, or skills as possible that you can use. Here you are, but it is estimated that it will take some time, so at least for a few months, the rebel organization can only rely on you. It’s really not possible. Try to shrink first. Some less important bases or areas can be given up. Give up first, or cooperate with the real government. In short, let's last for a few months."

Chu Hao didn't have much to do about it. After thinking for a long time, he could only say that. Li Ganglei could only grit his teeth and insist that this rebel organization is their greatest effort, saying that they can't give up. , This not only means the proof and guarantee of their revenge against the cx organization, but also that they have experienced countless hardships and struggles since childhood, and have experienced so much blood and sacrifices. If they really give up, they will give up. The revenge and persistence since then gave up everything they had struggled for the first half of their lives.

After Chu Hao was in the real world, he did not have any chance to rest easily, because he was about to enter the world of reincarnation, he was unable to manage the organization for several months, and Li Ganglei was about to be left alone, so During the next period of time, he desperately helped Chu Hao to streamline the organizational structure. Some less important bases were either reduced in personnel, or allocated to o5 for management, or abandoned, and the entire organization was piloted in scientific and technological cooperation with the real government. It has also begun to expand. In this way, we can also use the power of real governments from some aspects. At the beginning, the United States, China, Russia, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom have been engaged in scientific and technological cooperation with the rebel organization. If the effect is good If so, there will be more cooperation with a large number of other powerful countries in the future. In this way, the rebel organizations will no longer be detached from world politics.

These are all major projects. Chu Hao only exchanged real time for half a month. He was so busy that he was barely touching the ground. The whole world was flying, running around everywhere, and meeting with relevant people from several countries. He also communicated with a large number of o5s. When he returned to the main **** space after the half-month period, his eyes were sunken, his skin was completely pale, and his hair was okay, because he had to meet with those state officials. It’s pretty energetic, but on the whole, it’s like having a **** for half a month, or drinking night wine for half a month, and staying with a computer for half a month~www.wuxiaspot.com~The rest of the Samsara team are all I was taken aback. I thought he did something, but Chu Hao didn’t explain. After returning from reality to the main **** space, he will start to be busy with the main **** space, especially the next movie I’m about to enter. Legendary movie world and so on, because he is responsible for the logistics, a lot of food, a lot of technological weapons (these are obtained in the real world), as well as antivirus potions exchanged in the main **** space, and some equipment for making hot air balloons, plus some The equipment suitable for night battles, the simple building materials exchanged by the Lord God, and the maps of the entire United States, detailed to the simplest small towns, etc., a series of things have to be exchanged and managed by him. This is a busy day. Wait for him When I recovered, it was the last day of the new reincarnation world.

He calculated the remaining reward points and the side story, and then redeemed the fourth-level magic of a mage travel tree house, and then he was really good and had a rest day, went to bed early, and slept again until the next day. I woke up naturally, and rewarded myself by exchanging some of the treasures of heaven, wealth, and earth from the Lord God. After a good meal, I finally recovered from the fatigue of these days, although the mental fatigue is still not there. He recovered, but he had already gotten used to all this. After pushing the door open, he saw the team members already assembled on the square.

"So... let's go!"

"I'm a legend!"

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