Dawn Infinity

Vol 11 Chapter 10: :question

Fire often represents civilization. Especially in the end of human civilization, those mutants don't make fire. In fact, they are a little afraid of flames. Therefore, only humans can use fire in this world. (Starting)

After discovering the flames, Aoqi immediately extended the mental power scan. Sure enough, there was a gathering place of human beings. It was not big, it was a small village. Maybe all human beings added up to four or five hundred. Around people, this gathering place is built with a wooden wall, even at 11 or 12 o’clock in the evening, there are still more than a dozen people with guns patrolling behind the wall, and the flames are just a few wooden places in this village. From the house.

Everyone was very excited when they encountered this gathering place, even Chu Hao, even though he had only entered this world one day and one night, but seeing more of the barrenness, more ruins, and more mutants, Mo said Chu Hao, the rest of the people also felt that kind of loneliness in their hearts, really desperately wanting to meet humans.

Immediately Chu Hao landed the hot air balloon, and in order to avoid misunderstanding, Chu Hao fired a flare with a flare gun. Of course, it might attract mutants, but on the one hand, it was already deep in the mountains. , On the other hand, the Arctic Island team is not afraid of mutants, as long as the number is not overwhelming, then it will not take much effort to cook.

Sure enough, after seeing the signal flares, the whole gathering place boiled. First, the guards yelled, and then a large number of people ran out of the wooden house. They all looked up at the simple hot air balloon. A few of them People cheered, and most of them had complicated expressions. These people didn't shoot, but they were completely different from the ecstasy in imagination.

Soon, the hot air balloon landed outside the wooden wall at the gathering point, and everyone walked out of the hot air balloon, led by Chu Hao to the outside of the wooden wall, and the people inside drove away from the wooden wall. In the small window, one of the guards at the head signaled the faces of the people to approach, and he saw that he used a scanning instrument to scan the eyeballs of the people. Then the people inside seemed to be relieved, and from the wooden wall, there were many people looking around. Only then did the wooden wall open a small door, and Chu Hao and others entered.

In this wooden wall, except for the many babies or children who were just born, almost all the human beings have appeared there. Most of them are looking at Chu Hao and the others curiously, and a small number of them are. His face was heavy and he didn't say a word.

After Chu Hao and them all entered, they were led by a few elderly men and women like leaders at the gathering point to the largest wooden house in the gathering point, and several gunmen followed behind them. Obviously, it also meant to be monitored, but Chu Hao and others didn't care about it, so they followed all the way and went straight to this wooden house. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

In this wooden house, there are only simple tables and chairs. Obviously, this is probably the meeting room or office space of the gathering place on weekdays. When everyone enters, an old person headed by the gathering place points to the chair to let everyone sit. The person next to the name drank cold water, just ordinary water, and there was no such thing as tea, and there was a long silence.

After a long time, the head of the old man asked: "I don't know where you are from? And why do you have hot air balloons?"

Everyone looked at Chu Hao, and Chu Hao was not polite, and said directly: "We are members of the Institute of the Secret Military Command of Area 51 in the United States. This is the last member of my team and the civilians rescued on the road. I am Chu Hao. Major General, this is Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Heng, reading the Xikong School, Major Aoqi."

Suddenly, the leaders of these gathering points were all moved. The old man tremblingly asked, "The government, is the government still there? Hasn't it been annihilated by mutants a few years ago? The last government army at the time? Also completely disintegrated, the government...is the government still there?"

A few years ago, the siege...

Chu Hao took down these words, his expression remained unchanged, and continued: "It's a pity that our institute in Area 51 lost contact with the government earlier. In fact, many of my team members have become Mutants, we are the last survivors. We have been trapped in the laboratory before. We took the opportunity to escape until most of the mutants in Area 51 moved away. So unfortunately, we don’t know if the government has returned. keeping it."

Suddenly, the old men sighed, and at this moment, a strong man rushed in from outside the wooden house. There were several people behind him grabbing him, and the man came in and shouted loudly: "It's you researchers! It's because of you that researched this virus, and it's because of you that caused these mutants to appear! Everything is your fault! You murderers, you demons!"

As he spoke, the man was very emotional, with a huge wooden stick in his hand, as if he was planning to stage a full martial arts, and when everyone in the Arctic Island team was a little at a loss, suddenly Chu Hao bounced up quickly. He jumped directly in front of this man, slapped him to the wall of the wooden house with a slap, and fainted with a slap.

This change was so sudden that everyone was still a little dumbfounded. In an instant, the guards raised their guns at Chu Hao, and it seemed that as long as he dared to use any more movements, he would shoot him immediately.

"Are we going to study this virus!?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Hao, who was originally calm, seemed to be greatly wronged. His face was red, and his eyes were blood red. He roared, "The original purpose of studying this virus was to treat cancer. This is the same as when we developed penicillin and developed aspirin! We just want to make the world a better place, we just want to treat all diseases, should we say that we do nothing and let humans Has civilization never been in the Stone Age!?"

At this time, hundreds of people had gathered outside the wooden house. Almost all the people at the gathering point gathered here, because before Chu Hao said that they were government researchers, the guards outside had already publicized these words. These people all came by hearing the sound. When the brawny man seemed to be about to vent his anger, everyone vaguely became hostile to these researchers. In fact, in these people's minds, the reason why the world has become like this is this. The researchers' fault.

"You are enjoying penicillin, you are enjoying antibiotics, you are enjoying airplanes, cars, you are enjoying computers, TV, you are enjoying lights and lights, then you have ever thought that these are all made by researchers like us Invented for research!?"

Chu Hao was not afraid. He pushed aside the wooden house and faced the hundreds of people. He didn't care that there were guns pointed at him. He seemed to be wronged so badly, even with tears in his eyes, he just said loudly. Roaring.

Under Chu Hao’s roar, most of these people were silent, and a small number of middle-aged people seemed unwilling. They estimated that some of their relatives died in this catastrophe, or they became mutants, immediately. A middle-aged woman also yelled: "But if it weren't for you, there would be this catastrophe there!? It is because of you that God sent this catastrophe to punish us, and it is your fault!"

"Do we want the virus to mutate!?"

Chu Hao immediately stared at the middle-aged woman, and he shouted: "According to your statement, the doctor does not care if the patient is sick, because as long as the virus mutates, it is the doctor's fault!? According to you This statement, shouldn’t we develop science and technology, should not invent all kinds of things, let us all become apes, become primitive talents!? It is also wrong for us to develop science and technology, and it is also wrong for us to research all kinds of things that will benefit the public. I just want to ask everyone present here. You touched your chest and your conscience to answer me. You can complain to us about all your faults, thinking that we caused this catastrophe, then you originally intended to benefit the world. It was originally intended to treat cancer. It was originally exhausted all our efforts, and a fatal mutation was produced. Then we...researchers like us, even if it is the end, even if it is the catastrophe, even ourselves We have begun to mutate, and we are still making our final efforts. We who are still fighting on the front line, we researchers, who should we complain to! Answer me!!!"

After these words, even the middle-aged women were silent. The whole scene was completely silent. The guards had already put down their guns unknowingly, and there was a hint of respect in their eyes towards Chu Hao.

In fact, this principle is very simple. In this catastrophe, no one was deliberate, no one was a criminal, but because the virus mutated, this is actually nature’s fault, and it cannot be said to be nature’s fault. This is actually the survival of the fittest. The reason why these people complain about researchers is that they want their hatred to have a sustenance, otherwise they will lose the meaning of life. It is as simple as that.

At this time, after Chu Hao entrusted the last illusion to Point Wake, almost no one was able to refute the truth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, even the person who created the virus had good intentions. She didn't have anything wrong, and she couldn't blame the person because of the mutation of the virus. This was unfair.

"My team, my companions, there were more than 400 people in the beginning. In order to study this virus, more than 300 of them were infected one after another, but even if it is about to mutate, they are all conducting their last experiment. I don't think my companion needs to be blamed like this! So I was excited, sorry, but I did nothing wrong, he was just in a coma, and when he wakes up, if he still thinks so, I will attack him! I can tell you this, my companions, my research team, who have sacrificed, are not only not criminals, not only are they not murderers, but they are also heroes!"

When Chu Hao said this, he was almost excited and said to these people: "Because, at the end! We have researched out the medicine! Only the last point, once the last point is completed, we will be able to make the mutants return. Humanity!"

"This is the sacrifice of the heroes! They absolutely will not tolerate the defilement of men like this!"

In an instant, when the word antidote was uttered, the whole scene was silent, and all the people were dumbfounded...

Antidote...turn back to human! ?

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