Dawn Infinity

Vol 12 Chapter 8: : The mist is coming!

The black man was blown into pieces, each of which was no more than the size of a nail shell. The internal organs, bones, and flesh and blood were scattered everywhere. Seeing this scene, Bilis had already vomited with a wow, and the faces of the others were also It's ugly, and Chu Hao's face is even more somber. (Starting)

He did not intend to send these two newcomers to death. Although the brawny black man does not seem to be in good spirits, his physical fitness cannot be faked. Once he has passed the initial rookie period, the brawny black man is likely to be qualified. A member of the reincarnation team, as a result...

"Be careful! We are far away from the protagonist. We are already on the edge of 100 meters. Don't run away at will. This is very dangerous!" Chu Hao said this aloud. As soon as the voice fell, everyone saw it. The flesh and blood of the black man who had been blown to pieces began to fade away, and finally disappeared. The whole scene was so weird. The flesh and blood and internal organs just now were completely gone, as if the previous ones were all hallucinations.

Seeing this scene, the face of the white man of the newcomer has changed from the previous cautiousness to the weird. He immediately said to the old people around him: "I am Agent George Maris, who are you guys? What the **** are you here? Where is it? It was a mini-bomb just now? Were all bombs implanted in our bodies? Will the bomb explode once we leave a certain distance?"

Chu Hao shook his head. Regarding this, he had already performed a full-body examination when he returned to the rebel organization. There were absolutely no explosives or artificial implants in their bodies, similar to methods such as obliteration, and even the whole body this time. Whatever explodes into fragments is super-conventional and cannot be achieved by human weapons or means. It can be regarded as a supernatural power or the power of the Lord God itself.

The white man looked at everyone’s expressions seriously. He had been trained in judging whether a person was telling the truth from subtle movements, expressions, expressions, and words, but unfortunately, after watching it for a long time, even among them On the faces of the few youths who were obviously just out of society, all he saw was one... They were telling the truth, at least they thought it was the truth... This is such a desperate message that he cannot accept it at all. .

In any case, George was obviously much more receptive than the black man. He silently followed the crowd to the house, and before he got close, he heard the man's voice. 【First Release】

"Make a list, I'll go to the supermarket to buy it, so I won't be robbed for a while... Damn it, it's all ruined." The man said while looking at the scene in the courtyard while holding a painting.

Behind the man, a woman followed. Both the woman and the man were about 30 years old. The woman chuckled and said, "Can you come back? Your paintings look terrible." She pointed to the painting on the man's hand.

The man picked up the painting and laughed bitterly, shook his head and said, "I can't save it. It looks like I have to paint again. Damn it. It's a lot of effort. draft."

The woman chuckled again: "Otherwise? What else can they do? Can't find someone to replace you?"

The man continued with a wry smile and said, "That's hard to say, do you know? What they are best at is..."

At this moment, Chu Hao and others had also walked out of the woods. On the way, Chu Hao was thinking about the meeting, but didn't want the hero to say hello to them first: "Oh, you guys seem to be miserable too. I encountered this within a few days of moving. I hope you don’t think that the climate here is like this. I haven’t seen such a big storm for many years. The climate here is actually quite good.”

(Neighbor? Just moved here for a few days... Does he know us? Or he thinks he knows us? What is this? Does the Lord God give us an identity in this world?)

Chu Hao reacted very quickly. He immediately smiled and said, "Yes, it's a big storm. Our car broke down. If we want to go to the supermarket to buy something, we don't know what to do. Do you want us to walk? ?"

The protagonist took a look at the people, and he thought about it for a while and said: "My car can't hold many people, but I have a moving truck. If you don't dislike it, you can drive with me to the supermarket."

Chu Hao suddenly showed a surprised expression and said: "Really? That's really thankful, this can solve our big trouble."

It's not just a big trouble, this is a life-saving, but it is also possible that the Lord God cannot arrange the task of absolute death, and it is impossible to let everyone die at the beginning. It must have left some leeway.

But at this moment, George suddenly smiled and said to the male lead: "Hello, can you let me borrow the phone?"

The male lead shrugged his shoulders and said: "I'm afraid it's a pity that the telephone line and wires have been broken, the power has been cut off, and the mobile phone has no signal. It is estimated that the nearby signal towers are damaged. Why not, let's work together. Go to the town, maybe you can make a call there."

George smiled and nodded for a moment, then looked at Chu Hao and others with a slight scrutiny and worry, only to find that they hadn’t done anything else at all. They didn’t even intend to restrict his freedom at all. They just left it alone. , And it was this appearance that made George even more fearful... What should he do if he is worried that all this is true, oh my God, he feels that he is in good spirits, but he actually started to worry that all of this is true...

At this moment, the boy's child suddenly yelled: "Mom and Dad, come and see, hurry!"

The woman immediately yelled: "Billy, calm down, don't run around, be careful of falling." While talking, the little boy had already ran to the couple and ran to some place with the couple.

The couple had no choice but followed their children all the way to the edge of the lake not far away. There was a houseboat built by their family. Now the houseboat has been overwhelmed by a big withered tree and completely damaged.

The woman reluctantly put on the shoulders of the male lead and said: "This is Norton's tree, right? The houseboat is completely destroyed."

The man shook his head helplessly and said, "It's the dead tree that I have been letting him cut down. Now it has finally fallen, but it's a pity that it fell on my houseboat."

The couple looked helpless. At this moment, the child suddenly pointed to the opposite side of the lake and said, "It's foggy there."

The man also saw the opposite side of the lake, which was connected to the high mountains. At this moment, there was a really strong fog. He looked at the fog and said, "Fog, it's foggy."

The wife said with a puzzled look: "Fog on the lake?"

The man said with a very understanding look: "Yes, there have been fogs on the lake before, and it has filled the mountains. It is probably because of the encounter of cold and hot air, the aftereffects of the storm, right?" In fact, even he said this. Not very sure, it seems like this.

"Are you sure?" the wife asked suspiciously.

The man replied with a helpless expression: "How do I know? I'm not a weather expert. Anyway, it's fog."

When the couple were talking, Chu Hao led everyone to follow them, and he could see the mist spreading across the lake. Except for George, the expressions of the others were very complicated, because only they knew what the mist represented. What... This represents the invasion of those terrifying monsters, and it represents the situation they will face next, which is likely to be more terrifying than hell.

The conversation between the couple finally ended. The husband David asked his wife to dress the child and take him to the supermarket to buy things. Then he asked his neighbor that the character in the plot was not good, and he always thought that outsiders were racially discriminatory. The black Norton neighbor walked away, the distance was not far, no more than 20 meters, so everyone did not follow, after all, if there is no excuse, everyone will be confused.

At this time, his wife had taken the child to change clothes, and Chu Hao said to Aoqi: “Try the mental power scan to see what is in the fog, and whether the mental power scan can penetrate the weapon.”

Aoqi nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He closed his eyes, and after a while, he was shocked and said: "No! The mental power scan can't penetrate this mist! I feel... I feel that the usual scan is air. , And the mist is liquid, no, it's thicker than liquid, like mercury. It can be seen and touched, but it can't be penetrated by mental power, and the mental power scan is really shielded!"

Chu Hao showed such an expression as expected. He looked around again, and then sighed: "Then, this time in the world of reincarnation will be a hard battle, and it will be a very terrible hard battle. Everyone should be mentally prepared. Get ready..."

At this moment, the agent George there suddenly stretched his head and said, "This is... the mist?"


Everyone looked at him curiously, George didn't have stage fright, and said directly: "I remember this scene, the conversation between the couple just now, and the mist that filled the lake... Isn't it a movie called The Mist? I've seen it, but here is really..."

"Yes, this is the world of the sci-fi horror disaster movie Misty. You are welcome to join the world of reincarnation, newcomers, welcome..."

"Coming to the horror as dangerous as hell!"

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