Dawn Infinity

Vol 12 Chapter 11: : Shadows of the night

"...To sum up, I think that the creatures that appear in this mist are just a group of insects, or the most insignificant existence. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

"Look carefully at their forms and think about their forms. In fact, most of these forms are common things in reality, such as mosquitoes, spiders, mantises, etc., which are all insects that can be seen in reality. , What kind of aliens, demons, demons, etc., at least in the original movie plot, that is, there is no supernatural power."

Now it is approaching dusk, the nature of the fog is very strange, it is almost invisible to the naked eye, visibility is below one meter, but there is still a faint sunlight through the fog, if this is just the kind of fog in nature, this is naturally impossible. , But if it is a mist that is too condensed from aura, this situation shouldn't be surprising.

The little golden afterglow penetrated the fog and dyed the entire fog into golden yellow. It is now dusk, because it is impossible to leave, and with the protection of future soldiers, the mood of everyone in this supermarket is more stable than in the movie plot. A lot of it, and when dusk approached, everyone who stayed here during the day was basically hungry. Some people took some convenient food to eat in the supermarket, and some people planned to make some simple dinners.

While Chu Hao and the others were discussing, they also ate some convenient food by the way. At this moment, Nian Xikong was full of steam. In fact, this is not steam, but the external manifestation produced by the combination of her true energy and spiritual energy. The people around him were shocked. It was a supernatural phenomenon, and they became more and more convinced of everyone's identity as future fighters.

At this moment, everyone in Chu Hao was eating, and when they were eating, Nian Xikong was steaming all over his body, and then he took out a different fruit from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth, and everyone was speechless. Looking at her with sweat on his forehead, Zhang Heng even directly said: "Nian Xikong...Didn't you say that you are holding back with this spiritual energy because you have eaten too much spiritual fruit or something? Are you still eating now? "

"...Yes, I forgot." Nian Xikong was stunned for a moment, then reluctantly put the fruit back in her arms, and then began to close her eyes and adjust her breath again.

The people around were even more speechless, and at this moment, Aoqi suddenly said, "Speaking of forgetting...Do you think something seems to have been forgotten by us?"

Everyone looked at Aoqi inexplicably, but when he reminded them, everyone seemed to really feel that something was forgotten by them, but when they thought about it carefully, they couldn’t remember what it was, and Chu Hao even more. He frowned and thought about it carefully. He was afraid of what the plot was forgotten, which would lead to very serious consequences. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

"You forgot about me..." A slightly resentful voice rang in everyone's minds. Almost at the same time, everyone immediately looked at the small circle they surrounded, where a jelly-like thing was jumping and resentful. write.

Everyone didn't speak for a while. After a long time, Zhang Heng laughed and said, "I really forgot this mascot...By the way, have you been following us before?"

The rest of the people also felt a little bit of a sudden realization, and the former agent George was the most surprised. His eyes were almost widened, staring at this jelly-like creature, unable to speak, except for the two who could fly before. , And the now clearly real foggy movie world, this unknown creature gave him the same shock.

"...Is it a skill?" Chu Hao suddenly asked.

"If you think about it, it’s not just this horror movie world, it’s the same in I’m a Legend. Although Robert Neve has seen you all the time, he has never expressed surprise or inquiries. This is very abnormal, but if Robert Nefer’s reaction was the same. Not only him, but we also ignored this. This is really abnormal. There is no such thing as a slime in reality. Is it your skill?"

Varro was silent for a moment, and said in everyone's mind: "To be honest, I don't know if it is a skill that slimes are born with, or if I am special, because before the arrow in my knee, I am still a reincarnation team. When I was a member, I redeemed an item. It is probably the only item I didn’t lose until I hit the arrow in my knee. The stone hat, of course, I don’t know if it still exists."

"Stone hat?"

"Stone hat!?"

Chu Hao had a puzzled voice, while Zhang Heng and Tom had a surprised voice. The two loud people looked at each other, and Zhang Heng immediately asked, "Is it the stone hat in Doraemon Doraemon?"

Varro suddenly uttered the sound of meeting his confidant: "That's right, it's the stone hat, hehe, this is a good thing, home travel, murder and arson necessary things, you know I am known as the strongest team. Voyeur!"

"...A gentleman (), right?"

Not to mention Zhang Heng Tom’s envy, jealousy and hatred of Varro, but Chu Hao had some plans in his mind after listening to their narration of the specific functions of the stone hat.

The stone hat is a very expensive exchange item. The storyline alone requires two a-levels. According to Varro, this is a causal creation. It belongs to the most expensive and rarest category exchanged by the Lord God. The effect is unprecedented. Once wearing this hat, although everyone will still see you, they will subconsciously not notice you when they see you. I don't even pay attention to it in my consciousness. I subconsciously ignore you as a stone on the side of the road.

This stone hat is not invisible. Invisible can be scanned by mental power scanning unless it is mental power shielding. However, once mental power shielding appears in the full range of mental power scanning, then tell others that there is something here. The same, so stealth is actually not easy to use in the face of mental power scanning, but the stone hat is not like this, that is, even if the mental power is scanned, it will only be subconsciously ignored.

Of course, this is not to say that the Stone Hat is invincible, it is just to make others subconsciously not pay attention to you, or to have a thought of ignoring you, but when you have great attention or threat to the creature , This kind of neglect will no longer exist. If you still use the stone on the side of the building as a metaphor, a very small stone far away from you, of course you have neglected it, but if the stone runs to your feet, even When you are still going to confuse you, then you will definitely kick or go around. If the stone is not only at your feet, but also chasing you while talking loudly, then it is not a question of inattention. , But your whole mind will be concentrated on this stone.

So, this is a double-edged sword. When you are not paying attention to you, you are indeed a roadside stone, but if you make some actions yourself, such as running to kill, attack, or other similar actions, then you will be Being reversed because of this characteristic, it is time to focus all attention on him.

Chu Hao has already figured it out. The role of the Stone Cap is not to assassinate or attack. Varro also said just now that he was the strongest **** in his previous reincarnation team. There is actually nothing wrong with this term, as long as you use it correctly. Locally, under special circumstances, Varo’s role is even stronger than that of a mental power controller, and not only that, if it is a stone hat with a man, unless the main **** issues a mission that must be combated, or the situation cannot be avoided, then the Samsara Squad Security will instantly increase more than ten times.

It's just too expensive...

In any case, he discovered another new use of Varro in addition to his knowledge of the world of reincarnation. This made Chu Hao very satisfied. For example, Varro was an excellent scout in this misty world, and he Do the same...

"...Chu Hao, it’s okay to go on reconnaissance. Although I became a slime, I was also a member of the Samsara team before the arrow was hit in my knee. Therefore, I will not violate your orders. The analysis results of the wise men in the team. The most important is the command of the captain. This is an iron law, but...is this really good?"

Varro’s tone was rare and serious and said: "I know what you think, but I want to score as much as possible in the world of this horror movie. In such a situation, my previous reincarnation team has also encountered it. It is a high risk. High rewards, this is understandable... But since I am already in this team, even though I am not a member of this team, I have to say something, really... is it appropriate?"

Chu Hao was stunned by the question, and subconsciously said: "Appropriate? What is appropriate and inappropriate? What do you mean?"

"The degree of danger..." Varro said with an inexplicable chill in his voice: "I think you have heard the meaning of aura, right? Although in the multiverse, plane aura is logically conserved, but with As time passes, the total amount of aura is constantly decreasing. This is why many novels, movies, games, etc. mentioned that there are good things at the beginning of the world, and the fog outside is extremely dense. , Almost almost condensed into spiritual fluid, this is the spiritual fluid in the natural state~www.wuxiaspot.com~The only place in the entire multiverse that may exist in such a state...Let’s not say what this place is, you can I know, why are there places where the spiritual energy can show this degree of condensation since the universe was opened up to these billions of trillions of trillions of years?"

Chu Hao thought for a while, and shook his head directly: "I don't know, there is too little information to infer, you can just tell me why."

"Because... looting..."

"To completely dissolve and destroy everything in a plane, destroy the earth, wind, water and fire of this plane, leading to the collapse of the base coefficient, and then absorb everything in this plane from this collapse, one plane after another, ten Ten planes and ten planes...In this way, the only place where everything on these destroyed planes is concentrated is the reason for the formation of such a concentrated aura..."

"So, do you think that the current Arctician team can fight against such forces!?"

Just as Chu Hao got this information from Varro, in the depths of the mist, several humanoid creatures standing upright were walking in the mist. Behind them, various large insects in the same place, and various This kind of tentacled monsters are so dense...

This is... a human being! ?

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