Dawn Infinity

Vol 12 Chapter 15: : Heavenly Court... the grandeur is king...

"It's a wonderful world...Is it. (Starter

On the **** of a small hill, here is a thick lawn. At this moment, the entire lawn is filled with fog. In fact, more and more intense fog is pouring down from the mountain. In many places, the fog is too condensed and turns into liquid. The upper part seemed to flow down slowly like Koizumi that had just appeared, and the lawn where Koizumi flowed over began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming denser and stronger, and even less like that. grass……

On this lawn, there are five men and women, all of whom are about fifteen or six years old. Except for one white-skinned girl, the other four are all yellow-skinned men and women. The white-skinned girl looks cautious and is giving the rest. Four people prepare food.

"Since the 18,000-year censorship took place, this is the seventh external plane that has been proven. It is really good. The first five places are sinister places. Even our heavenly organization is not willing to provoke it easily. Yes, the eyes of the wild sea, the turbulence of time and space, and the **** are terribly vicious... It's not bad here, and we have vented so much'aura', it's really good, at least the chance of'that' appearing will be reduced again. Right." One of the four yellow-skinned men and women said in a voice.

Everyone else basically nodded in agreement. One of the men with a hippy head burned his head and said in discomfort, “But it’s very uncomfortable. The progress of civilization in this world is indeed yeah... That set is really disgusting. Isn’t it so popular for those researched outdated bloodlines? The history of yellow skin has been suppressed for thousands of years, and the historical process that has been produced is also Exodus, Trinity, shit..."

"Shut up! Lee! Maintain the minimum respect for the saint! That is the master, that is the ancestor, that is the forerunner of Tao, no matter good or evil, the minimum respect is a must! You talk nonsense like this again, what I don’t know when I die!"

The leader is a calm young man. He has a strong physique and looks like he is twenty-five or sixteen years old. However, if you look closely, it is that his appearance is very old, and his actual age is estimated to be not much different from the others.

The calm young man continued to say in a low voice: "That one, but the pioneer of the same era as the founder of the Shangqing Academy, is an ancestor with a long history and human history, and his virtue is not bad. Regardless of whether you admit it or not, with the white-skin qualifications, you have reached the same level as our yellow-skin pioneers. This is a great achievement in itself, plus his countless lives have saved the white-skinned civilization. This is the great virtue. , Such a person of great merit and great virtue, honoring you a word of sacredness, this is not a loss to you, so I remember, and respect the strong in the future!"

The hippie man seemed a little dissatisfied, but it was obvious that this calm young man could control him, so after a few murmurs, he still said: "What the saint did is a little bit of a villain, taking advantage of the aftermath. In the Great Close, he changed the historical process of various standard planes everywhere. Did he think he was a "Beacon of the Way", but he had already returned. Although the saint’s approach is good, he doesn’t want it. Forget it,'Road Mark' is the leader of our yellow skin department. (First issue

When the two men were talking, the head of the white-skinned girl next to him was even more gloomy, her face seemed gloomy, and there was some mist in her eyes. At this moment, the only woman among the four yellow-skinned women suddenly said, "Look. What you said, actually I don’t think skin color is anything! How many years have it been? Even if they are the product of experiments by the tens of thousands of races, even if we persecuted them so cruelly in the early days, but how many years have they been? The blood of each other has already blended, I knew that Taiqing College had a super genius who graduated at the age of eighteen with a white skin. The Yujing Fengyun Times published his cover. It is said that it is the most likely to impact the saint in a hundred years. The existence of them, they are also us humans!"

The hippie man murmured again, while the other three yellow-skinned men and women nodded, and the tears of the white-skinned girl suddenly came out, but she wiped them off immediately, and then smiled and said to the others: " Eat, I found a lot of ingredients, it should be delicious."

"Let's eat, I found a lot of ingredients, it should be delicious..."

At the same time, in a huge plane far away from the misty world, a young man in modern casual clothes sighed, and said to the classical Hanfu palace-dressed beauty who was crazy playing online games.

The beautiful girl in Hanfu palace dress nodded without looking back. It was not until a long time later that she came to the table in frustration, picked up the dishes, and said: "It's so difficult, this game is so difficult, pk Technology is completely above equipment. Don’t these **** designers know that equipment is also part of their strength!? I’m mad at me, no, I must win back after eating!"

The casual-wear man sighed again: "Wa...you said that you came to the food world to recuperate, and you ate, and the Eight Kings also ate. You are actually hooked on online games again. Haven't you played enough before? "

"How could it be possible to play enough! I slept for so long and only woke up in the last few years. I haven't even had time to return to the prehistoric land. It's not easy to wake up. I definitely want to see the development of this multiverse. Do you collect information?" The woman replied as a matter of course.

The young man was holding his head helplessly, and at this moment, the woman suddenly said: "In fact, brother, I have one thing that I am puzzled...because I only wake up, so many things are still unclear, and you should have been awake for a long time. , I didn’t even fall asleep because of the return, so brother, I’m really curious...Why didn’t you return to the prehistoric? Those villains who stole your power, why did you go back to the throne? It happened even 18,000 years ago. After that, you have been silent forever, but you are...'Road Mark'!"

"'Road sign'?" The young man rubbed his nose and showed a dumbfounded expression. He was about to divert the topic, but he found the woman's serious expression. He involuntarily sighed again, and then he revealed it. Come with a serious expression.

"So Wa... what do you think is the current prehistoric state?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, and pointed her forehead a few times with a finger upright, and said: "When we left, the predicament was already full of smoke. I still remember clearly that I was forced to live in the radiation zone at that time in order to harvest several specialties of the radiation zone. As for the white-skinned humans covered in tumors, I still remember the young girls of the ten thousand races who were trafficked in the downtown area. I still remember the bull-head and horse-mian tribes who were kind to our human beings were raised for courage, and even killed the butcher’s workshop that took the meat...I think, There should be people who don’t live there. The upper class has been immortal. If the lower class people are dissatisfied, thunder will come down. The second, third, and n-generation official and rich are rampant. I am afraid that it is even more terrifying than the most unimaginable hell, right? It's hard for me to understand, brother, you are the emperor... why don't you go back and set things right?"

The young man took a glass of drink on the table and took a sip. He then slowly said, "This is the early stage... The same situation will occur in any regime from the initial seizure of power to the stage of stabilization of power, and humans seize it from the hands of the ten thousand races. After we left, the high-level survivors got these powers again. Naturally, this might be the case, maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years, or even thousands of years, but..."

"Since we left, hundreds of millions of years have passed. The prehistoric resources are endless. Coupled with the greater resources obtained from invading and destroying the plane, there is an eternal and immortal group of saints standing high. There is no need to fear that mere mortals will follow In rebellion by force, there are countless tribes left as slaves, vassals, women and **** do not have to oppress their own people, so... I have returned to the prehistoric, do you know what I saw?"

The woman was already listening, she immediately asked: "What do you see?"

"Grand and majestic... Kingly..."

The young man took another sip of his drink, and he continued: "I have seen the history of the development of the primordial continent. Since we left, in the first thousand years, human beings can really describe the lack of life of the people, and the oppression has become worse, whether it is internally or externally. Several big groups compete for power and gain, war with each other, and countless lands have been destroyed. There are billions and billions of trillions of dead human beings. There are also white-skinned people who are holding up the banner of uprising. The oppression led to the counter-current of the fortunes of the predecessors and the more than a dozen predecessor heroes. At that time, it was really the most dangerous moment in the human history..."

"At this time, after thousands of years of battle, several major power groups have truly merged together, and each other's power has a clear positioning, and it is no longer limited to the situation of people trying to dominate one person, and thus established the present-day great famine. The regime, named Heavenly Court, began its rule until now..."

The young man laughed and said: "It's a really good government, even I have to admit it. First of all, what I just said is that the land and resources are so big that mankind has no worries about land and various resources, plus the invasion of planes. In just a few hundred years, the ice phoenix had to lead the remnants of the ten thousand races out of the predicament. At the same time, the highly developed cultivation and the industrialization, systematization, and popularization of magic have brought about a revolution in the level of productivity. , Dao Yun orbit, space gate tourist attractions, magic net 3.0 operating system, the first phase, the second phase, the third phase of the soul homeland construction...the nth phase of the project, where human beings have been born since birth Don’t worry about food and clothes, and because the resources are almost limitless, you don’t have to oppress the mortals at all. If you want to be rice bugs, you can enjoy big things from a young age. To be powerful, any cultivation technique, any magic spell, and even the more convenient magic net, Dao Luo, are all placed in front of you. If you want to explore the endless and wonders of the multiverse, then the heavenly army will welcome you very much. Invasion There will be so many planes that these people dare not imagine. Even if you want to be holy, you don’t have to worry about going for it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as long as you have the ability to achieve it before you die..."

"As for history, when all of this is achieved, any black history, whether of all races, humans, or even the heaven itself, can be thrown out without any worries. You can see anything you want, even if there is one Common people, ordinary people, can know the ancestors, ice phoenix, hell, the eyes of the prehistoric sea, the turbulence of time and space... you can even know me as a beacon, and you can even choose your beliefs. , You can sympathize with the ten thousand races, you can sympathize with the natives of the invaded plane, and you can run to the gate of the heavenly government to curse the government, it doesn’t matter..."

"Aloft, like a god, who ignores all things, whether you are good or bad, whether you are upright, or whether you are rebellious, they are all so grandiose, and just like the name of this regime...Heavenly Court, this..."

"It's the prevalence of today!"

After the young man said all this, he looked at the woman who was already shocked beyond words, and then he laughed and said: "Understood? Why don't I go back to Honghuang, and even Sanqing didn't even go back to their respective colleges. Eight thousand years ago, the entire prehistoric land was sealed off with the four-image, five-element and gossip array. Do you know why?"

"Time... hasn't arrived yet."

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