Dawn Infinity

Vol 12 Chapter 17: :abnormal

Chu Hao sleeps superficially. This is a habit he has developed long ago. He sleeps like this when there are situations, when there are wars, or in any situation that requires his attention. 【First Release】

Today is the first night when everyone came to the world of foggy movies. Although the current situation is much better than in the movie plot due to the intervention of everyone, everyone in the supermarket is not too worried, at least the whole social order is still well. Order, and it is this order that avoids many errors in the original plot.

For example, at night, the indoor lights are turned on. Is this not conspicuous enough? This kind of conspicuousness is fatal. In the darkness of night, both insects and higher animals have a natural phototaxis. If it is the ordinary real world, it will be fine, but when it comes to the invading creatures of the unknown plane, it is a little bit Small mistakes can be fatal.

At this moment, under Chu Hao’s flicker and two consecutive proofs, the people in the entire supermarket really believe that they are all soldiers returning from the future, to protect the army of future human leaders, just like what they have seen. The plot of a well-known movie Terminator is just because of the plot of the movie. Although it is only a movie, it does not make people feel too abrupt. It also gives them room for imagination and makes it easier to accept.

Because of this, these people began to follow Chu Hao’s arrangement. Whether it was being divided into three groups by Chu Hao, food distribution, and their respective resting areas, these people did not complain. Of course, Chu Hao wanted to prove himself. The flicker plots mentioned above are naturally the best treatment for the male protagonist's family, and they are especially arranged in the rest area of ​​Chu Hao and others to play a protective role at any time.

In fact, Chu Hao suspected that the male protagonist's family must be regarded as a side story, as long as they protect them to the end, there may not be many reward points and side story, but this is at least income.

And the family of the male protagonist who was treated so specially, whether it was the protagonist themselves or the crowd in the supermarket, they did not feel that there was anything wrong with such treatment. On the contrary, no matter it was anyone, facing the family of the protagonist and the crowd in the supermarket. When Chu Hao described the child as the savior of the world, everyone behaved like respect and even brought a sense of reverence.

Perhaps it is difficult for non-European and American whites to understand this emotion. In contrast, whites have more adventurous and heroic spirit. The culture there even advocates and praises heroism, whether it is This is true for history, mythology, humanities, and even education. In the worldview of white Europeans, heroes and saviors do exist, but few, and most people have not encountered them. When they really meet, they will fight with them. It is the greatest ideal in life, and there are many people who have made it to the stage of history through the title of hero and savior. The most famous is the man who provoked the Second World War...

At this moment, the world has changed and the monsters are rampant. If you don’t know that the fog in the plot will definitely dissipate, I am afraid that even Chu Hao and others will think that the world has reached the end, let alone these ordinary people who don’t know the plot, they have almost all the confidence now. They were all concentrated on Chu Hao's team, and even if Chu Hao and the others failed to close the mist, wouldn't there be future human leaders? As long as he follows him and grows with him, maybe he will leave his name in history. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

Even the male protagonist and his wife whispered to each other whether to start training the male protagonist’s son, teach him how to shoot, fight, hide, and lead the army, just like the male protagonist’s mother in the Terminator did. …

Not to mention the performance of these sentient beings, Chu Hao had already warned everyone in the supermarket just at dusk that one must not use lights, and two must be silent. If he speaks as a future soldier, it will be long ago. People in the supermarket regarded it as a life-and-death experience. Naturally, it is impossible for no one to observe it at this time, but Chu Hao awakened in the middle of the night. At the same time, Nian Xikong and Zhang Heng were the other people who had awakened. Tom also regained consciousness.

"It feels... something is wrong, Captain." Zhang Heng said first.

"Well, I also felt a kind of palpitations, as if something was coming." Chu Hao nodded and said.

Nian Xikong did not speak, but opened her eyes and looked around for something. After a long time, she closed her eyes again as if she was tasting something. Then she said, "It's not right..."

"Nonsense..." Zhang Heng couldn't help but want to refute, but the current situation is really weird, so he stopped after only saying this, and looked around like Nian Xikong.

Not only them, but even Chu Hao looked around like this, because this situation is too weird, a kind of heart palpitations spreading strangely, and the unspeakable feeling is neither like a dangerous premonition nor a sixth sense. What, if you really want to describe it, it would be better than a sensual call, as if there is some kind of power calling the three of them.

However, this feeling came and went quickly. Soon, the feeling of palpitations disappeared, but it did not make the three people feel relieved. If something abnormal happened, it was a demon. Such palpitations were not in the original plot. Any mention of things happening outside of the plot often means that danger and real enemies have appeared.

And just when Zhang Heng and Zhang Heng were uncertain and Chu Hao was thinking, the others also came to life, but obviously, they didn't seem to feel this kind of palpitations. Only one voice was transmitted through the chain of mind. In everyone's mind...

"Honghuang Ten Thousand Beast Array... This is, an incomplete bloodline summoning."

"The Great Wild Beast Formation? What is this?"

The one who made the sound and the least presence was of course Varo, and when he said the prehistoric beast formation, Chu Hao and others naturally began to inquire.

A ball of jelly-like Varro jumped, making a sound in everyone’s mind: "The so-called formation, this does not require me to explain, there must be sword formations in Nian Xikong’s inheritance, and you can remember what you see. The magic formations or magic formations in the movie novels I've ever used, in short, the various formations have different effects, each has a magical effect, and there is nothing strong or weak. Of course, this is just a normal situation..."

"As far as I know, there are indeed ten formations that surpass all big formations. These ten big formations can use the smallest output power to get the greatest effect. Mystery, as far as I know, even if it is the only special plane, there is no hidden mystery knowledge of the ten major formations. At most there are some epidermal knowledge extensions, such as similar to the abbreviated version, but it is always with these ten. The traces of the big formation are also terrifying."

Chu Hao and the others also knew that Varro knew much more than them. The Samsara squad that Varro belonged to at the time had no idea what level of Samsara squad it was. It would not be surprising to know these things. Even if Varro was not caught Curse, maybe it is even possible that the Samsara squad is the first in strength now, and there is no doubt about what he said.

"Don’t mention the ten big formations, it’s too far away from you, just now I think you guys seem to feel the sensation of the call in the blood? It’s very much like the ten big formations I know. The effect of the Ten Thousand Beast Array."

"This is a summoning-based formation. As long as you know the basic composition of the bloodline of the creature you want to summon, that is, the so-called heels in those fairy-xia novels, then you can rely on the formation to summon its projection."

When talking about this, Chu Hao immediately asked: "How strong is this projection? If it summons some legendary mythical creature, is it calculated based on the power ratio of this legendary mythical creature?"

Varro suddenly laughed a little and said: "How is this possible? I think you who have realized the existence of the multiverse should know that there are many super-magic and super-magic, and even creatures that exist in the gap. Many of them have great powers, and even There are even more ancient and far-flung tribes, and even Hongmeng creatures that have disappeared in the long river of time. All of them have great power, just like the monsters and beasts in our myths and legends, even more terrifying, and even more difficult to imagine. Possibly, if they really summon their projections, even a thousand and ten thousand powers are terrifyingly unbelievable, so this is simply impossible. The so-called projection is just based on the owner who uses this array to determine the upper limit of its projection energy. , It’s almost 50 to 70% of the users, and at most 80% can’t afford it. It is definitely impossible to truly possess the power of projecting biological ontology."

"But I think you should also know one thing, that is, the actual strength of combat power is not only determined by the strength itself, but also by the method of using the strength and the user itself. The reason for the ten major formations. Although the upper limit of the summoned projection power is subject to its own strength, there are many fighting skills, secrets, skills, bloodlines, etc., but they are not restricted. This is the power of the prehistoric beast formation. , If it is used by people who know the most complete formation, and also know that the roots and feet of a large number of extinct creatures, they can even use more than one hundred times their own combat power, because of this, this formation can become one of the top ten formations. "

When talking about this, Chu Hao and others' expressions changed drastically, and when Chu Hao had some other thoughts in his heart, Varro suddenly said: "Of course, hey, listen to me, don’t be so fast. Despair... The first thing I want to say is that these ten major formations were basically passed down from unknown years ago. Basically, they have been lost. Come to the big formation, let’s put it this way, knowing the real core of these ten big formations, is it not the earth-shattering mythological characters. If you really want to be disadvantageous to us, why set up such a formation? It is no longer the so-called sledgehammer. It’s not an anti-aircraft gun that hits mosquitoes. It’s a solar system bomb to blow up a germ. It’s impossible at all. The other party might kill us by blowing our breath, and we also feel the call of blood. , I don’t lie to you, this formation, and it’s a complete prehistoric beast formation, I’ve really felt it, unless the strength is very strong, at least close to the people in the formation, otherwise I can’t feel the call of blood. Yes, I can say with certainty that this array is not complete, or even if it is very severely mutilated."

Chu Hao sighed at this moment and said, "In other words, this formation is not complete, and this can infer that the strength of the people who set up the formation is not strong, and it can make us all feel the call of this bloodline. The strength of the people in the formation may not be much different from the three of us. This situation is very clear..."

"Sure enough, this plane is connected to that special plane... This is the biggest bad news, and the only good news is..."

"Our temporary opponents are not strong, and they have already stunned and exposed their own existence, and they still don't know anything about us. Under such circumstances..."

Chu Hao seriously said to everyone: "I have a layout that needs everyone's cooperation. As long as the layout is successful, then we can definitely eliminate the enemy easily, as long as the layout is successful..."

Yes, if you succeed...

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