Dawn Infinity

Vol 12 Chapter 31: : Preparation before the war

Everyone like Chu Hao and others got a comfortable room. Because Chu Hao said before, everyone here is a mutant with abilities, so no one is wondering why there is something like Bilis in the team. So no matter how you look at it, ordinary people who are not soldiers, after all, the emergence of mutants doesn't matter whether you are ordinary people or soldiers, the odds are the same. (Starting)

In this base, Chu Hao and others were given the opportunity to rest, take a bath, food, and sleep. Except for being taken away by some scientists for testing and research, the others were treated very well, at least no one regarded them as The enemy or the suspect.

"Nonsense, but we handed it all over. If they have any questions, they will definitely find out if it is true." Oki slightly said in the chain of mind with dissatisfaction.

Chu Hao still looked unsmiling. He reminded in his heart: "Don't laugh, don't show extra expressions. In fact, they are also observing us, and they are also discussing the next situation. Now we just need to wait. Up."

George Maris was soaking in the bathtub at the moment, and he said with a complicated expression: "But is this all you need? We need to know that our request is for them to send a large number of troops, even the coalition forces of various countries into the fog area. To fight an unknown enemy, is this a use? There are also these ten nuclear missiles..."

"Not used."

Chu Hao silently lowered his head and said, "We can only say that our strength is too weak. We can't save the world by us alone. We must have the help of the world's strength, so...try to become stronger and become Be stronger, become able to protect your most important things, become able to assume all responsibilities, become... let you do everything without regrets."

The words were heavy. Everyone in the team was silent. After a long time, Zhang Heng said: "It's no wonder you are the situation now. You don't need a nuclear bomb to make them suffer, even if we prove that we are future fighters. It will also delay the assembly of many geniuses. The hesitation and interests of politicians prevent them from uniting. And we just lack time. Your Chu killing method... I can see clearly. This time, I really can’t blame you. The only thing to blame is that we are not strong enough to make you a perfect game, that's why this is the case. Please, forgive us!"

The others did not speak after hearing the words, but Bilis was very strangely anxious. She quickly said: "Yes, it is because we are useless, so you will be the captain to carry all this. You are not for the sake of You did this by yourself. You are also for this plane. Why do you have to be blamed by your conscience? Even we have to blame you. I support you, Captain, and I support you too!"

Everyone was still a little silent, and after another moment, Ao Qicai said, "Yes, it is us who should be blamed, all of us, not you alone, Chu Hao, Captain... You have since known you, You’ve always been like this, you’ve never changed, it’s never you who has changed, it’s us, our mentality has changed, perhaps, we are really too weak and we need to continue to grow stronger. Otherwise, things like this will always happen again and again. Be stronger, let us be together!"

Chu Hao still lowered his head silently, closing his eyes, just like this, as if sleeping in a bathtub...

At the same time, among the ten national dignitaries whose capitals were bombed by nuclear bombs, there was already a lot of quarrel about counterattacks, about coalition forces, and about future fighters, especially Chu Hao asked the staff of the base in the United States to conduct tests. The inspections also made the rest of the nine countries aggrieved. Fortunately, Chu Hao left a word, saying that in the future, human beings are already dying, so he hopes to hand over the research data to all the countries that have been attacked by nuclear bombs. This matter is only slightly. Let it go, but now the United States is still wrangling with the other nine countries. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

"...From the chip, from the metal, from the energy operating system, the artificial intelligence system, and the engineering mechanics, as well as the active skin technology before... Indeed, the technology is 20 or 30 years advanced than we are now, although it is still not up to Until the time that Chu Hao said, but according to the future human situation, a large number of scientists will die, science and technology will appear to be faulted, and they must hide between life and death. This kind of scientific and technological progress is still credible, so all of our personnel are undergoing testing. After discussion, it was confirmed...this robot is indeed a product of future technology, and it cannot be made by modern technology."

This is the conclusion obtained after the test of the most advanced talents mobilized by the United States in a short period of time. After the test data was obtained in the other nine countries, their relevant personnel also came to the same conclusion. As a result, regarding the future The soldiers' doubts have basically disappeared, and the only thing left is the issue of the global coalition of ten nations.

Sending an army involves all aspects, such as funds, such as the domestic situation after the army is mobilized, public opinion, logistics, political situation, and so on. This basically involves the coalition forces of the ten strongest countries in the world, and the complicated relationships are involved. I really can't say enough, and Chu Hao has already explained to everyone about the dangers after entering the fog area, whether it is the mutant creatures inside or the attack by the invaders of the fog world, the personnel losses must be quite heavy.

Of course, it is not without benefits. First of all, the capitals of ten countries have been wiped out. The directly related death population has exceeded 30 million, not to mention the nuclear radiation left over from the nuclear bomb, and the subsequent society caused by it. Violence issues, etc., it can be said that this alone is already a problem that these countries have to face. If a problem is not good, it is light to step down directly. Then in order to divert the public’s attention, they must take the truth of the nuclear bomb. The enemy will be found out and completely erased. If there is no one, then one must be found, but fortunately, there is indeed an enemy now, and it is also the enemy of all mankind, the human being in the world of mist!

This is one of the reasons why they have to send troops. Secondly, the fog world seems to be full of things that these leaders are looking forward to, such as the so-called cultivation techniques, even if the passage disappears, the fog that has entered this world will remain. In this world, those active energies will continue to affect the earth for hundreds of years or even longer, even if it does not reach the level of the misty world, but sooner or later mutants and people who can practice will appear, then get the practice method, or It is also good to seize a mineral called Lingshi that Chu Hao said, which is a condensate of active energy.

There are also resources such as minerals, plants, and organisms unique to the Misty World. It can be said that after Chu Hao described the application of humans in the future, the leaders of these countries are full of interest. Let alone other things, just One of them greatly increased their lifespan, and it was enough for them to start a war.

Because of this, the enthusiasm of these ten countries for entering the misty area is actually much higher than expected. As the host, the United States first opened 80% of the military quota, and this was naturally affected by the other nine countries. It was denied, especially for country Z. The country with the largest number of deaths in this nuclear bomb attack had to open its mouth to 50% of the army. It also put forward the statement that the army of country Z is the strongest, especially the spirit of not afraid of sacrifice under this short-range vision. Yunyun, and then Germany is more realistic, and also proposed to have 40% of the army, and once again confirmed the rigorous, brave, and the attitude of the German soldiers to move forward courageously in the face of unknown enemies...

In short, the highest meeting that can be said to determine the world situation is almost like a vegetable market. In fact, not only the ten countries that have been bombed want to send troops, but India and North Korea also want to send troops~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Their slogan is to fight for all mankind. By the way, I have to mention Japan. After the capital was bombed, it was already an angry Japan, but they had to declare on the spot that the Japanese army will be Hemei* * Teams merge, that is, Japan’s harvest is from the United States, and the United States’ harvest is from the United States...

Under such circumstances, the time passed every second, and before the military quotas were negotiated, the other nine countries had already sent their troops out. Anyway, the discussion was only about the military quotas that entered the fog area and the military quotas that arrived. Maybe it’s because the United States took care of the guilt of nine countries being hit by its own country’s nuclear bombs, and generously allowed each country to send up to 50,000 people into the country’s designated areas, so these nine countries have already begun to send troops. As for Is it 50,000 people... This really won't be clear until we get to the place...

Anyway, what Chu Hao said, the time for the massive invasion of the Mist World Army will not start until thirty-six hours later. These thirty-six hours are enough for them to make a fuss, not for nothing, none of the politicians of these big countries are not. Rogue, as long as it is beneficial to their own country, no one will frown when murdering and arson...

So, the wrangling continued...

So, in the mist, a group of people stood in their respective positions and yawned. Even the calm young man who planned everything and asked everyone to lay out a prehistoric array of beasts, he became bored...

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