Dawn Infinity

Vol 12 Chapter 42: : Forward, forward, forward!

Behemoth! The real behemoth!

Just like in the catastrophic science fiction films performed by humans, it is even more exaggerated than that. You must know that in these giant beast movies made by humans, the height of the giant orangutan King Kong is only about ten meters tall, and the bigger ones, such as the dwarf Luo Jili's giant Tyrannosaurus was only a dozen meters tall. (Starting)

Of course, this is not an exaggeration. Movies can always be very exaggerated. This is undeniable. For example, the original version of Godzilla, a fantasy monster, was initially less than 50 meters away, but in the movie The performance and settings are slowly changing. In a recent Godzilla movie, the height is more than 100 meters, and the length is more than 200 meters. In the movie, it is already an unmatched behemoth, even modern. The army and even the warships can't do anything about it. It can be said that it is the existence that determines the strategic outcome.

For example, in the previous very hot Pacific Rim movies, the monsters in them were generally around 70 or 80 meters in size. Until the fourth phase of the monster appeared in the later period, and even the ultimate fifth phase of the monster, it was only more than 100 meters close. It is only two hundred meters, and dozens of monsters of this size can make the whole world tremble, almost collapse human society, and almost end human civilization.

So don’t really think that seventy or eighty meters is nothing. Compared to human buildings, seventy or eighty meters may not be much, but compared to living things, the average of seventy or eighty meters is about 1.6 meters for humans. In terms of height, this is the same qualitative gap. Human weapons, except nuclear weapons, are actually designed for the same kind. Even high-power and high-blasting non-nuclear missiles have their ultimate goal. Designed for humans themselves and for the civil war between humans, and for the seven or eighty-meter monsters that can move, attack, and hide, unless it is a map-cannon bombing with nuclear weapons, it is really not enough. Look at such a monster.

When such a behemoth appears on the battlefield in plural form, the shock, the unmatched, the kind that you can’t hurt it even if you use heavy weapons, even if you use anti-tank guns, or the rear All kinds of heavy artillery bombardment were nothing but pain for these giant beasts, and that kind of despair was really hard to describe in words.

Because multiple military teams are currently united together, even if the information is blocked by the fog, the encounter ahead is transmitted to the command level of the military of each country at the fastest speed, and when facing such a behemoth, each The command level of the country has actually made almost the same decision...destined to the death, never retreat even one step!

This is when the command levels of several countries did not meet and communicate with each other, the orders issued by the highest command of each country alone really thought of the same place, and they all made the most correct decision they thought. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

At this moment, the coalition forces are very close to the plane connection point, and when they encounter giant beasts here, any commander can imagine the mission of these giant beasts, which is the last defensive force that exists to guard the plane connection point. At this moment, the final time is about to end, and the plane connection point is already in front of you. It can be said that victory or defeat is at this moment. If it collapses and retreats at this time, the army itself will become afraid of the behemoth. Relying on orders to rush up to fight forcibly, it is estimated that they are still helpless with these behemoths, and in this way, time will inevitably be consumed. Under various factors and circumstances, these high-level commanders do not know the reaction of other countries’ troops. Before, I had already made the decision to go up even if the army was completely destroyed.

When Chu Hao and others got the news, the battle at the forefront had been going on for several minutes. The two countries that first came into contact with the giant beasts had killed and injured more than a quarter of their armies, and they attacked them. Of the three giant beasts, none of them were killed. They were attacking and raging in their array, looking like they were about to be wiped out.

In the US military headquarters, after receiving the news, the whole clamor and discussions almost stopped. Everyone was a little dazed. Suddenly, Chu Hao said, "Me and the members of my team, we can deal with it. These giant beasts, as long as we act, then these three giant beasts will definitely be wiped out."

At the moment, some younger staff officers showed excitement, but more officers looked heavy.

Among them, the commander who issued the forced marching order asked: "What price do you have to pay to eliminate these three behemoths? What impact will it have on the combat effectiveness of your squad? Will it expose the existence of your squad?"

Chu Hao directly replied: "After eliminating these three behemoths, my team may suffer casualties. This is for sure. Although it is not the level of injury, but at least within a few hours, our combat effectiveness will be improved. A drop of more than 30% is the minimum estimate, and then our presence will definitely be exposed immediately, and the opponent’s personnel will immediately adjust the battle sequence, taking the presence of our team as the first consideration. At the same time, we don’t know whether the opponent has only this. Three giants..."


The old general sighed deeply. He looked at his staff from left to right, and several staff officers expressed their thoughts, to the effect that he hoped that Chu Hao's team would be patient for the time being and would not immediately launch an attack to expose themselves. Yunyun, and the general remained silent. Until the command vehicle could clearly feel the ground shaking, the general sighed deeply and said: "I order...United States of America Mist Special Operations Army, first, second, third. , The Fourth Land Mechanic moved forward quickly, deployed defenses after entering the battlefield position, and participated in the battle against the giant beasts... Follow-up artillery missile units were launched at the same time to carry out coverage bombardment within 300 meters behind the giant beast battlefield in front of them. After the precise coordinates report, the monster will be attacked with a precise ground-to-surface missile. I order to execute the wartime military method. With the third division as the line, any human soldiers who retreat and escape to the third division will be executed in wartime deserter shooting! The above orders will be issued to the army immediately."

"I ordered the Fifth Land Mechanic to accompany the Special Operations Group and the Future Soldier Squad to bypass the main battlefield in a curved march, start timing now, and set off in ten minutes. General Chu Hao will take the command and make decisions on his behalf. Be sure to "Greetings" Li' (Strategic Hydrogen Bomb) was delivered to our friends, and the above orders were executed."

Having said this, the elderly general stood up and saluted Chu Hao: "Then...the heroes of the future warriors, don’t pass this. I hope God bless you, and I hope you can triumph, and finally... can fight side by side with you, yes. The greatest honour of our generation, I hope that the future that you have said will come to an end, General. It is better not to happen to such a tragic future."

Chu Hao stood up silently, and at the same time gave a polite: "In order to prevent the foreseeable future, isn't this the reason we arrived? Whether it is our sacrifice or your sacrifice, it is all for this... rest assured Well, our lives have already been ignored. No matter what happens, we will definitely complete this task. Otherwise, our team will die, and it will be the last word... Your sacrifice and passion, I have actually seen and felt it Come, please believe firmly, the triumphant song of victory will be played! We...go."

After speaking, Chu Hao turned and walked towards the command vehicle, and the group of officers who gave the order began to run towards the location of the strategic hydrogen bomb, while the many officers in the command vehicle looked calmly and respectfully. When Chu Hao leaves, they all know that their next battle will be very difficult. Maybe they will all die, but it is only possible. If they are to be served to Chu Hao's team that dumped into the connection point of the plane, they will die, so Compared with them, Chu Hao and the others are the real heroes!

More than ten seconds later, when Chu Hao had disappeared from everyone’s sight, the elderly general said loudly: "The whole army is moving forward! Including us, all personnel who can pick up weapons are nothing more than military rank and age, nothing more than military rank and age. Status and service, I order, fully armed! Forward, forward, forward! I don’t want to see any deserters, I only want to see heroes sacrificed for the future and for humanity. If the striker is dead, UU看书www. Uukanshu.com, the long-range force will go up to me! If the long-range force is dead, you will go up with me! Go forward!"

In fact, this scene not only appeared here, the previous orders were not counted. When the decision of the elderly general was quickly communicated to the top commanders of the other countries, after they knew what the Chu Hao team was doing, they almost made all of them. The same decision, move forward, regardless of service rank, everyone will move forward!

Soon, the coalition forces surged towards the place where the ground shaking was the most severe. There were no deserters and no defeat. Even if the casualties were so heavy that they were beyond description, the morale of the army itself was gradually rising. At this point, a splintered rapid-action force is watching all this silently, and Chu Hao and Zhang Heng Aoqi are in the center of this rapid-action force, looking at the fire group in the mist in front of them. The color of burning blood and fire...

Since Chu Hao left the command vehicle, his expression remained the same. Only the occasional sadness in his eyes was so obvious. He just stared at his watch silently. Ten minutes arrived soon, and he took a deep breath. After a sigh of relief, he said to the messenger next to him: "I order the whole army to set off in a curve to avoid the main battlefield. My team and I will be the leader. Any escaper will execute a deserter shooting, and at the same time, protect our'greeting ceremony'. ,now…"

"Set off!"

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