Dawn Infinity

Vol 13 Chapter 8: : Retreat

After everything was done, Chu Hao ignored how the Sixth Division dealt with the five giant bears, and retreated alone in the underground internal weapons test field of this military base. 【For more wonderful novels, please visit】

In fact, since the end of the last horror film, he has been thinking about retreating for a while, but does he have extra time? The ten-day time of the main **** space is really an inch of time, there can be no delay at all, and after returning to this real world, although there are three months of exchange time, I am busy with organizing, busy with reincarnation army, and busy setting up reincarnation army. Points system, busy with wrangling with leaders of various countries, he is too busy, he is so busy that he has no time to retreat and increase his strength.

But now, he managed to squeeze out a little time. Before the Sixth Division of Reincarnation was ready, he could retreat for a short time, so he naturally didn't dare to waste a little time, so he retreats immediately.

These four plans have been made since the end of the last horror film. At the end of that horror film, he relied on a very accidental combination to form a magic composed of two strange and unknown runes, that magic Although it was the hand of the lowest-level mage, its power surpassed his imagination, and it completely sealed the unimaginable colorful deer-shaped creature.

After he returned to the main **** space, he actually experimented in the next few days before returning to the real world, but he was unable to do this at all. Although he condensed magic charms after experiencing the scene of the last horror movie. The speed of the text has been greatly improved, and the speed of calculating magic runes has also been greatly improved. The magic has been refined to the point where there are eight core runes left, but it is impossible to reach the point of two core runes at all, even It can't really reach the eight core runes. Every time it is refined and condensed to the eight core runes, the magic will directly collapse, and even his spirit will be hurt by backlash.

And now this retreat is to let you know what the limit you can reach at the moment is, the limit of using magic...

Before he came to this world, the only thing he exchanged for himself was a level four magic. The name was called monsters. It could summon hundreds of types of creatures. They were all monsters that met the strength of level four magic. The level of magic power is converted to the life force of the creature to be summoned. In theory, up to five monsters can be summoned. However, if five monsters are summoned, each monster may be a low-level monster. At the level of four magic power, if only one monster is summoned, it may be a real four magic power monster. (Starting)

But Chu Hao discovered that if according to his current limit level, that is, if the condensed magic core rune is close to eight levels, then the monsters he summoned must be five, and the strength of each monster Will reach the limit of level four magic. Generally speaking, if an ordinary magician uses level four to summon a monster, it may be ten or twenty times. When only one monster is summoned, the raging bear he has summoned may appear.

Chu Hao conducted this test dozens of times underneath the base. In the end, he finally confirmed this. Now his magic, if used in terms of dnd, is that the magic is extremely effective. Powerful, magic delay, three magic specialties, and it is a constant addition with no additional consumption and load. For example, his other magic power is also greatly increased now, and it is the same in the normal use state.

Take fireball, for example, the fireballs he uses casually now are all light blue. The explosive power can cover a range of nearly 30 meters, and the maximum spread can reach about 150 meters. This is no longer the so-called fireball. It is powerful. For example, his forbidden light technique, as long as he wants, he can completely cover the base of the forbidden light technique. Of course, he can't cover the whole island, but it is completely possible to cover the base itself. This has already been explained. Changes in his magical power.

And it’s not just that...

During the retreat, Chu Hao tried out his own wide-area magic circle and narrow-area single magic. Each of them has greatly improved, and the burden on himself is getting smaller. This all shows. He got a lot of benefits in that strange state, but there was also a situation that worries him, that is, the divine particle seemed to be a little disobedient.

This is a very strange feeling. The divine particle is surrounded by a dot that has nothing. It is not unusable, but every time the divine particle is used, the surround will be destroyed, and the divine particle will produce a kind of "Dissatisfaction", yes, it feels weird and surprising. Chu Hao can indeed mobilize the divine particles as usual. When using the divine particles, there will be this feeling, as if the divine particles are unwilling to leave there. The surrounding queue is the same.

Chu Hao repeatedly confirmed that there is nothing in the middle of the divine nature, but these divine natures have shown this, so after eliminating all the impossible, there is only one answer... there is one invisible and untouchable. Something or existence that can't even be sensed, otherwise, the divine particle won't be like that.

But since it was something that he couldn't see, touch, or even perceive, he was helpless now, so he could only record this matter for future study.

In any case, the short four-day retreat was quickly over, and all his images and records under this base are listed as the top secret of the rebel organization, second only to the final dogma... Back, what was in the final dogma? This was something that even Chu Hao and Li Ganglei didn't know, so in other words, his magical image record was the real top secret.

In these four days, the test of the Sixth Division of Samsara was also over. Although Chu Hao said that he made the five violent giant bears be merciless, he actually only wounded them and did not kill them, otherwise it would be dense here. In this jungle, without air support, artillery support, or even any intelligence support, no matter how elite these soldiers are, at least dozens of people will die in this jungle.

However, although the five violent giant bears are merciful, they still have a good lesson for these arrogant soldiers. At least they have told them that when they do not have the advantages of logistics and firepower, their elites are actually not much better than the ancient soldiers, and Barreton Knowing that there might be cold weapon battles on the next battlefield, he immediately let these nearly a thousand people start cold weapon training.

A variety of standard equipment has also arrived. In addition to the most sophisticated personal thermal weapons, cold weapons have also arrived, such as long bayonet with a bloodletting slot, such as a new composite body armor with superior defense, which can not only defend against bows and crossbows, The defensive power for melee combat is also far superior to that of metal armor, and it is light and alloy crossbow. It uses the upper arrow trigger optimized by modern mechanics. The shooting and reloading speed is not much slower than the old shell gun, but the power is much more than that of the shell gun.

In this way, although these equipment are cold weapons, for the real feudal army, these weapons are undoubtedly crushed. This is the best Chu Hao can do. The rest depends on this one. The efforts of the army and its officers, to be honest, he has great expectations for this reincarnation army, and this time, it is time to verify this expectation.

Time just passed day by day. Whether it was Chu Hao or Li Ganglei, they were as busy as dogs, flying almost everywhere in the world. After all, the Samsara army plan and the comprehensive cooperation plan were too busy There is so much work to be completed, and these tasks cannot be taken over by people other than the two, and they must go there in person.

In addition to the three existing divisions, the fourth division is also under preparation. At present, there are retired generals from Germany, Britain, France, country Z, Israel...and other countries applying to become division commanders. As for the specific candidates , Chu Hao and Li Ganglei have a slight disagreement, so no candidate has been decided yet. This time Chu Hao returned and brought back enough life-saving medicine. Except for half of the inventory for emergency, the rest of the life-saving medicine was basically Three new divisions can be formed to pay the military salary of their school officers and generals.

However, a division is not established as soon as it is established. Each division has its own completely independent military base~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the rebel organization has bases all over the world, most of the bases are hidden. There are only three monitoring small bases that can become military bases. Therefore, Chu Hao and Li Ganglei have another task to seek military base support from various countries, and each country also uses military bases as a bargaining chip to strongly recommend their own countries. Retired old military officers, etc. So far, the reincarnation army has become a sweet bun. All countries want to rush to take a bite. There are only ten commanders. Those smaller countries, such as Israel, such as Japan, have their expectations. It is the colonel. In short, as long as you can enter the army of reincarnation, it means that you can cut a piece of this big plane cake in the future. Moreover, the soldiers and officers in these divisions will sooner or later retire. At that time, these officers and soldiers who were familiar with plane combat were the wealth of their respective nationalities!

Time slowly passed, finally the time when Chu Hao was about to return, and now, he still has one last difficulty to solve...

How to put these thousands of people into the prototype plane, and let them safely reach the end of the world of reincarnation...

Unable to do so, Chu Hao returned to the headquarters and used the Trinity supercomputer, and began to calculate the safety zone in the prototype plane and the law of the passage of time.

But what he didn't expect was that he discovered something weird while calculating...

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