Dawn Infinity

Vol 13 Chapter 19: : Sage Chu Hao

As early as when Chu Hao and others left the beach, the reincarnation army had already sent personnel into the city of Argos, changed into Medieval European linen clothes, smeared themselves, and looked no different from humans in this world. And these personnel are all proficient in the ability to detect spies. In just a few days, almost no one noticed, and a lot of intelligence information has been detected. (Starting)

This is a world where people and gods live together. God’s kingdom does not leave the material world. Even by walking and climbing, one can walk to the kingdom of God in the flesh. Therefore, there will naturally be contradictions between God and people because of contact. If the weather is good, mankind will be grateful for God’s gift and offer sacrifices and piety, but as the famine intensifies, mankind has doubts about God, but God takes a stronger posture when demanding more sacrifices and beliefs. , The contradiction broke out...

This is the contradiction between man and god. Similarly, the contradiction between man and man still exists. As Chu Hao expected, in this ancient society, the nobles are high above, and the soldiers and landlords are in the middle. The people are at the bottom of the pyramid. When the famine happened, the nobles still enjoyed the luxurious life as usual, which led to the intensification of the contradictions between the classes. This is simply an explosive barrel that can be detonated at any time. It depends on whoever Come to light it.

In addition, some gossip, as well as the nearby terrain, the size of the country, the approximate population, and the number of gods, and even the cultural atmosphere of the area, were all found by these professional spies, or even none at all. Anyone who notices their existence has already completed the most basic detection.

The reason why Chu Hao decided to go to Argos first, in addition to starting the layout following the unfolding of the plot, he also found something beneficial to him in the information, that is, the existence of the sages that exist in this world...

People in this world, or civilization, because of the existence of gods, and the true existence that can be seen occasionally, is not just a belief like totem and idol, so the civilization of this world is There is a kind of reverence and affirmation for the power beyond human beings, that is, affirming its real existence, not just illusory.

In fact, there are races that use magic exist in the desert Gobi, and there are many fantasy races that coexist with humans in this world. There is no reason for people not to believe in these supernatural powers. Among the countless supernatural powers, the most popular It is not the gods or the demigods born of gods and humans that are admired, but the so-called sages are truly praised and praised by people. (Starting)

The legend of the sage has endured in the civilization of this world for a long time. In fact, it has been similar to the image of heroes, epics, or legendary masters. It is similar to the characters of Zuo Ci in the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history. Or the figures like Merlin, the mastermind next to King Arthur in the legend of England, may be fewer than the gods, but they are special people respected by the people from the bottom to the highest kings.

Regardless of appearance, age and gender, sages firstly have extensive knowledge. They almost know astronomy, personnel, and geography. It can be said that in the human imagination of this world, sages should be such a person. Humanoid library, so it is taken for granted that the age of the sage should be the kind of gray-haired, preferably the kind who can breathe while walking. In fact, Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings fits this image very well.

Secondly, don’t look at sages who seem to be too old to walk, but sages are definitely very powerful creatures. Yes, they can no longer be regarded as humans. They have the power of magic, and they can easily slaughter an army. , They have the power to change matter, and they can even foresee the future...

In short, in human legends, the so-called sage is the kind of omnipotent role that can almost perform miracles. In some oral epics, even the gods have to seek sages, but I want to know what the sage actually means in the consciousness of people in this world.

Chu Hao decided to become a sage. He was sure, or that he was actually a sage to people in this world. He needed knowledge and knowledge, strength and power, and foreseeing the future as well as foreseeing the future. In contrast, , I’m afraid that if there is a sage in this world, maybe it’s not as good as him, right?

The only shortcoming is age, but it can also be said to have immortality, or simply make up a few hundred years old. As long as there is strength in the body, age is not the most important thing, and his purpose is not this human country. More of it lies in the male protagonist...

When Chu Hao wore a white robe and held an oak cane in one hand, he seemed to walk towards the city gate leisurely, and beside him, Zhang Heng and the other three accompanying soldiers, all dressed in line with this The only difference in the dress of the times is that Zhang Heng is dressed as an archer, while the other three soldiers are dressed as fully armed melee fighters.

These five people walked to the gate of the city. In addition to the two ancient Greek-style classical soldiers, there were many civilians who were not as good as beggars sitting in the gate passage of the city. I saw these five people. Although they wear almost the same clothes as them, they are totally different from them. This is actually very simple. Just like our modern look at old photos of the past few decades, we always feel that those people seem to be very earthy. This is a truth. , This is only a few decades, for Chu Hao and Zhang Heng, the age gap with these people is even greater, so the spiritual temperament gap between them is even greater.

When Chu Hao and others approached, the two soldiers were still in a daze, but the civilians behind them all stood up and looked at the five people curiously. They were still whispering and discussing this. At the same time, Chu Hao didn’t hesitate at all. He walked directly to the two soldiers and said directly to them: “Tell your king, just say that Chu Hao, the sage in the wilderness, is here to see you. Help you."

During this period of time, from the plot point of view, the **** of Pluto has already been in this city, and he threatened to release the Kraken during the solar eclipse soon, and then the entire city will be destroyed. The people in the entire city should obviously know this situation, so fear, doomsday, and escape all appeared. Chu Hao took advantage of this opportunity to get his status as a sage.

Sure enough, after Chu Hao's words were spoken, the two soldiers were just a little taken aback, and immediately uttered in ecstasy. They actually immediately left Chu Hao, rushed past the crowd of civilians, and ran towards the palace in the city. Go, running and shouting in cheers, there are sages coming, there are sages coming, this situation can see Chu Hao and others sweating on their foreheads... They are really ancient people who have no sense of secrecy.

But that's okay, Chu Hao continued to maintain his solemn expression, holding his cane, as if an old man looked through the vicissitudes of the city gate, and the civilians, after a long silence, many uttered Cheers, of course, there were many people who were skeptical and still whispering there. Of course, the crowd gathered at the gate of the city was more and more, and even Chu Hao saw the scene that appeared in the plot. Two hunter brothers.

After a while, a group of soldiers came hurriedly with more than a dozen nobles. The leader was an old man wearing a king's crown that symbolized his status. Before the person approached, the voice had passed over and said: "Xian Sir, your sage, welcome to the great Argos, here is the most glorious...city..."

Getting closer, the king has seen Chu Hao and others. Obviously, Chu Hao’s costume is the costume of the legendary sage. Although the king has obviously never seen those sages in the epic in his life, but about The epic of a sage has been passed down through the ages, image, abilities, achievements, etc. It is naturally impossible for him to not know, but... never any sage can be so young.

Chu Hao smiled slightly, he stroked it out with one hand, and an invisible force rushed forward, and immediately blocked the group of people behind the king~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This powerful but gentle force just forced them. Stopped and couldn't get close by one step, but it didn't hurt them.

The king clearly noticed the strangeness. When he looked back, his expression was astonished and taken for granted. When he looked back, Chu Hao had already walked towards him step by step, and said as he walked: "I am a sage living in the wilderness. When I was my grandfather Zeng Zeng, I had already begun to live in seclusion, so don’t judge the age of a sage from his appearance, that is just to deceive your eyes."

The king immediately lowered his head slightly with respect, and then said: "Dear Sage Chu Hao, please come with me. I will entertain you in the hall. Your arrival will definitely save my country and save this. City, cheer, soldiers, cheer, subjects, our Argos, we are saved!"

The invisible force just now really shocked these soldiers, nobles and civilians. Although they still have a little doubt about the identity of the sage Chu Hao, it did not affect their excitement about the arrival of hope. Suddenly, cheers were everywhere. The city is like the grandest festival...

And Chu Hao still maintained his old look, naturally and casually followed behind the king, and slowly walked towards the palace...

The identity of a sage...at hand!

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